Honey Garlic Sauce (Gluten Free)

"It's hard to find good gluten free sauces. Why not make your own? This honey garlic sauce is one of the best you'll ever have and is super fast and easy!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
2 cups




  • In a saucepan over medium high heat, melt the margarine.
  • Saute the garlic until tender.
  • Add broth, honey, soy sauce, vinegar, and brown sugar. Simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring often.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the cornstarch and water. Whisk into the hot mixture stirring constantly until the sauce is slightly thickened.

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  1. I used red wine vinegar because that's what I had, added extra garlic and and some ginger paste. So excited that I am able to have this sauce for my stir fry it is delicious! Thank you for posting!
  2. Very yummy! It was wxactly what i was looking for :)
  3. Good and easy sauce but I agree, it's missing something and I made it twice. I think I might add some sesame oil, more garlic or ginger next time.
  4. I had no corn starch handy so I substituted potato starch. While still in the pot it smelled like gravy, but on the stir-fry, it tasted good, not like gravy at all. I agree, the recipe could use a little more "zip." I am going to try to freeze some of the extra sauce I made - will report back.
  5. It was really great, I choose this because it looked good, even though there are no gluten allergies in my family. I added 4 lg garlic cloves, just a taste preference. The only thing was that I felt it was missing a little "zip", next time I will trying adding a pinch of ginger or mabey some hot pepper. Other than that, is was great. Thanks zepharum.



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