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Called to Coach
Leveraging Strengths for Improved Employee Engagement
Called to Coach

Leveraging Strengths for Improved Employee Engagement

Webcast Details

  • What connections has Gallup found between strengths and employee engagement?
  • How can the strengths-engagement combo help teams boost productivity and meet challenges?
  • How can the give-and-take of listening to feedback from others and giving (and receiving) recognition enhance team cohesion and engagement?

Below are audio and video plus a transcript of the conversation, including time stamps.


What does it mean to be an engaged employee, and what does Gallup know about how strengths can accelerate employee engagement? How can an organizational culture of engagement, in turn, encourage employees to use their strengths in a way that promotes teamwork, collegiality and productivity? Gallup's Justin Wiley joins Jim Collison for this LinkedIn Live episode of the webcast to help you and those you coach, along with leaders and organizations, get a firmer grasp of the power of the strengths-engagement connection.


I truly believe employee engagement is the perfect intersection between doing what's right for organizations ... [and] support[ing] what's right for employees.

Justin Wiley, 3:29

A strengths-based approach to management is the single best means of improving the relationship between employee and manager.

Justin Wiley, 6:30

Jim Collison 0:04
Hello, friends, my name is Jim Collison. I'm Gallup's CliftonStrengths® Community Manager. We want to welcome you today. Today, I'm with Justin Wiley, and Justin, great to have you on the program. Welcome!

Justin Wiley 0:14
Yeah. Thank you so much, Jim. Thanks for having me.

Meet Our Guest on This Episode

Jim Collison 0:16
Great to have you here. Before we get started, for individuals coming in and joining us, us if you're joining us there on LinkedIn, we'd love to hear from you. If you know your, your CliftonStrengths Top 5, put those in chat; we'll display them on the screen. And then we have a question for you as well, and I'll remind, remind you of this question a couple times: Which strength, which theme are you using this week to feel more energized at, at work? Maybe you're learning, leaning into a particular theme. And so, Justin, I'm gonna ask you that question in a second. But let's get to know you a little bit. Justin, tell us what you do for Gallup. And then give us your Top 5.

Justin Wiley 0:48
I am an Associate Principal at Gallup. So I work directly with clients who implement some of our advisory solutions around engagement, culture -- and strengths being a big piece of that. And my Top 5 are Command, Activator®, Maximizer®, Communication® and Achiever.

Jim Collison 1:04
Love that. If I were to turn that question on you for a second, and you think about this week, you can say a theme or a group of themes or whatever, but what, what would you -- what do you use to bring energy to work?

Justin Wiley 1:17
Activator. I, I lead into my Activator every day, sometimes making decisions too quickly. But I will say, I do really enjoy starting new things, kicking off new projects and bringing energy from the get-go.

Jim Collison 1:32
Yeah, I have Activator 5 as well. I lean into it often. If things get a little too slow, I get a little restless, right, so it's always good to be doing new things. Can you give me, give me an example -- while folks are chiming in with their Top 5, Producer Reilly behind the scenes is bringing those in for us, which is super awesome; that improves my engagement when she does that for us. So, but, Justin, give me, can you give me, give me, give me an example, maybe, of something like this week that you did, where Activator could kick in, and it really helped?

Justin Wiley 2:04
I would say this conversation. You know, this isn't something that I regularly do. I would say this is something that doesn't align to exactly what's expected of me every day. But having the opportunity to do things on the side to participate in new sorts of activities definitely feeds my Activator. Very exciting, because I get to, you know, start on something new. Think about all the possibilities. And then, you know, having this conversation is a great opportunity to lean into Activator there.

Measuring Employee Engagement

Jim Collison 2:34
Love that. I love that. Thanks for sharing that. We, again, we'll remind individuals who are watching us live, if you'd like to drop your Top 5 there in chat, we have a question about what are, With your Top 5, what are you using or what did you use this week to bring energy? We've been spending a lot of time this season on the CliftonStrengths Podcasts talking about just this question -- of bringing energy and motivation to work. Justin, we thought of you when we were thinking about that. We've wrapped up the recorded part of the season for that and are now releasing those once a week as a podcast on the CliftonStrengths channel. But Justin, let me ask just a question. For those who don't know, when we think about employee engagement, like, how is it measured? Why is it important? Can you talk a little bit about that from a Gallup perspective?

Justin Wiley 3:22
Yeah, Jim, I'd love to start with why it's important. Because for me, it's always important to know the why. And I truly believe employee engagement is the perfect intersection between doing what's right for organizations, in terms of maximizing performance. Right. So we know that highly engaged teams and individuals have incredible growth, they have better turnover or retention metrics, right. As we think about safety incidents, whether you're in a manufacturing facility operating heavy machinery, or working directly with patients in a healthcare environment, right, we know that highly engaged teams have superior performance outcomes, which is great for organizations. But on the other hand, engaging employees also supports what's right for employees. Because when we compare highly engaged teams and individuals to their counterparts, we know they're far more likely to experience positive wellbeing, they're more likely to report thriving in life, and they're way less likely to experience burnout at work.

Justin Wiley 4:25
So as I think about why it's important, it's because it supports the business objectives that organizations have. And it also supports the experience in the working environment that folks want to have inside and outside of work. In terms of how we measure it, we do have an employee engagement instrument called the Q12® survey -- really provides organizations and leaders with a framework for creating highly engaged organizations and teams. And the Q12 includes a 4-level hierarchy that is based on four types of employees' performance-development needs -- the first being basic needs, then individual contribution, teamwork and growth. And we measure the state of engagement through a quantitative survey that folks can answer confidentially. And following that survey, we provide teams with, here's your current state of engagement, whether it's across the organization or within specific teams.

Jim Collison 5:18
I love that Q02 on our Q02 all survey, which is a materials and equipment -- I have the materials and equipment to do my job. Today, you and I, our materials and equipment is an active audience. Justin, I don't know if you saw this, but we just crossed over 200. Producer Reilly says, "New record." So congratulations, Justin, this is awesome. You're doing pretty great. Your Activator is, is hard at work, and maybe, maybe a little bit of Command in there as well. My Arranger® loves all the details that are going on.

Justin Wiley 5:48
They're here for you, Jim, not me. So congrats to you.

Accelerating Engagement Through Strengths

Jim Collison 5:52
Justin and I are taking your questions during our time that are here: just put a "Q" in front of that, so we can easily see those questions as we go along. Many of you are putting your Top 5 in. If you want to also answer the question, What theme or themes are you using or used this week to bring energy to what you do? Throw those in chat, and producer Reilly will throw those up as well. Justin, let me ask this question, then: How, so the, the intersection of CliftonStrengths and Q12, how can we use CliftonStrengths to accelerate this concept of employee engagement, then?

Justin Wiley 6:28
Well, one thing we've found is that a strengths-based approach, approach to management is the single best means of improving the relationship between employee and manager. Right. And I think as human beings, we all have this desire to feel appreciated, for someone to recognize us for our unique contributions. And when managers have the language -- which the CliftonStrengths assessment provides -- when they have that language, I think it becomes a whole lot easier to give meaningful recognition and individualized development that employees ultimately desire. And when we studied the relationship between strengths and engagement, we found that folks who have the opportunity to use their CliftonStrengths are far more engaged in their job, right -- once again, they're more likely to report having an excellent quality of life.

Justin Wiley 7:14
And lastly, they're also more likely to strongly agree that they have the chance to do what they do best every day. And that's an important callout, because our third question of our employee engagement survey is, "At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day." And CliftonStrengths gives us the language to have that self-awareness, but also clarity around the unique contributions that I bring. And I'll tell you, Jim, personally, when I first took CliftonStrengths, one of Don Clifton's quote that I'm sure we're all familiar with, "What would happen if we studied what was right with people versus what's wrong with people?" I think if all managers and leaders within organizations approached their working relationships and developmental conversations through that perspective, we'd experience very meaningful work experience, or very meaningful working relationships, leading to high engagement and improved performance.

Jim Collison 8:09
Love that. I get the opportunity to do what I do best every day when I do this. This is, for me, like, this is, I, this is what I do best. I've been doing it for 10 or 11 years now, and it charges me up. I walk away from these more energized than when I came in. For some people, speaking publicly like this would be a drain; they don't want to do it. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of stress. Justin, when you think about what you do best every day, that's a question on the Q12, we kind of go 1 to 5 -- actively disengaged or highly engaged. As you think about you specifically, what do you do best? What, what is your "I do best every day" statement?

Justin Wiley 8:52
Wow, that's a powerful question. I'll call out my No. 7 Belief®. When I think about what I do best, why I do what I do, what sustains me, it's helping leaders and individuals live meaningful lives inside and outside of work. Right? So when connecting with leaders, I love taking them from, Hey, where are you today? Where do you want to go into the future? and help them figure that out -- I really love that process and that journey. Sometimes it's messy and difficult, and change doesn't happen overnight. But I really do enjoy working with clients who are on this journey to improve their workplaces. And then personally, when you think about, once again, engagement and strengths-based development leading to improvements in wellbeing, I love the fact that folks are going home feeling more energized, having family dinners, you know, whatever it might be, but contributing to their communities outside of work in a more meaningful way. That, that perspective and leaning into my strength of Belief definitely keeps me energized.

The Importance of the Manager

Jim Collison 9:50
I love some of the comments that are coming in in the chat room as we ask that question, What's energizing you? And I think of, there was one who said that they're a coach, and they're leaning in to their Developer®. How great is that, then, to work with people? Individualization® and Responsibility® kicked in -- Learner® and Individualization. So continue to bring those in; love to see those as we think about what energizes you? What are you using to be energized? Justin, when we think about managers, they're a certain key role in this. What's the correlation, as we think about managers, and then working with those they manage in their strengths? What's the power there?

Justin Wiley 10:30
We could talk about this for 2 full days, Jim. But there are a couple of comments. So the first one I do want to point out -- arguably, Gallup's most significant finding -- is that 70% of the variance in employee engagement is directly attributed to the manager, right? You can find this all over our website, all over all the -- we've, we've wrote a book on this, right? So that's the first thing -- reinforcing the importance of the manager.

Justin Wiley 10:56
The second thing I'll call out is that folks and clients who administer our engagement survey, the first question they typically ask is, OK, I did the survey. Now what? Right, what do I do with this? And Jim, I know you had a conversation, I believe, with Hannah about the power of meaningful conversations. But once again, to set the stage of this conversation, if we were to oversimplify how you get engagement right and how you prioritize your action steps, it's having a meaningful conversation with every employee on your team every week, right? We found that regardless of working environment, whether you're remote, hybrid or fully on site, 8 out of 10 people who report receiving meaningful feedback in the last week are engaged. And we start breaking out the characteristics of these meaningful conversations. And unsurprisingly, one of those characteristics is focusing on your strengths or focusing on what you do right. So if I'm a leader, if I'm a coach, doing team facilitation or working with clients, a No. 1 priority on a weekly basis has to be not only having awareness around the strengths of my team or those individuals, but finding ways to uniquely pull out those gifts and strengths and talk about those strengths on an ongoing basis.

Jim Collison 12:09
You know, it's interesting, when we came out that that finding -- this once a week, a meaningful conversation -- we've spent a bunch of time talking about that over, over the last 6 or 7 months -- the, I think some people ask the question, or managers might ask, wait a minute. Everybody, one conversa-, what would I talk about? And you just gave the, the secret -- is everybody has strengths. Everybody has these things they're really good at. Let them talk about those things. Like, let's just have a, what an easy question to go into on a weekly basis of, What's going on this week, and how are you going to lean into that to stay energized? Did I get that part right? Would you, would you agree with that, and maybe add anything to it?

Justin Wiley 12:53
Absolutely. You know, our hope is that managers and employees are already having these conversations. So instead of adding more work and more time onto their plates, I think it's just about repositioning the conversations they're already having to be more impactful. Right. So you had mentioned a, you know, we might have current goals that we're working on or current projects. Just a question as simple as, "How are you going to use your strengths to uniquely lead this project?" tees up a very different conversation than, "When are you going to get this done?" Right. So I think just changing the way we're approaching the conversations we're already having will pay dividends for leaders.

Using Your Strengths to Increase Your Engagement

Jim Collison 13:31
Yeah, what I love about that is it gives, it gives a framework for an individual to have a conversation, then, back to their manager about Hey, you know, let me remind you. Because listen, you have, I've managed dozens of people, and it's hard to remember all those things. It's not like you're carrying around a notebook -- hold on, let me turn to your page. Right. So I think these, these weekly conversations are great reminders, right? It's a great opportunity for those individuals to remind their manager, Hey, I, just don't forget, I've got this, this, I'm leaning into this and I'm super excited about this, because I get the opportunity to use -- fill in the blank with, with theme. As we think about individuals, then, how can individuals utilize their strengths to, you know, from, from their own standpoint, to increase their engagement?

Justin Wiley 14:19
Yeah, that's a great, that's a great question. Yeah, we called out the 70% of the variance is attributed to managers. Right? That doesn't mean a free pass for everyone else. Right. What do we do with the other 30%? And I think there's a big opportunity for individuals to own their own engagement. Right. I can tell you personally, since just taking the CliftonStrengths assessment, having awareness and clarity around what brings me energy, and what doesn't, has set me up to successfully, you know, decide what it is that I want to do in my job and in my career. I also think there's opportunity for individuals to seek out opportunities that align with your strengths, right. Go do side projects that give you energy, not that deplete your energy.

Justin Wiley 15:03
And lastly, what I love about strengths is that it helps you manage that energy. All right, for example, I was at a conference a few weeks ago. And it's so funny, you can tell, by 3:00, you know who has Woo®. You know, because they're still bouncing around having great conversations (I wish I had that talent). But the rest of us, me included, we're drinking five cups of coffee, we're powering through the day. And as I think about every day at work, if that's the experience you're having, you're probably not living your best self at work, in finding jobs where you can connect the unique talents that you have to what's expected of you at work. I think that's a good combination that once you find out what those strengths are, you're better set up to find a role or a set of responsibilities that better align to how you're naturally wired.

Jim Collison 15:51
Yeah, I love that. As producer Reilly, behind the scenes, just let me know, 292. So the growth continues on this, Justin.

Justin Wiley 15:58
Pressure is on!

Listening to the Feedback of Others

Jim Collison 15:59
Energizing both you, energizing both you and me. Reminder, if you're listening live with us -- some of you will be listening to this on The CliftonStrengths Podcast afterwards. But if you are listening live, and you've got a question for us throw it in chat, and put a "Q" in front of it, so I can see it. And we'll, we will bring it up. As we've been talking about conversations, Justin, it is interesting to think about, and Francisco said in chat -- hold on Reilly, let me see if I; oh, there it is -- this shift from listening to, to, to talking to listening to understanding. So we have, we've been spending a lot of time this, this concept of active listening. How important though -- I think listening goes both ways. We oftentimes attribute that to the manager. But oftentimes, as individuals, we need to ask questions of those around us, and then listen to the feedback. It's almost like a mini-360. Hey, I was on this team doing this. How did I do? And maybe not just from a manager perspective. I know you're on a team. Do you get an opportunity to have peer feedback that way as well that kind of feeds that, that, that engagement wheel, keeps you going, gives you encouragement in that way? Talk a little bit about that?

Justin Wiley 17:11
Absolutely. Yeah. And I have a few Q10s here at Gallup that are probably listening in that I do this with, right, as it relates to kind of peer-to-peer meaningful feedback. One thing I do want to call out is that when we're giving each other feedback through the lens of strengths, or strengths-based development, it becomes a whole different conversation, right? Because now it's developmental. We've anchored the conversation in what's right with you. And we're thinking about your actions, or you're following steps in terms of, this is what you uniquely do well. How can you be a little bit more mindful about it? Or how can you apply your strengths in a way that you haven't yet?

Justin Wiley 17:47
We certainly don't want individual contributors, employees to just point the finger at managers, expecting to be engaged without taking ownership of that process. But for us, whether it's sharing client work, sharing best-practice stories, sharing project plans that we're working on -- whatever it is, I'm always curious to get peer-to-peer feedback, because they might have a great idea for me. And by the way, I lead heavy with Influencing themes. So as I think about my really solid Power of 2s, folks that are very heavy in Strategic Thinking, great for me. Even some Deliberative® in there, right, because I have that high Activator, when I can partner with folks who can put their critical thinking hat on, and really commit to deciding what's best for a client or for an organization, it helps me do my best work, right? Because I can get close to the final product, make final decisions, and then really activate on what I think we need to do next.

Strengths, Teams and Productivity

Jim Collison 18:45
You teased this out a little bit, and I want you to flush it out even a little bit more. As we think about team and team collaboration, you just mentioned, I've got a lot of Influencing themes. I do as well. I learned long ago, I've got to bring in some help for me, sometimes, in a team to actually get some things done. I need to partner with some friends. And trust me, I can get some things done. But there are folks who get things done way better than I do. When you think about using strengths and that team concept, How does the framework help teams quickly get to higher productivity than just trying to figure it out on their own?

Justin Wiley 19:22
Well, we do have a lot of clients who reach out about this exact situation, right, whether they've experienced some turnover, whether they're just a new intact team, whether they're new matrixed teams, but when new folks are working with one another, what I love about strengths is it instantly gives you the language to understand the unique talents and gifts that people bring to the team. One strengths envy I do have, Jim, is Individualization. I don't have it. I would love to be a manager that looks at my team and instantly knows what makes each person unique. But the strengths assessment gets us 90% of the way there. And if I have a good understanding of, just generally as a team, we're stronger in these areas, maybe we don't have as many strengths in these areas, it might help me individualize my communication, the way I think about motivating my team.

Justin Wiley 20:12
It will also help me understand who should take, or who should prioritize what parts of projects or own different responsibilities. And by the way, that's only, that's not only just between manager and employee; I love for folks on the team to know this about each other. Because when we don't have this understanding of each other's strengths sometimes -- this was me in the past; I'll own it -- I expected everyone else to operate and think and accomplish things the same way I do. And when we look at different strengths and how unique everyone is, I think it, I think it allows us to give each other grace, knowing that, one, there are some things that you probably won't do like me. But in other ways, I can't do the things you do either. And when we have that awareness and can recognize and appreciate each other for that, I think it really speeds up the rate at which we can get to doing impactful work.

Jim Collison 21:04
Yeah, it really does, in the sense, you know, you got my head kind of moving, as we think about team collaboration and teams coming together, of course, simplistically thinking about putting a team grid together and then just having some conversations around it. In our Certified Coaching community, we have an exercise, called I Bring and I Need, and it's just a simple way of saying in a conversation at the start -- and by the way, I think this is mandatory at the start of any new team is to go through an exercise like this, so everyone fully understands, Hey, here's, you know, based on who I am, here's what I bring to the team.

The Impact of an Engaged, Strengths-Based Culture

Jim Collison 21:41
But we still have needs. Like, and I think sometimes it's a, we think it's a take only, right, where we're also responsible for matching up what those people bring with what people need. And I think that's a powerful exercise, not only -- and you alluded to this -- not just for the manager, but for the team itself to be successful is important. I do see a couple of questions coming in. Keep your questions coming in. Let me, let me get to Francisco's question. He asked this, and I, we, I think we answered this a little bit earlier, but Justin, I'll ask you again: What can you share about the impact of an engaged culture impact on commercial strategy? And maybe I'll turn that strategy word into success. As we think about the effect of this, talk, bring those some of those stats back to us, if you could.

Justin Wiley 22:27
Sure. Well, I think it's a great question, Francisco, because engaged teams and employees allow us to accomplish those strategies, those priorities that we put in place as organizations, right. So as leadership teams, we can put pen to paper and get crystal clear on, these are the things we need to prioritize as a division, as an organization, as a team. But to go back to earlier in the conversation, thinking about what is engagement, it's energy. It's discretionary effort, right? It's commitment to my work and those I work with. And we really view employee engagement as being the primary vehicle from getting from point A to point B in executing on that strategy, or putting predictive frameworks in place to achieve organizational success, as you put it, Jim.

Addressing Engagement Challenges Through Strengths

Jim Collison 23:11
We, we often think of engagement or using strengths as a lever and engagement to, to increase it. But sometimes I get the question about challenges. As we think about resolving common engagement challenges that exist, we're not -- listen, we're not, we're not hitting it on all cylinders all the time, right. There's some opportunities, oftentimes, engagement. Talk a little bit, Justin, how do we see that -- when we think about addressing engagement issues, How can we bring strengths in to help with that as well?

Justin Wiley 23:43
Yeah, well, I can call out a few of our Q12 questions in our employee engagement survey. One thing we touched on was, Having the opportunity to do what I do best, right? If we don't know, or if we can't put a name to, the talents and strengths that we bring to our work and workplace, it's pretty difficult to have clarity around, or confidence around, doing what I do best at work, right. So on an item like that, I think just having awareness goes a long way. You think about items like getting recognition at work. Right?

Justin Wiley 24:16
One data point we've found, you can find it on our website, is that only 1 in 10 people have been asked, How do you like to be recognized? Right, we all like to be recognized differently. And I think when we can put that in the lens of strengths once again -- Hey, Jim, based on your strengths, how do you like to be recognized? You might get 100 different answers, right? Some folks might say, "Well, I'd love for you to recognize me at an all-company event." Other folks would say, "In a one-on-one conversation; I would really appreciate that instead of being highlighted in public." Also when it comes to learning and development, right, but having the opportunity or, or talking about progress over the last 6 to 12 months, Jim, if you're having a performance conversation with me, I sure hope that part of the conversation would be about my strengths, right? How do you see yourself using those strengths? Are you proud of how you're using your strengths? How can we use them more often? And I think, once again, it really just provides the language and the strengths-based philosophy to change the way we're interacting with employees at work.

Recognition: The Give and Take

Jim Collison 25:17
I want to flip that recognition question on its head a little bit. Oftentimes, we, that's a real popular question of, How do I like to be recognized, right? And we want managers, we want teams to ask that question so they understand it. I also think, you know, you don't get recognition unless you give recognition. That's one of those things we say a lot. Like, you can't just expect it; you got to lead with it. Right? And I think it's a good question for individuals to ask themselves, Hey, based on what I'm good at, how can I give more recognition? For me, it's best verbally in the moment, as it's happening. I don't think there's anybody better than me at that, to say, "Hey, genuinely, this was super helpful to me. Let me tell you the three ways it was right now."

Jim Collison 26:02
I'm not a great writer. And so when I write, when I try to write, you know, we have a "Drop" system where you can write in there and give it to the person. That never, there's never enough space or enough time and my hand starts to cramp, because ... write anymore, right? That, those, those are, and those are, that's a simplistic look at it. But for me, that's a way of, like, I need to remember in the moment to be, to show gratitude, to show recognition, to -- and I can do that up in front of people too. I can also recognize people that way. Would you add, as you think about your own individual strengths and giving recognition, would you talk a little bit or add anything to that?

Justin Wiley 26:42
Yeah, well, I'll follow up on your drop story. Last week, right, our floor in Gallup had kind of made a decision that we need to do more recognition, right? This is something really important to us. And you can manufacture some of those, right? We put two drops in each office and asked every employee, Please write a drop to someone today. You can hand it out in private; you can bring it to lunch, whatever you want. But please just give someone recognition, because we know it's important. And I think that posture of, Let's give people recognition, and then we'll probably get it in return is much better than, Where's my recognition at? Right? In the spirit of owning your engagement, right, I think we can do our best to set leaders, managers up for success. But there's certainly nothing stopping us from owning that recognition and giving it to one another. I do lead with high Communication -- verbal more than writing, just like yourself, so I had to power through the hand cramps last week. But I definitely prefer to speak face to face if I can.

Jim Collison 27:42
Well, and I've gotten some really good recognition from folks who write it out. And it's, it's beautiful. And it's amazing. And I have a whole bucket full of it. In fact, two buckets full of it now, here at Gallup. Do you have, you have a bucket there?

Justin Wiley 27:55
I got, I got mine right here. Yep. How full is your bucket?

Jim Collison 27:58
I've kept every single written note that I've gotten in the 17 years that I've been here, and even from clients and customers that send those in. It's just a great reminder. There's some folks who are great at that. Some people like to give gifts. Some people like to do events. Like, it's endless, when we think about the recognition. OK, a couple questions. We're gonna run out of time, but let me, let me jump on -- Travis, you were asking a little bit about comparing DISC to this, and there's been some comments in chat. We have a whole list of our comparisons to the other strengths tools. If you head out to and then search for "strengths comparisons," you'll see all of them that are listed out there. Too -- that's a whole topic all on its own; not enough time for us to cover that. You can check that out as well. Damian says, The big challenges are: Adoption of strengths-based culture and it's another thing on the, on the plate. Justin, what do we say? We'll have to make this quick. But what do you say to organizations that say, "We're too busy"?

Justin Wiley 28:56
Yep. Well, I think in terms of adoption of strengths-based culture, it always looks different. It's not a one- size-fits-all approach. Right? Sometimes we start with leaders and scale it down. Sometimes it's more of an organic approach, where teams are doing it in pockets and it catches, like, like fire. So all that to say, there are several folks at Gallup that, you know, would love to have a conversation with you and help you understand how to do that effectively. But, you know, I think, if you have leaders internally that are bringing passion around strengths, folks around you will feel that, and they will certainly want to be a part of it.

Jim Collison 29:30
Yeah. Love it. If you -- Justin mentioned this -- if you've got additional questions we couldn't cover, we couldn't cover all the questions that came in, you can contact us. Just send us an email: coaching -- and that doesn't, it has, doesn't have to be about coaching, but you can send it; it's an easy email to remember -- And we can route that internally. If you're an organization that has some questions about it, maybe you'd like to get your organization -- this is what Justin does. If you'd like to get your organization involved in it, we have just really scratched the surface on this. There is lots more of this available at You can go Check out, search on the site. There's lots of great information around this out there. Justin, thank you -- it goes so fast. It's almost.

Justin Wiley 30:14
It does. I wish we had an hour.

Jim Collison 30:16
I know. It's almost a crime. Well, we'll get you back, we'll have you back on here. And, Justin, thanks for taking part of your day to be to be a part of this program. And, and thanks for coming out today. I appreciate it.

Justin Wiley 30:27
Awesome. Thanks so much for having me.

Jim Collison 30:28
You bet. For those of you who are listening live, don't forget, if you want to listen to this again, we'll make it available as a podcast on our Clifton -- The CliftonStrengths Podcast; I know, original name -- but CliftonStrengths Podcast is available. Search "CliftonStrengths" on any podcast platform, and you can find it there. We actually, and there was, been a question in chat about, about some of the themes. We actually spent a ton of time this season on the CliftonStrengths Podcast -- Jaclynn Robinson and I spending the whole season talking about this very topic from a theme perspective, one theme at a time, one per episode, and we'd love to have you listen to it. Subscribe on your favorite podcast app or right there on YouTube, so you never miss an episode. To the 300 of you who joined us today, thanks! You engaged me. So I appreciate that. Thanks for coming out. And with that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

Justin Wiley's Top 5 CliftonStrengths are Command, Activator, Maximizer, Communication and Achiever.

Learn more about using CliftonStrengths to help yourself and others succeed:

Gallup®, Q12®, CliftonStrengths® and each of the 34 CliftonStrengths theme names are trademarks of Gallup. Copyright © 1993-1998, 2000 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

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