Suffering from joint pain? Follow these Ayurveda tips for relief

If joint pain is not letting you function with ease, here are some effective Ayurveda remedies for relief.

Published on Mar 08, 2022 09:32 PM IST 6 Photos

Joint pain can affect a person of any age and it is no longer the problem of elderly. Sedentary lifestyle also has a role to play apart from deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. It is also common in people with arthritis. Here are Ayurveda tips that will help you deal with joint pain.(Pixabay)


Avoid sour, salty, deep-fried and fermented foods at all costs.(Pixabay)


Avoid vata aggravating ahara - dry and stale food and vihara - excessive exercise, staying awake until late, stressful lifestyle.(Pixabay)


Have more of snigdha foods with healthy fats like ghee, sesame seeds, olive oil, etc.(Shutterstock)


Abhyanga or massage is best for all kinds of joint pain except RA (Rheumatoid arthritis). Sesame oil, Mustard oil, Castor oil are few oils easily available in the kitchen that can be applied over the joints to relieve pain. Few Ayurvedic oils that can help with the pain are: Mahanarayan Taila, Nirgundi Taila, Kottamchukkadi Tailam, Sahacharadi Tailam, Dhanwantaram Tailam, etc.(Pixabay)