TES4 Knights of the Nine: Attack on Chapel of Anvil

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(Arrive at the Chapel of Dibella in Anvil)

Anvil Guard

I wouldn’t go in there unless you have a strong stomach. We have orders to leave everything just the way it was until the investigation into the Chapel attack is finished.


Tell me about the Attack on the Chapel.

Anvil Guard

It was terrible. I’ve fought in many battles, but this…

(The guard is silent for a moment)

… the priests and priestesses of Dibella, slaughtered within the very walls of her Chapel. The Altar itself desecrated! No one saw who did it. No one yet living, that is. Although many heard the screams. Speak to the Prophet, in Anvil. He knows what this portends. He says it is only the beginning.


What about the Prophet?

Anvil Guard

He preaches most of the day across the street from the Chapel. I used to think he was crazy, but now he seems to be making some kind of sense. I hope that doesn’t mean I’m going crazy now.

I’ve heard of a mysterious Prophet who preaches outside the desecrated Chapel of Dibella in Anvil. I should find out if he knows anything about who attacked the Chapel and why.


(Check the chapel, and witness the slaughtered priests. Cross the street and listen to The Prophets’ ranting)

The Prophet

Hear me, o people of Cyrodiil! Look well upon the Chapel of Dibella. Look at the faces of the dead. This is your future. Evil has returned, and the Nine need a champion! Is there no one who would stand for the Nine? Now Mara’s children cry out from beyond the grave for vengeance! How many more must die at Umaril’s hand?

I AM CYRODIIL COME, he said, Old Reman, born from the earth that IS Al-Esh, and yet he would scorn this country now! Repent! I say again, REPENT! The blood of Dibella’s slaughtered acolytes cries out for vengeance. Vengeance! Who will take up this holy crusade? Love and Mercy! Do you still think me mad? Who shall next fall to Umaril’s bloody revenge?

The Eight And One require a champion, a Divine Crusader reborn. Pelinal Whitestrake once struck down the enemies of man and god. Who will now reclaim his Relics and fight again for the true faith? There are loremasters among you, heads so heavy with learning that you cannot raise your eyes to the heavens to see the truth there written! Cut eight-wise he was, Pelinal the Blamer, champion of Men, and though dispersed he left us a warning! Heed it!

Umaril is returned, as was foretold by the head of Pelinal to the Bull of Kyne in those days of old Cyrodiil. Who will walk the Pilgrim’s Way, as did the questing knights of old? The blood tide rises! Will no one take up this holy crusade? Will no one walk the ancient Pilgrim’s Way? Oh unhappy Tamriel! Where is your Divine Crusader, in these latter days of petty strife and lesser men?

Umaril — yes, your children know that name if you do not. The Dread Castellan of fearful legend. Did you think him a myth? Or dead? Have you not heard the Abadal-a? Spoke Pelinal: “Beware, Morihaus, beware! With the foresight of death I know now that my foe yet lives, bitter knowledge to take to my grave…” “Better that I had died believing myself the victor. Although cast beyond the doors of night, he will return.””Be vigilant! I can no longer shield the host of Men from Umaril’s retribution.” Thus spake Pelinal in the hour of his death.

The Unfeathered has come during the Breaking of Gates! His golden-wickedness will hold fast against all arms except those of his ancient foe, the Whitestrake!

The gate, once open, cares not who passeth through. Our ancient enemy has returned, from the deeps of time, to exact his revenge upon the gods. The gods, the Eight Attendants of Saint Pelinal when he smote down Umaril the Unfeathered…

Are there no ears to hear the warnings? Are there no eyes to witness the Wheel’s breaking? The Eight and One favor only the righteous! And too few of you remain! The Thief has found the lock that he cannot break! The Warrior, the foe that cannot fall! The Wizard, an incantation that takes not to his tongue! Truly this is the Age of the Serpent and the Void that follows! The Guardians have fallen and no one remains to watch their charges, and all the heavens are now banquet for the Princes of Misrule!

And Talos said to the Arctus, “Let us join as one to fortify this throne, this land, these people, each one glorious under heaven!” Would you not do the same, children of Cyrodiil? No, you would not! This is plain! You looked away when the fires flickered, and now act lost that they are gone! Only death remains for Tamriel! Death and oblivion!

“That all the Interplay is one flea of assertion on a wolf of naught.” It is by these heresies that you fall from grace! Shame on you, people of Cyrodiil, and more shame for the children that you give freely to the mouth of Destruction!

The Al-Esh is near! Mother of the Empire! She weeps for fallen Cyrod and all her children that call it home for truly she is the mother to us all! Citizens, the Queen of Stars asks you: where is her issue? Where are the men who can walk in her steps? In whose blood has the dragon taken purchase? Alessia! Reman! Talos! They cry for blood akin to theirs to rekindle the dragonpact! Citizens, take to your knives! Are there no ears to hear the warnings? Are there no eyes to witness the Wheel’s breaking?

You pore over your dusty tomes of lore. You study ancient genealogies and bloodlines. Look you to blood for truth? There is truth in blood, but it is not the truth that you seek! The truth is written in the blood of the innocent, there in the Chapel of Love! Can you not read the ancient runes? “As oiobala Umarile, Ehlnada racuvar!” A curse and a threat to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear! Are there are any among you who still understand the ancient tongue? “By the eternal power of Umaril, the mortal gods shall be cast down.”

Who will match the deeds of Sir Amiel and his companions when they smote the Wyrm of Elenglynn to recover the Cuirass of the Crusader?

Think on this — what happened here is only the beginning.

The Prophet

So, another one who has come to listen to the madman’s rantings.


About that chapel…

The Prophet

This is only the beginning. Umaril has returned, as foretold by Pelinal Whitestrake in his dying breath!


Just tell me who attacked the chapel!

The Prophet

Do you understand nothing? The blood speaks! I can read the ancient runes, if you cannot. “As oiobala Umarile, Ehlnada racuvar”, in the Ayleid tongue. “By the eternal power of Umaril, the mortal gods shall be cast down.”


Umaril, who is he?

The Prophet

Umaril the Unfeathered, the sorceror-king of the Ayleids who ruled over this land for long ages before the rise of Men. He was cast down by Pelinal Whitestrake. But Umaril’s spirit survived, and now he has returned to seek vengeance upon the gods. Only a true knight, wielding the holy Relics of the Divine Crusader, has a chance to defeat Umaril.


Who is Pelinal Whitestrake?

The Prophet

Does no one remember the old tales? Saint Pelinal, the Divine Crusader of legend — Alessia’s companion when she overthrew the rule of the Ayleids 3,000 years ago. Pelinal, with the aid of the gods, fought the Ayleid sorceror-king Umaril and slew him. But Umaril’s spirit survived, and he has now returned!


How did Umaril’s spirit survive?

The Prophet

He was struck down by Pelinal, but by his art Umaril had bound himself to the realm of his mistress, the Daedra Lord Meridia. So he was not slain, but simply cast adrift upon the waters of Oblivion. Now he has returned to seek vengeance upon the gods who helped bring about his downfall so many ages ago


So how do we stop Umaril?

The Prophet

Alas. Umaril cannot be stopped. Not without the aid of the gods. Not without the Crusader’s Relics. Without a champion, the gods are powerless to act. But who among us is worthy to wield the Divine Crusader’s weaponry?


What are the Crusader’s Relics?

The Prophet

The weapons and armor of Pelinal Whitestrake, Alessia’s comrade, granted to him by the Eight Divines. He went alone into the White Gold Tower, challenged the Ayleid sorceror-king Umaril to single combat, and slew him. Alas, Umaril was not truly slain, but only cast beyond the bounds of Nirn. And now he has returned to wreak his vengeance upon the gods, as was prophesied by Pelinal himself with his dying breath. Only a true knight, wielding the holy Relics of the Divine Crusader, has a chance to defeat Umaril. But, alas for Tamriel, the Crusader’s Relics have been lost for many an age. Who now can succeed in the quest for the Relics, where the greatest knights of legend all failed?


I will quest for the relics.

The Prophet

You would quest for the holy panoply of Pelinal Whitestrake? The legendary Relics that have been sought by mighty warriors throughout the ages? Are you a worthy knight?


I have no claim to fame.

The Prophet

Perhaps, perhaps not. What men value is not always what the gods look for in a champion. The gods grant insight to those they deem worthy. Why and how they act is not predictable. What I can tell you is that traditionally, knights who wished to quest for the Relics would walk the Pilgrim’s Way. Travel to the Wayshrines of the Nine Divines. Pray to each of the gods in turn, and ask their favor upon your quest. If the gods deem you worthy, you will be granted a sign.
Go forth with the Nine’s blessings.

(Receive a “Map of the Wayshrines“)

I’ve spoken to a mysterious Prophet, who told me that in order to seek the Relics of the Crusader, I must first do a pilgrimage to the Wayshrines of the Divines. He gave me a map of the Pilgrim’s Way to help me locate the shrines. Once I have visited a wayshrine for each of the Nine Divines, I may receive a vision if I am judged a worthy knight.


The Eight and One?

The Prophet

Once there were Eight Divines. Then Tiber Septim became Talos and the Eight became Nine. I follow the old way, of honoring the Eight while also giving due to Talos, the One who ascended.

May the Eight and One guide your steps.

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