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Arrived: BR-111 Triangulo Engineered Brazilian Cherry hardwood

15 years ago

I am cross-posting this also to the decorating forum.

The BR-111 Brazilian Cherry Triangulo Engineered Hardwood 5" boards in 20 boxes arrived today. The driver called a few hours earlier and could have been here a few hours early but I was not ready so he made another stop letting me know he will be back at 1:30 PM which was 1/2 hour earlier than planned unless I needed him to come by later on.

Despite some of the boxes on the end being opened, the boxes were in fairly good shape and the driver was professional and patient. I had three men (one is a client's son and the other is a client's grandson and then a friend of mine) take the boxes out and carry them inside my home. The boxes were about 65 lbs a piece and my friend John was able to carry one box himself but I got upset with him since I wanted two people to a box to be safe that no one hurts themselves. So for the rest of the boxes, two guys carried each box while the other guy carried the floor muffler with the Ultraseal in the house. All the wood molding was in a separate box.

I was surprised how thin the floor muffler looks so maybe thickness is not everything?

I was also surprised at how brown the Brazilian Cherry boards were despite reading that it does not turn reddish until it oxidizes. I sure hope it becomes the color that I love.

The boxes said "Made in Brazil" and the 5" wide boards clicked together tightly from the ones I took out to look at.

I would definitely buy from to save money especially since I see now how easy it is to unload the truck. Also were very patient with me changing my order a few times to different moldings, adding one more floor muffler and taking out the glue to buy the glue locally. They even held the order open at the sales price for a week until I made up my mind which width I wanted.

I also like the fact that I can now acclimate the wood and take my time emptying the file cabinets and painting the walls without being rushed by an installer and then have the installer come here to install the floors.

Was anyone else disappointed by the color of the Brazilian Cherry floors when they first seen the boards but now love their floors? My other choice would have been the BR-111 Amendoim but I just had my heart set on a cherry color. I also liked Maple stained Auburn or Cherry or the Quartersawn White Oak stained Auburn or Rose but finally decided to just get the floors I had liked for a year now and take my chances.

Should I keep the wood in the boxes or open the boxes to let the wood air out?

I will keep you all updated and post pictures when the floors are installed. Thank you all for your help and being there for me holding my cyber hand.

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