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Small Soldiers gets stunning modern-day reboot

Small Soldiers gets stunning modern-day reboot

A dedicated team of fans have created a proof-of-concept trailer for a Small Soldiers reboot game, and it looks incredible.

A dedicated team of fans have created a proof-of-concept trailer for a Small Soldiers reboot game, and it looks incredible.

Released in 1998, Small Soldiers is a film that follows a group of toys that are embedded with military-grade microchips, turning what should be innocent playthings into war-hungry combatants.

The film grossed $87.5 million, making around double of its $40 million budget, and was supposed to receive a sequel years later, which was unfortunately cancelled.

Now, video game company Comadran Studios has brought the series back, with a proof-of-concept trailer for a game called Small Soldiers: War for the Nekron. Created in Unreal Engine 5, the trailer uses real-time 3D creation tools to make some truly stunning effects.

Just like the film it's based on, the trailer follows one of the small soldiers following the trail of a group of Necronites, before encountering and losing them after being hopelessly outnumbered. The soldier then calls for backup, with additional toys bursting out of their plastic boxes, each with their own unique designs.

Comadran promises the full-game would be “an epic toy battle brought to life in Unreal Engine 5, pushing the boundaries of cinematic storytelling to new heights!”

Fans of the film praised the concept trailer, with many taking a lot of interest in a full-release if one was to be made.

“I love how you guys kept the idea of the monsters/"bad guys" being ironically more human than the "good guys". That's one of the things i loved a lot about Small Soldiers”

“Very cool trailer. New, but nostalgic at the same time. Attention to detail is amazing, from the background set pieces, to the way the characters move like real action figures come to life.”

“As someone born in the 90's that grew up watching Small Soldiers, this was an awesome production you made. The nostalgia is real. I love the spin off modern take. Would love to see a full film!”

Small Soldiers: War for the Nekron is still in very early-development, but if it picks up the support of a major publisher, we could very well see a release on PC/consoles later down the line.

Featured Image Credit: Comadran Studios

Topics: TV And Film, PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo
