TES4 Shivering Isles: The Lady of Paranoia

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Why do you approach the Duchess of Dementia? Do you seek death?


I was told to find you.


You’re the one the Madgod sent, aren’t you? Then you’re safe for now. Speak to no one unless I instruct you to. None of them can be trusted. Do you hear me? None! Surrounded by traitors and spies, I am. Always, always. They watch and wait, eager to slip a knife into my spine when I’m not looking.


Who’s spying on you?


Could be all of them. Every last one. None can be trusted. But they’ll never take me down. Never! I’ll see them all rotting in shallow graves before I let my guard down! You… you will help me. Yes, yes. You will be most useful.


How can I help?


You’re going to find out who knows. You’re going to learn who keeps secrets, who conspires against me. You will be my Grand Inquisitor. Expose the conspirators, and they will be punished, I assure you. Find out who keeps secrets, and what they are. Speak with Herdir. He will help you. Do you understand what is required of you? If no one is found, you will be held responsible.

I have been tasked with finding the people conspiring against Lady Syl. I need to find and speak to Herdir. He can always be found at the torture chamber in the House of Dementia.


(Go to House of Dementia dungeon and speak to Herdir)


What brings you to this delightful corner of the House of Dementia? How may I help you?


I am the Grand Inquisitor.


Are you? Hmm. I’d expected an entrance with a bit more flair. Ah, well. Perhaps you’ll grow into the role. One can hope, eh? Now, we’ve much to do. Lady Syl is not a patient woman, as I’m sure you’ve seen. Shall we begin?


Fine. Let’s go.


Ah, I do appreciate an assertive leader. I look forward to working with you on this assignment. Lead the way, Grand Inquisitor!

Herdir has agreed to accompany me. I need to speak with people in Crucible for information about this supposed conspiracy. Perhaps starting with those close to Syl would be useful.


(Talk to Kithlan)


Go on.


Inquire about “Conspiracy”


I don’t know anything about a conspiracy, but Anya has been looking extra nervous lately. She might know something more than I do.

I have been told that Anya Herrick may know something about a conspiracy. I should find and interrogate her.


(Talk to Anya Herrick)

Anya Herrick

I’m Anya Herrick. I serve Lady Syl, and she allows me to remain protected within the House of Dementia. I’m so grateful to her.


Inquire about “Conspiracy”

Anya Herrick

What? N…No. I don’t know anything about anything. I’m sorry, I can’t help you.


Liar! Herdir, torture her.

(Herdir casts a lightning bolt at her. She falls and after a moment, she recovers)

Anya Herrick

Please. I am not involved… I didn’t do anything! They wanted me to get them close to Syl, but I wouldn’t abide them!


Who approached you? Tell me at once!

Anya Herrick

It was Ma’zaddha. He said he was working on behalf of someone else. He told me I needed to help him, or there would be repercussions. I didn’t know what to do. Turning on Syl could cost me my life, but if I don’t help, what will Ma’zaddha do to me? You must do something!

Anya Herrick has named Ma’zaddha as being involved in some sort of plot against Lady Syl. I should find and speak to him.


(Find Ma’zaddha. He is in his house, enter and confront him)


What… what are you doing here? There’s nothing going on. Leave me alone!


Inquire about “Conspiracy”


I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Liar. Herdir, torture him!


Please, no!

(Herdir casts a lightning bolt at him. He falls and after a moment, he recovers)

You may continue to do your worst, Inquisitor, but unless you have some evidence of this preposterous conspiracy, you’ll get nothing from me.

Ma’zaddha refuses to give me any information. I need evidence that he’s involved; I should speak to the citizens of Crucible to learn more.


(Find someone at the street. Talk to Bhisha, a Khajiit Beggar)


Inquire about “Conspiracy”


No, no. I know nothing.


I don’t care. Herdir, torture her.


No, please no….

(Herdir casts a lightning bolt at her. She falls and after a moment, she recovers)

I don’t want trouble! I keep to myself, but I see Ma’zaddha and that Dark Seducer, Nelrene, meeting behind the buildings late at night sometimes. That’s all I know. Nothing more.

I’ve been told that Ma’zaddha has been meeting Nelrene late at night in Crucible. I’ll need to find them and listen in on their conversation.


(Go and talk to Herdir)

Return to the palace.


As you wish, Inquisitor.


(Wait until midnight and follow Ma’zaddha. Nelrene comes and talk to Ma’zaddha)


Have you made any progress? Will Anya assist us?


No, that blasted Inquisitor got to her. We’ll need to find someone else.


See that you do so immediately. This is the one task which you were assigned. If you cannot complete it, you will be removed. Are we clear?


I will, I will! I want to see Syl dead just as much as you do. She cannot be allowed to survive, after what she’s done. It’s despicable.


Good. I shall expect a progress report soon. And keep your head down; the Inquisitor must not become involved.


(After Nelrene left, go talk to Ma’zaddha)




Inquire about “Conspiracy”

I’ve told you, I don’t know anything. You can’t prove a thing!


I heard you talking to Nelrene.


What? I… I… It’s for the good of Crucible! You must see that! Please, spare me! I’ll do anything!


Why are you trying to kill Lady Syl?


You don’t know, do you? She’s kept it a secret even from you! She and Thadon… they’ve been meeting in secret. They’ve been doing things together. Consorting. You understand me? It cannot be permitted! She must be stopped!


Who else is involved?


I don’t know, besides Nelrene. She’s taking orders from someone, but won’t tell me who. If I find out, will you promise to spare me?


I’ll make no such promise.


Okay, okay. I’ll get the names, and then you’ll see. It will be worth it, I promise you! Meet me in my house tomorrow at midnight. I’ll have information for you. Just please spare me.

Ma’zaddha admitted to being involved in a plot to kill Lady Syl. He’s asked for time to learn more about who’s behind it. I should meet him at his house in one day’s time. In the meantime, I should investigate Nelrene’s role in this.


(Go and wait for the next day, and enter Ma’zaddha house after midnight. Find the Ma’zaddha is dead)

I’ve found Ma’zaddha dead in his home. I should see if he was holding any evidence of this conspiracy.

(Search his body and retrieve a key. Use the key to open the cupboard on the first floor. Retrieve Nelrene’s Ceremonial Shortsword)

I have found the items Ma’zaddha hid in his house. The evidence points to Nelrene, and I should confront her about it.

(Go to the palace and confront Nelrene)


What do you want?


Inquire about “Conspiracy”


You have no proof! You cannot hold me accountable for anything!


I have your ceremonial sword.


And with it, you’ll do what? I’m not even the one you want. Muurine is behind it. You’ll need solid proof to pin it on her.

Nelrene admits to being involved in a conspiracy, and has named Muurine as the architect of the plot. I’ll need more evidence before confronting Muurine.


(Go to Crucible and confront Muurine)


What we do here is our own business. Don’t interfere.


Inquire about “Conspiracy”


I see you’ve done quite a bit of work to track me down. Yes, I orchestrated it. Syl deserves to die a painful death for turning on all of us, and consorting with our enemies. Go ahead, do what you will. Nothing matters now.

I have confronted Muurine, who has confessed to trying to kill Lady Syl. I should report this news to Lady Syl at once.


(Go back to the palace and talk to Syl)


What news do you have to report, Inquisitor? Have you found who is responsible?


Muurine was behind it.


Is that so? I shall have her brought to the torture chamber at once. Meet me there shortly.


(Follow Syl to the House Dementia Dungeon. Muurine has already captured and held in a cell with two statues of hunger on the left and right of the cell. Syl talks to Muurine)


You’ve confessed to attempting to kill me, I understand. The penalty for this treachery is death, and is to be carried out immediately.

(Syl hits a button and Muurine is caught in the lightning bolt shot by the two statues of hunger, Muurine is dead)

You see now what happens when those who oppose me fail, which they always do. I am pleased with your work, Inquisitor. As a token of my appreciation, I shall spare your life, and make you a Courtier of Dementia. In addition, accept this Bow. May your enemies fear you and never know from where or with what enchantment you shall strike.

(Retrieve Ruin’s Edge)

The conspiracy has been stamped out. Lady Syl has executed Muurine, and thanked me for my help.


(Go out of the House of Dementia and talk to Sheogorath)

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