TES4 Shivering Isles: The Cold Fire of Agnon

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Well, well. So you’ve experienced both shades of madness. Wonderful. You seemed fulfilled. Full of fill. Bursting at the seams. Seamless. Now to the meat of your endeavor. The crux of the situation. The reason for your being here, and the likely cause of your death.


What do you mean?


You’ll be stopping the Greymarch. Altering the course of events, breaking the cycle. A fly in the ointment. A new cause for a different effect. We’re going to change things. No… things will be different this time around. You’ll be my champion. You’ll grow powerful. You’ll grow to be me. Prince of Madness, a new Sheogorath. Or you’ll die trying. I love that about you.


How can I be a Daedric Prince?


A fair question. You won’t, really. At least I don’t think so. But you’ll have power. My power. Try not to lose it. It’s a pain to replace. But, for all intents and purposes, you’ll be Me. A Me to fight the Him. Since I won’t be around. It’s simple, really. If you don’t think about it.


Why me?


Because you seem a nice enough sort. And you’ve made it this far. And if you don’t, I’ll swallow your soul and vomit it into the Everfilling Chamberpot of the Ageless. But mostly because I asked nicely.


Where will you be?


Not here. Didn’t I say that? I’m never here when Jyggalag walks. It’s one of the Rules. I’ve told you too much for now. Listen to me prattle on. I can see your mortal brain straining. We’ll talk more later.


What’s next?


Now… you’ve seen the Great Torch that burns brightly over New Sheoth? No? Because it doesn’t. It should. But it doesn’t. You’ll fix that. You’ll go to Cylarne and bring back the Flame of Agnon to relight the torch. Oh… and take care with my minions at Cylarne. In their eternal quest to please me, they’re constantly fighting over Cylarne. It can be tiresome. But, really, it’s divine. Divinely tiresome. Well. That’s your problem now. Off with you. I don’t want to see you again until the Great Torch is lit. I wouldn’t want to have to hurt you. Much. Oh, don’t forget to make use of dear Haskill. Between you and me, if he’s not summoned three or four times a day, I don’t think he feels appreciated.


Ask about “Cylarne”


That’s where you’re going to get the Flame of Agnon. Do you listen to anything I say? Do your ears work? If not, I can find use for them. Go and fetch the Flame. Bring it to the Sacellum. Light the Great Torch. How are you going to be Me if you can’t even do what Me tells you?


Ask about “Flame of Agnon”


It’s what’s used to light the Great Torch. Haven’t we covered this? You’ll find it in Cylarne, guarded by my Saints and Seducers.


Ask about “Great Torch”


The Great Torch shines brightly above New Sheoth, a beacon of hope for all the citizens. Except it doesn’t! It’s gone out. Happens every time the Greymarch begins. Which it has. Makes all of my subjects uneasy. Tense. Homicidal. Some of them, at least. We need to get that Torch relit, before the place falls apart.

Sheogorath wants me to relight the Great Torch of New Sheoth. I need to go to the ruins of Cylarne, kindle the Flame of Agnon there, and return with its holy fire. Sheogorath warned me that the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers who guard the shrine often fight each other, so I should proceed cautiously.


Ask about “Greymarch”


Aren’t you the curious one? You know what they say about curiosity, though, don’t you? It killed the intrepid adventurer who really should just be doing exactly what I say at all times. You’re going to stop the Greymarch by becoming Me. Or a version of Me. You’ll be powerful. Powerful enough to stop Jyggalag.


Ask about “Obelisks”


They’re getting more active every day. Not a good sign. You know what would be a good sign? “Free Sweetrolls!” Who wouldn’t like that? Shut them down where you can. And make sure to kill the Priests you see around them. If you don’t, they can reactivate the obelisk.


Ask about “Priests of Order”


They’re the worst of all. My own subjects, working for the Enemy! It’s enough to make an old Daedric Prince get all weepy. It doesn’t help that they’re the ones who make the obelisks work. A little chanting, a little ritual, and POOF! Knights of Order. Bad news. Kill them when you see them. But don’t touch the corpse until they’re really dead. Which they aren’t, until you deactivate the obelisk.


(Talk to Haskill)


Yes? Is there something you require?


Ask about “Cylarne”


Cylarne was once the capital of the Shivering Isles. Perhaps the first capital. In any case, the Flame of Agnon here is always used to light the Great Torch of New Sheoth. It has always been so, and presumably always will be so.


Ask about “Flame of Agnon”


The Flame of Agnon can only be lit by the immortal servants of Sheogorath: the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers of His creation. In normal times, Sheogorath would simply command it and his servants would leap to sacrifice themselves upon the Altars of Rapture and Despair. But, alas, the times are not normal, and Sheogorath has given you this task, without the authority to command it. I’m afraid you may have to be a little bit clever.


Ask about “Great Torch”


Ah, the Great Torch. It is a symbol of Sheogorath’s power and a source of great comfort for the citizens of New Sheoth. Unfortunately, the Torch has gone out. For eternity, this has heralded the start of the Greymarch. Lord Sheogorath, in His wisdom, wishes for you to relight the Torch, to help ease the worries of the populace.


Ask about “Greymarch”


It is underway, but my Lord does not wish for you to confront it directly yet. First, the Realm and its citizens must be attended to.


Ask about “Obelisks”


I fear they grow in power as the Greymarch progresses. More and more Knights of Order make their way into the Isles. The Priests of Order are the key. They summon the Knights at the obelisks.


Ask about “Priests of Order”


A bad lot. Traitors. You’ll find them near the obelisks that dot the land. They perform rituals at the obelisks to summon Knights to the Realm. Their link to Jyggalag gives them power. As long as their obelisk is active, they cannot truly be killed.


(Go to Cylarne)

I have arrived at the ruins of Cylarne. I will need to speak to the commanders of the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers to find out how to light the Flame of Agnon.

(Talk to guarding Golden Saint)

Chuna, Golden Saint Warden

Halt. Mortals are not permitted within the walls of holy Cylarne.


Stand aside. Sheogorath sent me.

Chuna, Golden Saint Warden

My pardon, lord. Receive this key, and with it free passage throughout the Shrine of the Flame of Agnon.


I need to light the Flame of Agnon.

Chuna, Golden Saint Warden

Alas, we cannot light the Flame until we take control of the Altar of Despair from the infernal Mazken. The Aurmazl Kaneh would wish to speak to you at once. Proceed through this door to our main encampment at the Altar of Rapture.

I spoke to a Golden Saint guarding the ruins of Cylarne. She told me that the Flame of Agnon can only be lit by the Dark Seducers or Golden Saints at the two altars that feed the Flame, the Altars of Rapture and Despair. I need to help one side or the other take control of both altars so that they will light the Flame for me.


(Enter the Golden Saint occupied area. Witness a conversation between a male Golden Saint and Aurmazl Kaneh)


My scouts reported no signs of the Mazken in the Underdeep. It’s our best chance to take them unawares.

Aurmazl Kaneh

Too risky. It’s likely to be a trap. They could cut us to pieces down there if they knew we were coming.


With all due respect, Aurmazl, I ask that you reconsider. The main passage is strongly defended. Perhaps if you’d allow me to scout further…

Aurmazl Kaneh

Enough! I’ve made my decision. We will attack down the main passage, as planned. The Mazken will not withstand us!

(They departed)

I overheard two Golden Saint officers arguing about the best way to attack the Dark Seducers. The lieutenant, Mirel, mentioned something about the Underdeep, a secret side passage leading to the Dark Seducer altar. I should find out more about this passage from Mirel.


(Talk to Mirel)


Greetings, stranger. Are you here to help us drive the Mazken out of Cylarne?


Ask about “Flame of Agnon”


The Flame is only lit at the command of Sheogorath, from the Altars of Rapture and Despair within the Shrine itself. I’m sure the Aurmazl Kaneh will be glad to help you once the Mazken are driven from the Altar of Despair.


Ask about “Altar of Despair”


Alas, we have not seen the Altar of Despair for many years. It is in the underground part of Cylarne, which is controlled by the Mazken. The Mazken do not even allow us free passage to worship there, which is one of the many reasons why they are unfit to continue to guard it.


Ask about “Altar of Rapture”


It is just there, at the top of these steps. You would pray for the blinding ecstasy which is the ultimate reward for those in Sheogorath’s service?


Ask about “Kaneh”


She commands the Aureals here at Cylarne. She has just arrived with reinforcements from Brellach to end this stalemate once and for all.


Ask about “Aureals”


That’s what we call ourselves. The most loyal and honorable servants of Sheogorath.


Ask about “Brellach”


Our home and sanctuary here in the Shivering Isles.


Ask about “Mazken”


The treacherous ones: the Dark Seducers of ill-repute, whose every action drags Sheogorath’s holy name through the mud.


Ask about “The Underdeep”


My scouts recently discovered another way through the ruins to the Altar of Despair. The Aurmazl Kaneh wants to assault the altar down the main passage, but the Mazken are expecting us to come that way. They’ve strongly fortified the main passage against us. If we attacked through the Underdeep, we could take them by surprise. If only Kaneh would listen to me. An attack down the main passage will end the same as it always does — a glorious defeat.


Why won’t Kaneh listen?


She thinks the Underdeep is a trap. It’s true, if the Mazken knew we were coming that way, we wouldn’t stand a chance. But I’m convinced the Mazken don’t expect us to come that way. If we attacked in full force, we could take the Altar of Despair before they had a chance to react. If only I could make Kaneh see that.

Mirel, the Golden Saint lieutenant, told me that his scouts have recently discovered a side passage leading to the Altar of Despair through the Underdeep. He believes an attack down this route will take the Dark Seducers by surprise, but has not been able to convince his commander, Kaneh.


(Talk to Kaneh)

Aurmazl Kaneh

This is no place for a mortal. We are about to join battle against the Mazken. You’d best stand aside.


Sheogorath sent me. I need your help.

Aurmazl Kaneh

My pardon, Emissary. I am at your service. We are preparing to sweep the Mazken scum from Cylarne. Perhaps Sheogorath sent you to help us?


Ask about “Flame of Agnon”

Aurmazl Kaneh

Only the servants of Sheogorath can light the Flame, by kindling the Altars of Despair and Rapture which feed the Flame. Alas, we hold only the Altar of Rapture. The treacherous Mazken hold the Altar of Despair. We must control both to light the Flame. If you help us seize the Altar of Despair from the Mazken, I will be honored to kindle the Flame of Agnon for my Lord Sheogorath.


Ask about “Battle plans”

Aurmazl Kaneh

The only way to assault the Altar of Despair is down the main passage between the two altars. It will be difficult. The Mazken have fortified their position. But I am confident that with your help, we can defeat them. Will you help us retake the Altar of Despair, and drive the Mazken out of Cylarne once and for all?

I spoke with Kaneh, the commander of the Golden Saints in Cylarne. She is preparing to assault the altar controlled by the Dark Seducers, and believes that with my help, they could finally drive the Seducers out of Cylarne. Once she controls both altars, she will be glad to light the Flame of Agnon for me.


What about the Underdeep?

Aurmazl Kaneh

Ah, Mirel’s beloved surprise attack. A perfect example of why males do not hold command positions. He has failed to consider the risks of his plan. If the Mazken have prepared an ambush along that route, we would be slaughtered. We’re better off storming the main passage, where our superior strength and bladework can come into play.


I’ll scout the Dark Seducer position.

Aurmazl Kaneh

That’s an excellent idea. They cannot refuse entry to an emissary of Lord Sheogorath. Return at once when you have their deployments. This could make all the difference.

I told Kaneh that I would scout the Dark Seducer positions and report back to her. I should check their deployments in both the main passage and the Underdeep, so that I can recommend the best way to assault the Altar of Despair.


(Go to Dark Seducer occupied area)

Vika, Dark Seducer Warden

What is it, Emissary?

(Hmm, she must have overheard my conversation with Chuna)


Ask about “Flame of Agnon”

Vika, Dark Seducer Warden

The holy Flame can only be lit from the Altars of Despair and Rapture. Alas, the Aureals hold Rapture… for now. You should speak to the Grakedrig Ulfri at once. She will be glad of your help to rid Cylarne of the arrogant Aureals once and for all.


Ask about “Aureals”

Vika, Dark Seducer Warden

Our rivals. The so-called Golden Saints. One day, Sheogorath will finally recognize their bull-headed stupidity and expel them from the Realm.


Ask about “Mazken”

Vika, Dark Seducer Warden

You know us as Dark Seducers. A name given us by our enemies. But we are the Mazken in our own tongue, Sheogorath’s only truly loyal servants.


Ask about “Ulfri”

Vika, Dark Seducer Warden

She is the Grakedrig — commander — of the Mazken here at Cylarne. She has never yet been defeated by the Aureals, despite their strength.


(Enter the Altar of Despair. Halted by a Dark Seducer)


What is your business here?


I am here on Sheogorath’s business.


Then I am at your service. The Grakedrig Ulfri commands here. You will wish to speak to her at once, no doubt.


(Go deeper into the building, and meet Grakedrig Ulfri)

Grakedrig Ulfri

Begone, mortal, or you will soon find yourself between the Mazken and their prey. A most dangerous place to be.


Your prey?

Grakedrig Ulfri

We are preparing to wipe out the arrogant Aureals once and for all. Once they break themselves on our defenses, Cylarne will be ours, a gift for our Lord Sheogorath.


I need to light the Flame of Agnon.

Grakedrig Ulfri

Then you have arrived just in time to help us defend the Altar of Despair. Once the strength of the Aureals is shattered, I will be honored to light the Flame as my Lord Sheogorath commands.


Ask about “Flame of Agnon”

Grakedrig Ulfri

The two Altars, blessed Despair and holy Rapture, feed the great Flame of Agnon above us. Only Sheogorath’s immortal servants can kindle the Altars, and I am at my Lord’s command. But I only hold Despair… for the moment. The Aureals hold Rapture, and are massing to attack us. But never fear, they are no match for us. Once their main force is destroyed, with your help, we can easily take Rapture from the few survivors. Then, I will gladly kindle the Flame for you.

I spoke with Ulfri, the commander of the Dark Seducers in Cylarne. She is preparing to defend her position against a Golden Saint attack, and promised that if I help her destroy the Golden Saints, she will light the Flame of Agnon for me.


Ask about “Battle plans”

Grakedrig Ulfri

We are expecting the Aureals to attack any moment. They’ll come down the main passage from the Altar of Rapture. They always do. They are overconfident, as usual. We have prepared many traps and ambushes. It will be a glorious slaughter. Once the Aureals are destroyed, I will light the Flame of Agnon for you. Will you help us defend the Altar of Despair?


I’ll lead the Saints into an ambush.

Grakedrig Ulfri

I never suspected that Kaneh had the audacity to try such a risky assault. But we’ll teach her to try to take the Mazken by surprise! We’ll cut them to pieces in those corridors! I’ll redeploy my forces at once. You return to Kaneh and lead her into the trap. Once they are destroyed, I will kindle the Altars. Good hunting, friend.

(She shouts to her fellow Dark Seducers)

The Aureals think to take us by surprise! We will teach them what happens to those who trifle with the Mazken! To the Underdeep!

(They move)

I told Ulfri that I could lead the Golden Saints into an ambush if she redeployed her troops into the Underdeep. She agreed to my plan. Now I must return to Kaneh and decide who I want to betray.


(Go back to the Aureals)

Aurmazl Kaneh

Greetings, Emissary. We await your command.


Ask about “Battle plans”

Aurmazl Kaneh

Are you ready to help us destroy the Mazken and take control of the Altar of Despair?


Yes, but use the Underdeep.

Aurmazl Kaneh

I’ve already made my decision. We attack down the main passage! What makes you think you can persuade me when my own lieutenant cannot?


The Underdeep is undefended. [Lie]

Aurmazl Kaneh

You’ve seen this with your own eyes? I must be sure it isn’t a trap if I’m to take such a risk.


It isn’t a trap. [Lie]

Aurmazl Kaneh

Mirel was very convincing as well… Very well. We’ll risk it. The Underdeep it is. May Sheogorath’s divine madness possess us today!

(She shouts to her fellow Golden Saints)

Aureals! We attack through the Underdeep! The Mazken will be destroyed before they awake to their danger. Follow me!

(They move)


(They enter the Underdeep, follow them. At the first the Aureals easily wipe the defending Mazkens but after they enter deeper into the Underdeep, they were ambushed by a large number of Mazkens. Eventually, the Aureals are defeated. No one survived)

The Golden Saints in Cylarne have been utterly destroyed. I should speak to Ulfri about lighting the Flame of Agnon now that her forces control both of the altars.

Grakedrig Ulfri

Victory is ours! I have already instructed my subordinates to kindle the Altar of Rapture. It is my honor to sacrifice myself on the Altar of Despair at Lord Sheogorath’s command.


Sacrifice yourself? What do you mean?

Grakedrig Ulfri

The Altars which feed the Flame of Agnon can be kindled only by the willing death of an immortal. I have hoped for this moment since I took command of the Mazken at Cylarne. I return my soul to the embrace of Oblivion’s dark waters. Farewell.

Ulfri thanked me for my help in securing Cylarne for the Dark Seducers. She is now heading for the Altar of Despair, where she says she will “sacrifice herself” to kindle the Flame of Agnon. I should accompany her and see what happens.

(She walks into the Altar of Despair. She draws her sword and plunges the sword into her chest. She dies, shortly the flame kindle in the place where she dies. In the same time, the one of Ulfri’s subordinates sacrifices herself in the Altar of Rapture. The Flame of Agnon is lit)


(Talk with one of the Dark Seducers)

Dark Seducer

Your name will be hailed whenever we toast this day’s victory in our halls at Pinnacle Rock.


Ask about “Pinnacle Rock”

Dark Seducer

Our fortress and sanctuary here in the Shivering Isles.


(Walk out from the Altar of Despair into the courtyard, and see that the Flame of Agnon is indeed lit)

(Step on the fire, and the body is covered in flame, but there is no damage)

I stepped into the Flame of Agnon and am now ablaze with the holy fire. I should return to New Sheoth and light the Great Torch in the Sacellum Arden-Sul.

(Go back to New Sheoth, and enter the Sacellum Arden-Sul. Talk to the priests)


You’ve brought it! The holy Flame of Agnon, the fire of Inspiration and Rapture! If you light the Great Torch on the Mania side of the Sacellum, you will be a hero to the people of Bliss, I assure you!


Let me think about it.


Do not think about it. Dream about it! Let your mind soar on flights of fancy! I know you will choose well, in the end.


Ahh! You burn with the purging Fire of Agnon, the flame of Truth, the flickering beacon of hope in the gloom of despond! Come, light the Great Torch for Dementia. Illuminate the conspiracies! Deepen the shadows! The people of Crucible await their Hero!


Let me think about it.


Yes, let your mind worry at the problem. Let fear and dismay over making the wrong choice sink their talons deep into your brain…


(Think which side to choose this time. Talk to the priests again)


Are you ready to repent of your actions in Cylarne, and light the Great Torch for Mania?


I was leaning towards Dementia…


You should know, that in addition to the adulation of the people of Bliss, there is also a more… earthly reward. The Hero who lights the Great Torch for Mania is traditionally awarded the Raiment of Arden-Sul. Not that this should influence your choice at all. Now, what do you say?



You’ll uplift the poor, suffering folk of Dementia with the Flame, then?


I’m thinking about Mania, actually…


Oh no. You don’t want to do that. Don’t believe their lies. They are no true friends. Don’t you see it? How they whisper behind your back? No, light the Torch for Dementia and you’ll see how we treat our friends. Dementia takes care of its own. Few know that the Hero who lights the Torch for Dementia is granted the Ring of Intrigue, a boon for those who would gain access to hidden knowledge. Surely you will do what is right, won’t you?


I’ll light the Great Torch for you.


You are truly Demented, as I always suspected. Release yourself to your secret fears and desires. Let them rule you, as they must in the end! Now, light the Great Torch as a beacon for those who fear and those who inspire fear.


(Light the Great Torch of Dementia)


The Great Torch flares with the light of Dementia! All of Crucible will be celebrating tonight! Here. Take this. The reward you have earned. Quickly now. It’s best if no one knows you wear this.

(Retrieve Ring of Intrigue)

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