MSI Afterburner is a graphics card utility, developed by the Guru3D RivaTuner team. The Beta releases sometimes have an expiration limit, the stable and final build releases do not. We always recommend using a final build. We have written a GeForce series overclocking guide right here as over time a number of things changed like Curve based tweaking as well as automated tweaking. Not just that, we have also updated RTSS, our statistics server that enables the overlay with MSI AfterBurner to offer DirectX 12 overlay support. Please read the full release notes for all changes (as there are quite a few of them). Have fun tweaking. Does your overlay not work anymore after an update? Please perform a full uninstall of RTSS and AfterBurner (with profiles removal) and then perform a CLEAN install of it.
A lot of fake sites are hosting downloads with malware. Only and are legally allowed to distribute MSI Afterburner; the same is true for Rivatuner statistics server, Rivatuner CORE application, and RTSS-related files.
Our advisory is simple: if it's not published here on in the news or download section, then it's not an official public version leaving you at risk, potentially even downloading a vulnerable version at an external website. For that reason alone be very wary if you download MSI Afterburner from an external party. Our distribution is safe, and is the only way for you to know if downloads have not been tampered with, are unstable, or even vulnerable.
The update adds support for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series GPUs, including quad fan control designed for reference design cards. A new software interface has been implemented to support future integration with MSI's G-Assist feature. The application now uses the MSI Windows 11 Dark theme by default, with the quad fan control interface available in both Dark and Light versions of the MSI Windows 11 themes. Users who prefer older skins on RTX 50x0 series cards with multiple independently controllable fans can still manage fan control asynchronously by pressing the <Shift>+<F> keys multiple times. Additionally, a new MSI Special skin developed by Drerex has been added, which fully supports the quad fan control feature for reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series graphics cards.
Version 4.6.6 Beta
- Added RTSS overlay compatibility with Smooth Motion in Direct3D11 games
- Smooth Motion Direct3D12 compatibility path (which previously required manually setting QueueDetection to 2) is also automatically enabled now, when RTSS detects NVIDIA Smooth Motion's hook module (nvpresent64.dll) is detected in context of 3D application.
- Added NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series graphics cards support:
- Added quad fan control support for reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series graphics cards
- Added software interface for future G-Assist integration
- MSI Windows 11 Dark skin is selected as default application skin now. Please take a note that quad fan control GUI is currently available in Dark and Light editions of MSI Windows 11 skins only. If you prefer to use some older legacy skins on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 with 3 or 4 independently controllable fans, you may still switch between all fans in async fan control mode by pressing <Shift>+<F> repeatedly
- Added new MSI Special skin by Drerex design. New skin natively supports quad fan control feature on reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series graphics cards
- Added voltage control support for low-cost revisions of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40x0 GPUs
- Refactored CPU info database format provides more simplified and unified future database updates for MSI Afterburner monitoring HAL, CPU.dll sample plugin and RivaTuner Statistics Server’s own monitoring HAL
- Updated HwInfo.dll plugin. Now the plugin can automatically spawn new versions on HwInfo, which now store path to installed application in slightly different installer’s registry key
- Added experimental support for AMD Ryzen 9xxx CPUs
- Added experimental support for Intel Arrow Lake CPUs
- RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.3.7 Beta 5
A few important notes:
- Experimental support for new CPU families support is provided "as is". It is unofficial application's functionality provided with zero support obligations, it was added blindly and was not tested on actual hardware. Any demands to extend it further or fix it in any form will not be accepted.
- VBlank counters monitoring API is currently not supported by NVIDIA drivers on RTX 5000 series graphics cards, so dynamic VRR display frequency monitoring inside RTSS OverlayEditor's HAL will not work properly.
- Abnormally high PCIE bus load can be observed on RTX 5000 series graphics cards during simple typical 2D operations like windows movement / scrolling etc. We believe it is 2D acceleration related bug in early RTX 5000 drivers.
- GPU HotSpot sensor on RTX 5000 series graphics cards is currently not supported and reports fixed 255C temperature in RTSS OverlayEditor's HAL.
Version 4.6.5
- Added NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40x0 series graphics cards support
- Added voltage control support for GA103 and GDDR6x based versions of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
- Added AMD RADEON RX 7900 series graphics cards support
- Added total board power monitoring support for AMD RADEON RX 7900 series graphics cards
- Added some future AMD and NVIDIA GPU PCI DeviceIDs to hardware database
- Added Intel Arc GPUs support to hardware monitoring module. Please take a note that Intel Arc GPUs overclocking and tuning is currently not supported due to Intel hardware control API support limitation to x64 applications only
- Added experimental support for Intel 13th generation CPUs
- Added experimental support for AMD Ryzen 7xxx CPUs
- CPU usage data sources in hardware monitoring module have been switched to alternate implementation based on NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorIdleInformation), because traditional legacy idle time reporting in NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation) is broken in current Windows 11 22H2 builds
- Added workaround for broken fixed fan speed programming API (Overdrive 5 compatible fallback path) for old Overdrive 7 GCN GPUs on 22.5.2 and newer AMD drivers
- Added config file switch for disabling native reliability voltage control API on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 9x0 series graphics cards and forcing legacy P-state 2.0 voltage control API usage on such hardware. Power users may use this switch to bypass voltage control lock on NVIDIA Maxwell series graphics cards on release 515 and newer drivers families
- Improved correction formula parser with data format conversion, rounding and min/max functions support
- Added OCMailbox based bus clock frequency monitoring for Skylake and newer Intel CPUs. Unlike traditional legacy timestamp clock based bus clock frequency estimations, OCMailbox provides support for overclocked BCLK monirtoring. Please take a note that access to OCMailbox is blocked by design of OS when HVCI is enabled
- Improved SMART.dll monitoring plugin. Added temperature monitoring support for NVMe devices, including the secondary controller temperature for some Samsung NVMe drives
- Default clock frequency limit of voltage/frequency curve editor window has been extended to 3.5GHz. Please take a note that you may still customize the limits via config file if necessary
- Update server location changed to new URL inside update checking system. Old update server location reached EOL
RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.3.4
- New version’s changes list is huge, it includes more than 100 compatibility enhancements, changes and new features. We continue improving OverlayEditor plugin and the most of improvements are related to it, we strongly recommend you to try it if you still use legacy MSI Afterburner’s On-Screen Display output functionality
- New version also includes upgraded DesktopOverlayHost utility, which can be used to display overlay right on your Windows desktop or on small external display mounted inside PC case similar to AIDA64’s SensorPanel
Version 4.6.4
- Added new MSI Windows 11 themed skins (Light and Dark editions) by Drerex design
- Added voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON RX 6700 XT series graphics cards
- Added experimental support for Intel 11th generation CPUs
- Added experimental support for Intel 12th generation CPUs
- Added experimental support for mobile AMD Ryzen CPUs
- Fixed issue with missing memory temperature sensor on AMD RADEON 5700 / 5700 XT series graphics cards
- Fixed issue which could prevent MSI Afterburner from opening from tray via main application icon after accessing properties via clicking monitoring tray icon
- Increased memory overclocking limit for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30x0 series graphics cards
- Added workaround for internal DirectInput issue, which could cause hotkey handler to stop processing hotkeys correctly after locking/unlocking PC from keyboard with <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del> or <Win>+<L>. To bypass it MSI Afterburner is resetting hotkey handler state after lock screen transition now
- Optimized monitoring profiles switching implementation for situations when profiles contain different sets of data sources displayed in monitoring tray icons
- Application tray icon is DPI aware now:
- OS level tray icons scaling is disabled now to prevent tray icon text distortion. Power users may revert back to the previous DPI unaware tray icon rendering mode via configuration file if necessary
- Added new bigger tray icon fonts for >=150% and >=200% DPI scaling ratios. Power users may also select tray icon font independently of selected DPI scaling ratio via configuration file if necessary
- Application installer is DPI aware now
- RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.3.3
RivaTuner Statistics Server 7.3.7 Beta 5 Build 28209
• Improved hypertext parser:
o Improved bar embedding <B> hypertext tag syntax. Now the third tag parameter can specify rounding radius in pixels to allow you to render solid color filled bar with rounded corners. This feature was added to simplify implementation of overlay layouts similar to minimalist overlay designed by Devyn Johnston. You no longer need to implement similar rounded background with embedded images, now you may render such primitives directly from hypertext
• Added support for 64-bit hook library renaming. Now you may rename RTSSHooks64.dll and instruct RivaTuner Statistics Server to use renamed hook library instead of original one via configuration file. Power users may use this feature to diagnose and debug compatibility with various third party software products, which try to detect RivaTuner Statistics Server presence by hardcoding hook library name (e.g. bugged module name detection inside AMD 24.6.1+ OpenGL driver causing DaVinci Resolve to crash)
• Improved “Inject NVIDIA Reflex latency markers” option compatibility with 3D applications, performing runtime Direct3D11 device recreation (e.g. RetroArch when Direct3D11 rendering backend is selected)
• Improved render submission stage start detection for NVIDIA Reflex latency markers injected into Direct3D11 applications. Now render submission stage is detected inside ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearRenderTargetView hook as it was initially intended instead of doing it in ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetState hook before
• Added alternate Direct3D12 command queue detection mode to provide compatibility with future NVIDIA software technology, which will hook Direct3D12 presentation calls similar to RivaTuner Statistics Server. New alternate mode is disabled by default, but it can be enabled by changing QueueDetection field to 2 inside [RendererDirect3D12] section of application profile
• Improved OverlayEditor.dll plugin:
o Updated helper PresentMonDataProvider.exe application:
- Both PresentMon console and service client based data importing modes updated to the latest PresentMon v2.3.0
- Slightly refactored frames parsing implementation in console mode to simplify integration of future console versions of PresentMon
- NaN values for dropped frames are now replaced with zeroes in service client mode to provide unified data format for both service client and console modes
- Dropped frames are now excluded from FramerateDisplayed metric calculation
o Added horizontal.ovl overlay layout:
- The layout demonstrates usage of improved <B> tag for rendering background with rounded colors
- The layout also allows you to switch between RivaTuner Statistics Server’s own framerate or framerate sampled with PresentMon via pressing <F> key. This allows you to use this layout either in traditional application hooking mode or in combination with Desktop Overlay Host to display framerate in applications like Destiny 2, which globally restrict hooking
o Updated helper LHMDataProvider.exe application:
- LibreHardwareMonitorLib.dll updated to the latest release v0.9.4
o Added experimental support for AMD Ryzen 9xxx CPUs
o Added experimental support for Intel Arrow Lake CPUs
o Added quad fan monitoring support for reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series GPUs
• Updated bundled DesktopOverlayHost.exe application:
o Added keyboard shortcut for rendering backend restarting. Now you may press <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<R> when DesktopOverlayHost window is in focus to perform full restart of currently selected rendering backed, indicated by short background color flash. Rendering backend restarting feature can be used as universal vendor agnostic overlay stability test, allowing you to check how overlay handles full renderer restart from 3D application side