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Money Journal

What does “SET” do and how does it work?

On your Savings wallets the SET button allows you to manually set the opening balance of that wallet today and override past calculations. This is useful in situations when you’ve forgotten to track your savings in a while and your actual savings amount is out of sync.

How do I create a recurring transaction?

In Fold recurring transactions must be created as a bill or an income. You first create a bill or income wallet, then add a category, setting a cycle frequency and corresponding start and end dates. The app then automatically creates a transaction for every past, present and future cycle; creating a schedule to help you track, plan and forecast.


Each cycle transaction starts off with a fixed amount that you set while creating the category, however you can edit the amount each cycle if your bills or income have variable amounts each cycle.

How do I add a bill that is only once off or non-recurring?

Each bill wallet that you create automatically comes with the function to add an “ad hoc” bill. This will allow you to add a bill transaction at any time.

What is the difference between the currency settings on more, wallet and categories?

Fold provides you flexibility to control currency at multiple levels. The default currency on the app is based on your location, so if you’re located in Canada, your currency will default to CAD when you create an account. You can navigate to the More > Currency to change this default currency after creating an account.


Wallets also have a currency setting which overrides your account’s currency. A common use case for this is having a different wallet to manage overseas transactions. When you view and open a wallet, all amounts for that wallet are displayed in the wallet’s currency.


Categories you create also have a currency setting, which defaults to the wallet’s currency. You may want to create wallets with categories that have different currencies.


Finally, transactions also have a currency setting. When a transaction is created the transaction’s category currency is used as a default.

What is a cycle?

A cycle refers to a set period of time. There are different cycle types that have different periods of time:

  • Daily: 24 hours

  • Weekly: 7 days

  • 2 weekly / Fortnightly: 14 days

  • Monthly: depending on the given month

  • Yearly: 12 months

Why does the start date and end date keep changing when I change cycle settings?

To simplify how transactions are tracked and calculated the start date and end date are automatically adjusted so that any cycle setting changes include a complete cycle only.


For example if you initially had a monthly cycle that started on January 1 (Thursday) but later changed it to a weekly cycle that starts on a Monday, the start date would be adjusted to January 5 (Monday). This ensures that calculations are accurate and include a full week, not a partial week.

What is rollover?

Your budgets have a setting called “rollover”. When you enable rollover any amount over or under your budget limit from the previous cycles will be carried over to the limit for this cycle. For example if you had a budget of $200 per week and last week you went over your budget by $100, then this week your budget limit is only $100.

How is my cash flow calculated?

Cash flow is simply the sum of cash you earn and spend. There are two components of cash flow: cash IN and cash OUT. Cash IN includes your salary and any amounts you add on your Cash wallet by using the “+” button. Cash OUT includes all bill transactions you create and any other spending you track against your budgets.

About Migration: What happened to Budget Tracker?

Thank you for being one of the early supporters of the app. Budget Tracker has now been replaced by Fold. The majority of the features available on Budget Tracker has been enhanced and transformed into Fold.


This means that your data needs to be migrated from Budget Tracker over to Fold. You don't have to do anything but tap "Start Migration" to begin the Migration process. Your budgets and categories will be carried over. Your Premium from Budget Tracker will also carry over to Fold.

Once you start the migration make sure you wait until the data migration has finished before closing the app to avoid any data loss.  Please contact support if you are experiencing any issues at:

How do I change my username?

Contact the support team in order to change your username:


Need help in using Fold? Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the app.

How do I change my email address?

Contact the support team in order to change your email address:

How does the app work?

There are three key concepts to understand in Fold: wallets, transactions and categories. 


Wallets serve unique purposes that are tailored to a specific aspect of financial planning, for example: saving money, budgeting or tracking bills. Each wallet type has its own functionality that has been designed to make it easy for you to plan your finances.


All events that involve movement of money are captured in Fold as transactions. Each transaction belongs to a wallet and contains details such as an amount, description and date. 


To make sense of your transactions you can create and personalise your own categories. Categories are used as a way to group your transactions in a meaningful way.

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