
Mycenaeans wore amber to symbolise the sun and social status

Amber is a fossilised tree resin admired for its vibrant colour and natural beauty since the Neolithic period.

Archaeologists discover a burial chamber containing two ornate coffins

Archaeologists from Sohag University and the Free University of Berlin have discovered two ornate wooden coffins in a burial chamber adjacent to the tomb of Djefaihapi in Asyut, Egypt.

“The ghost ship of the Pacific” rediscovered off California coast

Underwater archaeologists have rediscovered the wreck of the USS Stewart (DD-224), a Clemson-class destroyer that served in both the US Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy during WWII.

Archaeologists uncover deposits of Iron Age objects at Dédestapolcsány-Verebce

Dédestapolcsány-Verebce is an Iron Age hillfort and settlement, situated on the north-western edge of the Bükk Mountains in northern Hungary.

Boat from Swedish Deluge period found in Poland

The remains of a boat have been identified on the banks of the Vistula river near Łomianki Dolne, a village within Warsaw West County, Poland.

Over 300 geoglyphs discovered in the Nazca Pampa region using AI

Archaeologists from Yamagata University of Japan, working in collaboration with the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, have discovered 303 new geoglyphs in the Nazca Pampa region of Peru.

Archaeologists discover painted throne room of Moche elite

Archaeologist excavating the site of Pañamarca in Peru’s Ancash Region have discovered a painted throne room belonging to a powerful Moche woman.

Archaeologists find traces of two substantial Medieval structures

Excavations by the Huttons Ambo History Group and Ethos Heritage CIC have uncovered traces of two substantial Medieval structures at Huttons Ambo in North Yorkshire, England. 

New findings at Europe’s oldest battlefield

Archaeologists studying 13th century BC bronze and flint arrowheads from the Tollense Valley in northeastern Germany have uncovered the earliest evidence of large-scale interregional conflict in Europe.

Previously unknown Neolithic culture uncovered in Morocco

Archaeologists excavating the site of Oued Beht in Morocco have uncovered a previously unknown farming culture from the Neolithic period.

Stone head from Roman period found at Carlisle dig

Archaeologists from the “Uncovering Roman Carlisle” project have found a carved stone head during excavations of the Carlisle Cricket Club in Carlisle, England.

Sacred church for Saint Theodosius of Turnovsky uncovered in Bulgaria

Archaeologists from the Regional History Museum-Veliko Tarnovo have uncovered traces of a church from the monastery of Saint Theodosius of Turnovsky.

Roman chariot discovered in necropolis mound

A team of archaeologists from the Regional History Museum in Varna have discovered the remains of a Roman chariot during excavations of a necropolis mound on the route of a planned gas pipeline in Bulgaria’s Varna Province.

Ceremonial objects unearthed in ritual pit

Archaeologists have unearthed a ritual pit containing ceremonial objects during excavations at Solnitsa in the Varna region of Bulgaria.

Archaeologists excavate one of Europe’s largest Neolithic settlements

Archaeologists are excavating a fortified settlement associated with the Linear Pottery Culture at Eilsleben in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

Guardian statue uncovered at Banteay Prey Nokor

Archaeologists from the APSARA National Authority have uncovered a guardian statue at the Banteay Prey Nokor temple complex in Kompong Cham, Cambodia.

Sacred chapel destroyed during German Peasants’ War rediscovered

Archaeologists from the State Office for Monument Preservation and Archaeology (LDA) of Saxony-Anhalt have rediscovered the Mallerbach Chapel at the site of the Kaltenborn monastery.

Traces of ancient city that revolted against Rome uncovered

Archaeologists have excavated the remains of Fregellae, an ancient city in central Italy that revolted against the Roman Republic.

New findings at Roman Legionary Fortress

Archaeologists from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań have determined the extent of the arsenal at the Roman Legionary Fortress at Novae.

Archaeologists study submerged Nabataean temple

In 2023, archaeologists discovered the submerged remains of a Nabataean temple during an underwater survey of the ancient port of Puteoli, located in modern-day Pozzuoli, Italy.

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