Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Donald Trump's health secretary vowed to “Make America Healthy Again" but has delivered an inconsistent message that has infectious diseases specialists worried.
The health and human services secretary's skepticism around vaccines is well-documented.
Fox News viewers could be forgiven if it seemed like the Health and Human Services secretary was a spokesman for the chain.
He also baselessly claimed that natural immunity from measles and other diseases could protect people from cancer and cardiac disease.
The latest cuts mean we have less access to food recall alerts and timely information on disease outbreaks.
Recently, more than 200 people have contracted the illness, which can be fatal for kids and adults.
Jack Schlossberg asked his in-law if she could “call up the family of the child who died of measles and say sorry."
"When Kennedy was asked about his stance ... he responded that they are 'more difficult to come off than heroin,' which is blatantly false."
More than 100 people in West Texas are currently sick with the illness, which is avoidable when enough people get vaccinated.
Donald Trump's top health official wrote in a Fox News op-ed about risks "to unvaccinated individuals" amid a growing measles outbreak.