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Spring 2024, flourishing moments and fresh beginnings await

When does spring start? The first day of spring will arrive with all its light and colors between the 19th and 21st of March in the northern hemisphere and the 22nd or 23rd of September in the southern hemisphere. And with spring also comes new trends in design, and you can't be left behind. Take advantage of all the resources and give your social... Show more

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Spring designs for your projects


Symbols of spring: Learn about them to make your designs stand out

Spring Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(50, 64, 1)
  • RGB rgb(50, 64, 1)
  • CMYK rgb(50, 64, 1)
  • HSL rgb(50, 64, 1)
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Our Army Green recruit is ready for combat, Captain Spring

No, we’re not going to go to a color war, but you know the Army Green disposition and discipline. Army Green is one of the most characteristic spring colors because of its resemblance to nature. We know this color as Army Green because it is the color that armies use for their soldiers, but why? Because this color, being so similar to the greenish shades of forests and nature, was perfect for camouflage and to keep safe from enemies. Army Green is a color that we use for its neutrality and for not attracting all our senses. It is a color that is widely used to make the user feel that a product is natural or ecological, reminiscent of the wildest nature.

  • HEX rgb(90, 115, 2)
  • RGB rgb(90, 115, 2)
  • CMYK rgb(90, 115, 2)
  • HSL rgb(90, 115, 2)
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Avocado is always a good choice

Are you an avocado lover? If so, you are going to love the chromatic palette of spring, because the color avocado has a strong presence in all the designs. As you can see, it belongs to the green color range, so it conveys a feeling of balance, youth and nature, that’s why we use it to talk about the amazing spring. In addition, if you compare both shades of green in this spring palette, you can see that Avocado has a higher yellow content than Army Green, so it is lighter and more cheerful. We like to combine this Avocado color with shades of yellow, especially because we are talking about cheerful themes such as spring; but outside the context of spring you can combine Avocado with Blue Sapphire or Byzantium, which are the ones that form a triad.

  • HEX rgb(193, 184, 62)
  • RGB rgb(193, 184, 62)
  • CMYK rgb(193, 184, 62)
  • HSL rgb(193, 184, 62)
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What happens to Vegas Gold stays with Vegas Gold

Gold has always reminded us of luxury, beauty and elegance, but Vegas Gold in this context invites us to enjoy spring, to leave the cold winter behind and make way for the sun. Vegas Gold color is part of the orange color range, although it has a yellow charge; as you can see, it belongs to a more muted amber spectrum. The colors of this chromatic range transmit feelings of joy, carefree, we are invaded by the good energy of bright colors such as yellow and orange, which are the ones that make up this curious Vegas Gold, which has nothing to do with Nevada. Within our spring color palette, this color works very well as an intermediary between green and yellow shades.

  • HEX rgb(255, 220, 57)
  • RGB rgb(255, 220, 57)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 220, 57)
  • HSL rgb(255, 220, 57)
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Spring brings with it Sizzling Sunrise

Spring always brings light, and illuminates every element of nature. Don’t you just love sunrises? We love the color Sizzling Sunrise because it very well transmits the feelings that invade us in spring: illusion, joy, it reminds us of nature, the sun, and not only because it is yellow. Like all colors in the yellow range, this is a youthful color, which will make your designs more striking, as it is a color that catches the eye and focuses the user’s attention, so you should use it wisely. Outside the context of spring, it is a color that you can also use with other equally vivid colors, such as Sea Green Crayola with which it forms a triad along with Phlox; you will not go wrong if you use these three colors together. Of course, we assure you that it will be a design that will attract a lot of attention.

  • HEX rgb(224, 168, 1)
  • RGB rgb(224, 168, 1)
  • CMYK rgb(224, 168, 1)
  • HSL rgb(224, 168, 1)
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With the light of Goldenrod’s petals

What are spring colors? They are bright hues that capture the spirit of the season. One of those spring colors is Goldenrod. It is one of the characteristic colors of this time of year, with pollination and how the bees get more and more goldenrods throughout the territory. As it is a color from the orange range, it also conveys that feeling of energy and optimism, but it also fits with the idea of spring, blooming. Goldenrod has a slightly darker shade than Sizzling Sunrise, so it may dull your design a bit if you overuse it. You have a wide variety of colors within this very spring-like color palette. In other contexts you can combine Goldenrod with its complementary split Green Blue Crayola, you can't go wrong if you use them together.


Let’s make spring legendary. What does each culture say about this season?

Spring has always caused curiosity in all cultures, and each culture has an explanation for the meteorological changes of spring. Why do flowers start to grow, and why is the sun warmer at the end of March? The Greeks sought a very original explanation to make sense of spring, and the Egyptians also found arguments to support these changes in the weather. And as the flowers begin to bloom and fill all the parks with color, as is the case in Japan. How beautiful spring is! Ready to know the most interesting stories about spring? Discover the legends surrounding the season of flowers and bees.

Greek Mythology

The beginning of spring

The Myth of Persephone

How did the Greeks explain the beginning of spring? With the myth of Persephone. Persephone was the daughter of Demeter, goddess of agriculture, and was kidnapped by Hades while she was picking flowers with some nymphs. Demeter couldn’t find her daughter because she had been abducted by the god of the underworld. Demeter was heartbroken, so she abandoned her work, causing the fields to dry up and the fruits to stop growing. Zeus forced Hades to return Persephone to Earth, but she had eaten six pomegranate grains, and those who eat with the dead can’t return to Earth. Moved by her pain, Hades makes a deal with Demeter and lets Persephone return to Earth, but for only six months a year, she will spend the other six with him in the underworld. Thus, Persephone spends spring and summer with her mother; for the remainder of the year, she is in the underworld with Hades. Her mother waits anxiously for her, which results in the onset of autumn and winter.

Native American Mythology

Quite a unique celebration

The arrival of Katsinas

The Hopi Indians had many unique ways to celebrate the arrival of spring. The Hopi celebrated the Osomuya rituals during March with nightly dances that created an atmosphere of prosperity for life. The gods, that is, the Katsinas, came to visit them and would stay with them from March to July. After the dances, the foot races would take place between the tribesmen and the Katsinas. Next was the planting ceremony, in which the tribe began planting beans, pumpkins, and other crops to harvest in July. Finally, the Niman ceremony, which was when the Katsinas left after bringing life and prosperity to the tribe, until the following year, when they returned with the dances. This is how the Hopi explained how their orchards flourished and their environment filled with life.

Egyptian Mythology

Osiris’s death

The arrival of spring

As mentioned, each society has its own way of explaining natural phenomena, and the ancient Egyptians had a very particular way of explaining the Nile floods and the sowing season. According to Egyptian mythology, spring is born because of the death of Osiris at the hands of his brother Seth. Osiris, the agricultural god and king of the gods, was married to Isis, and his brother Seth was married to Nephthys, Isis’s twin sister. Osiris one night had sex with Nephthys, mistaking her for his wife, and Seth, upon finding out, decided to kill Osiris and thus also get the throne of his brother. Osiris died, and his dismembered body ended up in the Nile. Isis mourned the death of her husband and filled the Nile with her tears, which caused it to overflow into the nearby areas, and the harvest began to grow. Thus, it became the reason for the sowing season and spring. But she did not give up, and with her power and that of Nephthys, they mummified and resurrected Osiris. To non-life because he was still in the world of the dead.

Legends in Japan

Sakura and Yoshiro

The beginning of the cherry blossoms

We really enjoy love stories, and the legend with which Japan explains the beginning of spring touches our hearts. According to legend, a woodland fairy took pity on a young tree that looked sad and old from seeing so many warriors. The fairy told him that she wanted to help him be beautiful and full of life. The fairy cast a spell that would last 20 years, with which the tree would feel as if it had a human heart and could become a tree or a human whenever it wanted. The tree had only witnessed war and could not find beauty in the world until he met Sakura, a young girl he encountered by the river. Introducing himself as Yohiro, the tree confided in Sakura about his sad existence. But as the time given by the fairy passed, Yohiro returned to his tree form. One day, Sakura came to him and hugged him. The fairy asked Sakura if she wanted to become human or become a tree like Yohiro to be with him forever. Sakura chose to become a tree, and together, they bloomed, giving us the iconic cherry blossoms of Japan.


Spring equinox celebrations around the world

Spring traditions. Each country has its own spring celebration; some people participate in races with colored powder, others go to the park to see cherry blossoms, and there are even those who clean their houses from top to bottom. Do you know the most representative tradition of spring? Take a look at them and choose your favorite.

United States

Spring can be magical in the United States because there are so many ways to celebrate it. One of the most typical spring traditions is the easter egg hunt. The children have to find the chocolate eggs that have been hidden. In addition, many of us take advantage of the spring to deep clean and organize the house. This way, we remove all the feelings that winter left us and all the junk, too. Instead of throwing their stuff away, some people prefer to have yard sales. All are solutions to get rid of what we do not need. Not only do they clean in the USA, but they also organize great festivals, such as the Cherry Blossom Festival. Although it is a custom that originated in Japan, you can also enjoy this event in the USA because, in 1912, Japan gave 3,000 Yoshiro Cherry trees to the USA. If you are in New York, we suggest you visit the Highland Park Lilac Festival in Rochester. This park was donated to the residents of Rochester in 1887. You can also visit the most famous rodeo, the Clark County Fair & Rodeo, in Nevada, USA. You have a lot of possibilities in the U.S. spring.


Bung Ban Fai is the most striking festival in Thailand and is also known as the fireworks festival. This tradition celebrates the onset of the rainy season, which indicates the time of rice planting. They decorate rockets with the Naga serpent to encourage romantic mischief because there is a myth that when the gods are in love the rains come. The Songkran festival is the water party that marks the New Year in Thailand and is one of the most important elements of Thai culture. Thais pour water on themselves to remove their bad luck and also take the opportunity to clean the Buddha images. Wan Lai is celebrated at the same time as Songkran in Chonburi province, between Bangkok and Pattaya. Thais bring sand to their local temple to make merit and give back to the Earth the sand that was removed by their feet. Held from April 16 to 20, the festival sees Bang Saen Beach transformed into a sand-sculpture gallery of stupendous craftsmanship. You can also celebrate the tradition of Thai Day of the Dead in Phi Ta Khon, in which the locals wear masks to represent the myth of the disappearance of Prince Vessantara, who, after a long time away, they thought he was dead, but he returned, and the joy of the locals was so great that it awoke the dead.


In India, spring is also celebrated with joy. During the Rongali Bihu, local children in Assam ride their bicycles from house to house, dancing to Bihu songs, which signify the arrival of the new year, and people give them sweets. In Puri, the Rath Yatra is celebrated. It is the oldest chariot festival in the world and takes place in the temple city of Odisha. It is believed that Lord Jagannath, the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu and Krishna, is the only Hindu god who leaves his seat in the temple to visit his devotees. During the festival, Lord Jagannath, along with two other gods, leaves the main temple and travels around the city on the special chariots made for them. The most famous of them all is the Holi festival, which you will know as the festival of colors. It begins the last full moon of the Hindu lunar month, Phalguna, which usually coincides with mid-February or early March. With this festival, Hindus celebrate the victory of good over evil. It lasts two days, and on the first night, they build giant pyres and sing and dance all night around the fire and the next day is when the explosion of color that we all know occurs.

United Kingdom

In the UK, there are many customs during the spring. The sun arrives in the British lands and, with it, the festivals begin. The most recognized festival in the United Kingdom is May Day, which is celebrated on the first Monday of May and has Celtic origins. Flowers are picked to decorate the houses' doors, the villages' streets are decorated with garlands, and children dance around colorful ribbons. Within May Day, you can also celebrate Jack in the Green, a tradition of Celtic origin, which was to cut a tree and fill it with garlands. The English celebrate a particular contest in which people have to dress up in garlands, like a Christmas tree, where you can not see any of the body and almost do not even know who is under the costume. This holiday began to be called Jack in the Green. During the spring, the British celebrate very interesting festivals, such as the Gloucester Rolling Cheese Festival. Every year, many people gather to throw four kilos of cheese down Cooper’s Hill, and they have to catch the rolling cheese before anyone else.


The year starts with spring in Iran. The beginning of the year is celebrated as the northern hemisphere enters the beginning of spring. Nowruz means new day and is celebrated both in Iran and in the Persian diaspora. Although it is celebrated on the day spring begins, many people decide to start preparations weeks in advance, performing ritual dances and filling household vessels with water to attract health and good luck. During Nowruz, people visit cemeteries and bring offerings to the dead. This is a holiday celebrating fertility and new life. On the family tables, seven offerings are placed to represent the values of the holiday, including fertility, patience, love, and wealth. In 2009, Unesco recognized the Nowruz festival as part of the intangible heritage of humanity, noting that it promotes the values of peace and solidarity. This holiday is also celebrated in Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan.


The equinox marks the change of seasons, and in Mexico, they have a particular way of celebrating spring. According to ancient Mexican worldviews, the arrival of spring signifies the triumph of good over evil and the elimination of bad energies. The ancient Mexican cultures were great observers of the sky, so when the spring equinox occurred, they visited the great astronomical observatories created by the Mayas and Aztecs to recharge positive energy. Today, many people visit Teotihuacan during spring break in Mexico, climbing the 360 steps of the Pyramid of the Sun. Visitors dress in white and perform rituals of purification and renewal to ask for good health, which consists of raising their arms towards the sun and placing their index finger on the central point of the pyramid. Many visitors also come to Chichén Itzá to enjoy the most important astronomical phenomenon of the year. The pyramid dedicated to Kukulcan serves as a visual symbol of day and night. The sun creates a play of light and a shadow of a snake slithering down the staircase.


In the southern hemisphere, spring in Australia is celebrated by welcoming blooming flowers starting in September. If you are in Australia, you must visit Canberra's Commonwealth Park, as it is bursting with life and beauty. For 30 days, from mid-September to mid-October, you can enjoy the flowers. Visitors to Australia's Floriade can enjoy more than a million flowers, accompanied by live musical performances. Floriade was the idea of landscape architect Christiaan Slotemaker. He began the design in 1986 and based it on a famous garden in the Netherlands. His design concept was the multiculturalism of the Australian nation, so he used both Dutch and Aboriginal floral designs. Floriade brings together all the cultures of Australia.


As we have already told, spring in Japan is accompanied by a beautiful legend. The two lovers turn into cherry trees to be together for eternity. Between late March and early April, cherry blossoms begin to bloom and color the parks all over Japan. It is very common to find entire families visiting Tokyo’s parks to admire the blossoms. Families take off their shoes and sit together to enjoy the pink scenery created by the cherry blossoms. Many events are organized around the Japanese cherry blossom festival to live an authentic experience. Not only the trees and parks are pink, but also the local businesses, schools, and all the streets. From north to south, you can see Japan in bloom. Twice a year, the cherry trees bloom, and visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery again.
