Two smiling policewomen with many badges. ©

Security, reconstruction and peace

Violent conflicts and natural disasters threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. We support our partners in alleviating the structural causes of violent conflict and developing capacities for peaceful conflict transformation.

We help them assure the safety of the population and reduce the impact of natural disasters and violent conflict by means of preventive measures, emergency aid and reconstruction programmes. In this way, we aim to stabilise fragile contexts in order to make development a reality for all sections of society.

Our strength lies in linking short-term aid with long-term prospects. In the security sector, we support the demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants and provide advice on the build up and reform of capable, democratically legitimate and monitored institutions.

After a crisis we seek to alleviate deprivation through short-term emergency assistance while at the same time planning and initiating steps towards comprehensive reconstruction. We provide foodstuffs and encourage a quick resumption of agricultural activities. We promote employment and secure incomes.

Furthermore we help our partners in finding sustainable solutions to conflicts. We empower people and institutions in assuming responsibility for a non-violent resolution of conflicts and work with adolescents to provide them with better opportunities for the future. We support our partners in finding ways to deal with past injustices, in restoring confidence and in enshrining the rule of law in all public institutions.

Additional information

  • Disaster risk management

    Disaster risk management is a crosscutting topic. Policy advice is therefore a priority area for GIZ in its work in the field of disaster preparedness.

    Disaster risk management

  • Reconstruction, emergency and transitional aid

    GIZ and its partners combine rapid assistance in emergency situations with a long-term outlook. Thus they lay the foundations for rapid reconstruction.

    Reconstruction, emergency and transitional aid

  • Displacement and migration

    Displacement and migration pose challenges to policymakers, society and the economy. However, migration can also be an opportunity for development.

    Displacement and migration

  • Peace and conflict transformation

    Sustainable development can succeed only where there is peace. GIZ actively promotes conflict resolution and reconciliation.

    Peace and conflict transformation

  • Security

    The state must protect its citizens and respect democracy and human rights. GIZ strengthens the state’s legitimate monopoly on the use of force.


  • Working in fragile contexts

    Wherever the state does not function and crises and conflicts predominate, particular sensitivity is needed in approaches to development.

    Working in fragile contexts

Additional information

Our featured projects

Journalist Salome Mugaza presenting the news at Kalehe Territorial Community Radio’s studio.

Peace over the radio


Old homeland, new life
