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Terra-Cotta Tile and Orange Floor Family Room Library Ideas

Palm Beach Mediterranean
Palm Beach Mediterranean
Meridith Baer HomeMeridith Baer Home
Photos by Andy Frame Photography
Inspiration for a mediterranean terra-cotta tile and orange floor family room library remodel in Miami with white walls, a standard fireplace and a stone fireplace
San Guido dopo restyling
San Guido dopo restyling
Suman Homestaging & Interior RestylingSuman Homestaging & Interior Restyling
libreria in salotto dopo restyling
Inspiration for a large mediterranean open concept terra-cotta tile, orange floor and exposed beam family room library remodel in Florence with a wall-mounted tv and gray walls
Agencement et aménagement d'une maison
Agencement et aménagement d'une maison
Céline AllardCéline Allard
Il s'agit du salon secondaire, faisant office de bureau, les poutres ont été sablées, les tomettes reposées après réagréage du sol, la cheminée remise en état, les huisseries changées. Le mobilier chiné.
San Guido dopo restyling
San Guido dopo restyling
Suman Homestaging & Interior RestylingSuman Homestaging & Interior Restyling
salotto dopo restyling
Large tuscan open concept terra-cotta tile, orange floor and exposed beam family room library photo in Florence with a wall-mounted tv and gray walls
Agencement et aménagement d'une maison
Agencement et aménagement d'une maison
Céline AllardCéline Allard
Il s'agit du salon secondaire, faisant office de bureau, les poutres ont été sablées, les tomettes reposées après réagréage du sol, la cheminée remise en état, les huisseries changées. Le mobilier chiné.
San Guido dopo restyling
San Guido dopo restyling
Suman Homestaging & Interior RestylingSuman Homestaging & Interior Restyling
salotto dopo restyling
Large tuscan open concept terra-cotta tile, orange floor and exposed beam family room library photo in Florence with a wall-mounted tv and gray walls
San Guido dopo restyling
San Guido dopo restyling
Suman Homestaging & Interior RestylingSuman Homestaging & Interior Restyling
salotto dopo restyling
Example of a large tuscan open concept terra-cotta tile, orange floor and exposed beam family room library design in Florence with a wall-mounted tv and gray walls
San Guido dopo restyling
San Guido dopo restyling
Suman Homestaging & Interior RestylingSuman Homestaging & Interior Restyling
salotto dopo restyling
Large tuscan open concept terra-cotta tile, orange floor and exposed beam family room library photo in Florence with a wall-mounted tv and gray walls
San Guido dopo restyling
San Guido dopo restyling
Suman Homestaging & Interior RestylingSuman Homestaging & Interior Restyling
salotto dopo restyling
Inspiration for a large mediterranean open concept terra-cotta tile, orange floor and exposed beam family room library remodel in Florence with a wall-mounted tv and gray walls

Terra-Cotta Tile and Orange Floor Family Room Library Ideas
