By Khushi Pal
Published Jun 28, 2024

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Pexels

5 work from home hacks to help you thrive

Many employees prefer the work-from-home concept. However, it can also be challenging. Here are five ways to work from home effectively. 

Get organised

Create a proper workspace in your home. Organise your desk and keep the area clutter-free. An organised desk helps maintain focus and boosts productivity. 

Set working hours

Being in the comfort of your house can distract you and lead to sidetracking. To avoid distraction, try to maintain strict working hours. 

Take breaks

Take breaks at regular intervals, and make sure to move your body. You can walk around the house or do stretching exercises to prevent stiffness and body aches. 

Create a schedule 

Having a schedule helps create a routine and promotes discipline. It helps one stay motivated and boosts productivity.

Get dressed

Avoid wearing your PJs when working from home. Get dressed instead. It is a great way to stay motivated, look and feel professional and put your brain into work mode.
