TES4 Oblivion: Kvatch

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After a lengthy journey through the Colovian West, the player finally approaches the city of Kvatch. They see a camp of tents nearby, with some people mulling about. A person runs up to the player and initiates conversation.


Come on! Run while there’s still time! The Guard still holds the road, but it’s only a matter of time before they’re overwhelmed!


Run? From what?


Gods’ blood, you don’t know, do you? Daedra overran Kvatch last night! There were glowing portals outside the walls! Gates to Oblivion itself! There was a huge creature…something out of a nightmare…came right over the walls…blasting fire. They swarmed around it…killing…


The whole city can’t be destroyed.


Go and see for yourself! Kvatch is a smoking ruin! We’re all that’s left, do you understand me? Everyone else is dead!


How did you escape?


It was Savlian Matius…some of the other guards…helped some of us escape…they cut their way out, right through the city gates. Savlian says they can hold the road. No…no, I don’t believe him. Nothing can stop them. If you’d seen it, you’d know…I’m getting out of here before it’s too late! They’ll be here any minute, I’m telling you. Run while you can!

Hirtel runs off.


I arrived at Kvatch to find the city in ruins and the survivors camped outside the walls. I need to find out if anyone here knows what happened to Martin.


Before heading on, they decide to speak to the survivors.


What do you want?


What happened in Kvatch?


Late at night, while we were all asleep, a door to Oblivion opened. Daedra came out and set fire to the town. Many people died, but some got out alive.


Is Martin still alive?


If you mean the priest, I don’t think he made it out of the city. Very few of us did. But Savlian Matius might know more. He’s in charge of the city guard that are defending the camp. You’ll find him at the barricade at the top of the road. He’s still trying to hold what’s left of the Guard together.

Batul gra-Sharob

I don’t have much. I lost everything.


What happened in Kvatch?

Batul gra-Sharob

I don’t like to talk about it. I don’t remember much. I woke to screaming and fire. I ran. I was lucky. I survived. My friends weren’t so lucky.


You picked a bad time to visit Kvatch.


What happened in Kvatch?


Go look for yourself. The town is gone. And most of its people. The Daedra came out of the gate in the middle of the night. People who fought, died. People who ran…they at least had a chance.


We’ve been hit hard. But we’ll come back.


What happened in Kvatch?


It looks bad. It is bad. But we’re tough. We’ll rebuild. The guards have to clear the ruins first. That won’t be easy. But I’ll be here. This is my town. Nothing is driving me out of here.




What happened in Kvatch?


A gate opened and daedra poured out. Everybody ran. Or they died. I don’t know how the fire started, but it burned Kvatch to the ground.


Climb the path to Kvatch.

Hav Dralgoner

Hope is gone. The Imperial line is dead. The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won.


What Covenant?

Hav Dralgoner

The Imperial line is dead, and the gods have forsaken us. Where is our blessing? Where is our protection? Where are our gods? The Enemy triumphs, and we die alone.


The Enemy?

Hav Dralgoner

Lord Dagon is the Enemy. He is the Prince of Destruction, and the Daedra are his servants. The Chapel is cast down, and the faithful…my friends…all dead. The Enemy has won, and we are destroyed.


Having spoken to everyone at the camp, they proceed up the road. As they climb higher up the bluffs towards the city, the sky turns red lava-like cracks appear in the clouds.

The player arrives at a makeshift barricade just outside the city. A small group of guards are fighting off a group of scamps. Once the daedra are defeated, the player approaches what looks to be the guard captain.

Savlian Matius

Stand back, civilian! This is no place for you. Get back to the encampment at once!


What happened here?

Savlian Matius

We lost the damned city, that’s what happened! It was too much, too fast. We were overwhelmed. Couldn’t even get everyone out. There are still people trapped in there. Some made it into the Chapel, but others were just run down in the streets. The Count and his men are still holed up in the castle. And now we can’t even get back into the city to help them, with that damned Oblivion Gate blocking the way.


What will you do now?

Savlian Matius

The only thing we can do. We’ll try to hold our ground, that’s what. If we can’t hold his barricade, those beasts could march right down and overrun the encampment. I have to try and protect the few civilians that are left. It’s all I can do now.


Can I help?

Savlian Matius

You want to help? You’re kidding, right? Hmm…if you’re serious, maybe I can put you to use. It’ll likely mean your death, though. Are you sure?


I’ll do whatever I can.

Savlian Matius

I don’t know how to close this Gate, but it must be possible, because the enemy closed the ones they opened during the initial attack. You can see the marks on the ground where they were, with the Great Gate right in the middle. I sent men into the Gate, to see if they could find a way to shut it. They haven’t come back. If you can get in there, find out what happened to them. If they’re alive, help them finish the job. If not, see what you can do on your own. The best I can say is, good luck. If you make it back alive, we’ll be waiting for you.


Before going to close the gate, the player wants to see if Matius has anything else to say.

What happened to Kvatch?

Savlian Matius

My home…my goddam home, in flames. It kills me that I can’t get in there and DO something. We couldn’t have been any less prepared for this. Seems like they came out of nowhere. There were just so many of them…If only I had a way to strike back at the enemy. But we can’t leave the barricade until that Oblivion Gate is closed.


Is Martin still in Kvatch?

Savlian Matius

You mean the priest? Last I saw him, he was leading a group towards the Chapel of Akatosh. If he’s lucky, he’s trapped in there with the rest of them, at least safe for the moment. If he’s not…


What is this Oblivion Gate?

Savlian Matius

Some kind of portal to Oblivion. The enemy used them to attack the city—they appeared outside the walls and daedra poured out! They’ve opened one right in front of the city gates. Until that Gate is closed, the best I can do is try to hold these barricades.

Good luck. It is a brave thing you’re doing.

Savlian Matius told me that he believes Martin is with a group that barricaded themselves within the Chapel of Akatosh inside the city. I need to follow his instructions in order to break the siege of Kvatch and rescue the survivors.

I have agreed to help Savlian Matius of the Kvatch Town Guard and his men as they attempt to reach some survivors trapped in the Chapel of Akatosh inside the city. He is willing to lead his guardsmen back into the city to attempt a rescue, but the enemy have opened an Oblivion Gate across the entry to the city.


The player enters the gate and is transported into a dimention of red skies and pools of lava. Sharp, talon-like rocks protrude from the ground, and spike-topped towers can be seen in the distance.

Just ahead of them is a guard engaged in a fight with some scamps. The player helps him defeat the daedra.

Ilend Vonius

Thank the Nine! I never thought I’d see another friendly face…The others…taken…they were taken to the tower!


It’s all right. What’s going on?

Ilend Vonius

Captain Matius sent us to try and close the gate. We were ambushed, trapped, and picked off. I managed to escape, but the others are strewn across that bridge. They took Menien off to the big tower. You’ve got to save him! I’m getting out of here!

Ilend Vonius, one of the Kvatch Guardsmen who entered the Oblivion Gate to try to close it, told me that at least one other survivor of the assault on the Gate has been taken to the large tower within Oblivion. I should search for him there.


Fine. Captain Matius needs your help.

Ilend Vonius

The Captain is still holding the barricade? I figured I was the last one left alive. Alright, I’ll try to get out of here and let the Captain know what’s going on. You saved my life. You brought me back from hell. I won’t forget it.


What happend to Kvatch?

Ilend Vonius

It was a terrible night. I don’t know how any of us survived. The whole city was burning.


The player makes their way around the lava lakes and carnivorous plants and up into the towers. They ascend, fighting off scamps and Dremora, until they reach the very top of the first tower. There, they see a prisoner in a cage, guarded by a Dremora.

Dremora Sigil Keeper

You should not be here, mortal. Your blood is forfeit, your flesh is mine!


The player kills the Sigil Keeper and take the Sigil Keep Key from his corpse.

Menian Goneld

Quickly! Quickly! There is no time! You must get to the top of the large tower. The Sigil Keep, they call it. That’s what keeps the Oblivion Gate open! Find the Sigil Stone. Remove it, and the Gate will close! Hurry! The Keeper has the key—you must get the key!

I found the prisoner in Oblivion. He told me I need to reach the top of the largest tower and look for the Sigil Stone. But I will need the Sigil Keeper’s key to gain entry into the Sigil Keep.


The player proceeds forward into the tallest tower. At its very top, they find the Sigil Stone and take it. The realm collapses around them in a flash of blinding light, and they find themselves standing back in front of the Kvatch gates.

I have closed the Gate by taking the Sigil Stone that anchors it within Oblivion. I should tell Savlian Matius that the way into Kvatch is now open.

Savlian Matius

You closed the Gate? I knew you could do it! This is our chance to launch a counterattack! I need you to come with us. You’ve got far more combat experience than these men. Are you able to join us now? I can wait, but not for long. We’ve got to move quickly, before they have a chance to barricade the city gate.


I’m ready. Let’s go.

Savlian Matius

For Kvatch!

Savlian Matius of the Kvatch Town Guard has asked me to aid him as he and his men attempt to re-take the city of Kvatch. They’re pushing in now; I’ll need to follow closely and make sure Savlian survives.


Clear the southern plaza.

Savlian Matius

Ha ha! We wiped the bastards out! It’s safe to pull those people out of the chapel. Let’s get in there and make sure they’re all right. Come on. This is only the beginning of the battle for Kvatch. We can discuss the next phase once the civilians are safe.

I have helped Savlian Matius and his men retake the southern plaza. I should talk to him about our next move.


Together, they enter the Chapel of Akatosh.

Savlian Matius

Matius speaks to one of the guards.

Report, soldier.


Sir, we’re all that’s left. Berich Inian, myself, and these civilians.

Savlian Matius

That’s it? There’s no one else?


There were others, sir. But they refused to stay put. We tried to convince them it was dangerous, but they left anyway. I guess they didn’t make it.

Savlian Matius

Very well. The area outside the Chapel has been cleared, and these people need to be taken to safety. Escort them to the camp south of here at once.


But sir! I want to help fight!

Savlian Matius

You will, soldier. Once they’re secure, get back here immediately. We’ll need every available blade, and there’ll be plenty of fighting to go around.


Sir, yes sir!


Civilians, it’s time to move out! Let’s go!

Tierra and the civilians leave the Chapel.

Savlian Matius

We’ve done it! I can’t believe it – I didn’t really think this would work. Maybe we do have a fighting chance. Oh, yes. We’re not done. Not even close. This was only the first step. If this town is to be ours again, we’ll need to get inside the castle. You’ve come this far with us: will you go further? If we’re truly going to succeed, I’ll need much more of your help. I warn you, though, what we’ve seen so far is nothing compared to the battle that likely awaits us. Take a few moments to catch your breath and think it over. When you’re ready, let me know, and we’ll get underway.

Savlian Matius

Are you ready to go? We need your help getting to the castle, but we need to move soon.

It is now safe for the survivors of the attack on Kvatch to leave the Chapel for safety in the camp south of the city. Savlian has asked me to help him further. I should let him know when I am ready.


Yes, let’s go.

Savlian Matius

Ha ha, I knew you’d be up to it! Our goal is the Castle gate. We should be able to use this door to get out to the plaza in front of the Castle gatehouse. You know the drill. Stick close, and keep your eyes open. Let’s move out!


Clear a path to the castle gates.

Savlian Matius

We’ve got to make it to the castle!

Dammit! This is no good! The gates are locked, and the only way to open them is from within the gatehouse.


How do we open the castle gate?

Savlian Matius

We can’t open that gate from out here. The only mechanism for raising it is inside the gatehouse. And the only way to get into the gatehouse now would be through the passage at the North Guard House. But that’s always kept locked. Hurry and find Berich Inian. He should be back in the Chapel, and should still have the key to the Guard House. Once you’ve got it, get to the Guard House, find the passage, and open that gate. Then we can get inside the caste and secure it.

I need to look for Berich Inian in Kvatch’s Chapel, and ask him for a key to the Guard House.


The player returns to the Chapel.

Imperial Legion Soldier

The Imperial Legion Soldier approaches.

We saw the smoke from the Gold Road while out on patrol. How can we help?


Follow me!

Imperial Legion Soldier

We’ll be right behind you.


I’m just waiting for Captain Matius to give the order. Finally, a chance to fight back!


Do you have the Guard House Key?


Yes, I have it. Why?


I need it to get into the castle.


That’s right! They managed to close the castle gates just before we were forced in here. I’m afraid you’re in for a tough time, friend. The city’s in bad shape, and it will be difficult to make it to the Guard House by yourself. I’d better go with you. We’ll have to go through the Chapel Undercroft, and then through what’s left of the city. If…If I don’t make it, take the key and carry on without me. You need to reach the tower at the north wall of the city.

Berich Inian has agreed to lead me through Kvatch. I need to follow him through the city to reach the guard house, and gain access to the Castle Gatehouse.


They follow Inian.


This is it. The entrance to the passage is right here. I’ll unlock it for you. Best of luck.


They enter the passageway.

I’ve found the tunnel entrance in Kvatch. I need to follow it to the gatehouse, so I can raise the gates and let the guards into the castle courtyard.

I’ve raised the gates into Castle Kvatch. I must now help Savlian and his men defeat the monsters within.

With the gate raised, Matius and his guards rush in and attack the Daedra.

Savlian Matius

This area’s clear. We’ve got to get inside and find the Count before it’s too late. Move out!


The player heads inside the castle.

I need to follow Savlian Matius into Castle Kvatch, and help find the Count of Kvatch, Ormellius Goldwine.

Savlian Matius

All right, this is it! We’ll hold this area. You head to the back of the castle, and find the Count. Don’t come back here without him!


The player clear out the Great Hall and the Count’s bedroom. Unfortunatelly, they find the Count ying dead, face down in a pool of his own blood.

I’ve found the body of Count Goldwine. I should deliver his signet ring to Savlian Matius.

The player takes the Colovian signet ring from his body as proof of his death, and returns to Matius.

Savlian Matius

Where is the Count? Why is he not with you?


I’m sorry. He didn’t make it.

Savlian Matius

We…we were too late? If only we’d gotten here sooner! This is indeed a dark day for all of us left. But I thank you for risking your own life to help us. Did you find the Count’s ring, by any chance?


Yes, here it is.

Savlian Matius

At least this is safe. Thank you: I shall make sure it is protected, for the time when a new Count is crowned. Here, take this. I have no use for it; I’m tired of fighting. I may serve you well in days to come.

Castle Kvatch is now safely under Savlian Matius’ control.


The player greatefully takes Matius’ cuirass and returns to the Chapel.


A pleasure to speak with you.


Do you know Martin?


I’ll never forget him. He saved as many as he could that terrible night. If only they’d listened and stayed with us in the Chapel.


Having heard that Martin is no longer in the chapel, the player heads back outside the city to the refugee camp.

Guilbert Selone

What do you want?


Will you go back to Kvatch?

Guilbert Selone

Maybe we can rebuild. But things will never be the same. We had everything here. Beautiful gardens. Fresh mountain air. Did you know Kvatch had the only Arena in Cyrodiil outside the Imperial City? All gone now, though. Just smoke and mud and rubble.

Lenka Valus

I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m going to be much help.


Why not?

Lenka Valus

The destruction was worse than I had feared. So many dead…it was almost better not knowing. Then at least I had hope.

Finally, the player locates Martin.


I heard about how you helped the Guard drive the daedra back. Well done.


Come with me. You’re in danger.


Danger, you say? You came here to tell me this? Explain yourself or leave me alone. There are many others here who actually need your help.


You’re Martin, right? The priest?


Yes, I’m a priest. Do you need a priest? I don’t think I’ll be much help to you. I’m having trouble understanding the gods right now. If all this is part of a divine plan, I’m not sure I want to have anything to do with it.


There is a plan. We’re part of it.


What plan? What are you talking about? I prayed to Akatosh all through that terrible night, but no help came. Only more daedra. What can you possibly know that would help me make sense of this?


You are Uriel Septim’s son.


Emperor Uriel Septim? You think the emperor is my father? No, you must have the wrong man. I am a priest of Akatosh. My father was a farmer.


The daedra came here for you. The Emperor knew you were in danger.


You spoke to the Emperor before he died? And he told you to find me? An entire city destroyed to get at me? Why?…Because I’m the emperor’s son?


Why would I lie to you?


I don’t know. It’s strange…I think you might actually be telling the truth. What does this mean? What do you want from me?


Come with me to Weynon Priory.


You destroyed the Oblivion Gate, they say. You gave them hope. You helped them drive the daedra back. Yes, I’ll come with you to Weynon Priory and hear what Jauffre has to say. Lead on.

I found Martin among the survivors of Kvatch. He was surprised to learn that Emperor Uriel Septim was his father, but has agreed to return to Weynon Priory with me to speak to Jauffre.

Together, they travel back to Weynon Priory.

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