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Today boundaries of Baku encompass considerable part of the Apsheron peninsula. Resorts zone, well known in other parts of our country and abroad, is also included here. Territory of Baku is about 2200 km. Population of Baku is over than 2000 thousand people.Historians give different explanations to the origin of name Baku. Some of them say that this word comes from the Persian "bad kube" which means "blown by winds", other say that it comes from "bad kiu" - "town of winds". There also exists an idea that Baku received its name from the name of tribe "bakan", or "bagi" which lived at the Apsheron peninsula dicing XII-V centuries B.C.

Baku was first mentioned in the V century. It is known that already in the VIII century Baku citizens extracted oil. Oil became the main factor in development of the large industrial city. It is the older center of oil industry. First experiments on oil refining were carried out in Baku, in the 30-s of the XVIII century, and first oil well was drilled at Bibi-Eibat oil field in 1848.

Baku is beautiful and well-built city. Examples of modern architecture are Government House, Circus, complex of buildings of the Azerbayjan Republic Academy of Sciences. Subway was constructed in Baku. Alongside with Caspian seashore there is beautiful "Primorski" park where various kinds of palm-trees, rhododendrons, platens, acacias are grown. Cinemas, clubs, cafe, new three-storey building of the seaport, exhibition complexes have been built here. One of the beauties of "Primorski" park are artificial canals with bridges over them. Baku citizens call it "Venice".

The lower building of funicular connecting two parks -"Primorski" and "Nagorny"-is situated near "Azneft" square. One can admire the beautiful view of Baku descending as an amphitheater to Baku bay from Nagorny park. Unique architectural monuments are in the oldest part of Baku -"Icheri-shekher" fortress, with its narrow streets, surrounded by acne nt. XII-XV century walls. Here historical- architectural museum - reservation including XV - the center Shirvanshakhs Palace (Palace, Divan - Khane building. Eastern gates, Palace mosque, Shirvanshakhs tomb etc.) was restored. XII century Maiden's Tower, XIII century Sabail are also situated here. You can clearly sense the atmosphere of olden times inside the fortress which is a real treasure - trove for lovers of antiquity.

Baku is one of the ancient cities of the world. The main treasure of this country is oil. Here for the first time in the world' s oil history the industrial extraction was started. By the end of 19th century Baku had already won a strong reputation of the "World's Oil Capital." At that time Baku was giving more that half of the world's produce of "black oil." It was a big and rather comfortable city with intensive business and trade life. The city occupied the first place in Stare Russia by the number of millionaires.

Caspian-Black Sea Society's Building: The three-storey building of the Caspian-Black Sea Society, belonging to Baron A.Rotshild, was situated on Persian (now Muctarov) Street and built in 1898-1899 by the project of civilian engineer K.Skurevich. The architecturally impressive building was erected in the neo-Gothic style. Presently, the building houses the Republic Prosecution Office.

K.Salimov's Mansion: This mansion is located in a very favorable place in the city Downtown, over the Book Passage on the corner of Kolubakinsky (now Rafibeyli) and Police (now Mamedaliev) Streets. It was built in 1893 by civilian engineer I.Goslavsky's project. The architectural compaction of the building is rich with classic motives, prevailing in details of the facade.

Real College: The Real College was situated in the monument building on Nikolayevsky (now Istiglaliyyet) Street. It was built in 1901-1904. The College building's project in the Italian Renaissance style was prepared by civilian engineer D.Buinov. Presently, the Azerbaijan State Economics University functions in this building.

Mikhaylovskaya Street. The street represented one of the main arteries of the business part of Baku. It started from the Parapet Square(now-the Fountains Square)down to Alexandrovskaya Noaberezhnaya Street (now-Neftchiler Prospect). At present, former Mikhaylovskaya Street carries the name of Aziz Aliyev, a prominent Azerbaijani state and social figure.

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