TES4 Oblivion: Miscarcand

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My progress on the Mysterium Xarxes is slow, I’m afraid. How goes your search for the Armor of Tiber Septim?


I have recovered the Armor of Tiber Septim.


The Septim blood may flow through my veins, but you have the soul of a hero. The Armor of Tiber Septim himself! Jauffre will be amazed to see it. You can reassure Jauffre that I will not destroy the armor. All I need is a scraping of Talos’s divine blood. The Blades are as touchy as priests about relics of Tiber Septim, it seems! a little banter to lighten the mood a bit

I gave Martin the Armor of Tiber Septim. He was able to recover Tiber Septim’s blood from it, which he needed for the Mysterium Xarxes ritual.


What else can I do to help?


While you were gone, I’ve made some progress in deciphering the Mysterium Xarxes ritual. The third item we need is a Great Welkynd Stone. You may have run across lesser Welkynd Stones; they are fairly common in Ayleid ruins. But a Great Welkynd Stone will not be easy to come by. They have been plundered one by one over the years, due to their great value to mages and occultists. There is only one place that is rumored to still contain one: the ruins of the Ayleid city of Miscarcand. A place where many have perished seeking its Great Stone. But nothing else will do, so you must succeed where all others have failed.


Tell me about Miscarcand.


Miscarcand is one of the most extensive Ayleid ruins in Cyrodiil. It was the capital of one of the ancient Ayleid kingdoms which flourished in Cyrodiil before the rise of Men. You might find ‘Glories and Laments Among the Ayleid Ruins’ useful. I have the library’s copy at my table if you need it. It is said that the ruins are still haunted by the vengeful spirit of its last king. True or not, it is not a place to enter lightly.

Be careful, my friend. I know you have braved many dangers already, but Miscarcand is not to be taken lightly.

Martin has deciphered the third item needed for the ritual: a rare Ayleid artifact known as a Great Welkynd Stone. He knows of only one place that still might contain one, the Ayleid ruins of Miscarcand. I must find the Great Welkynd Stone of Miscarcand and bring it to Martin at Cloud Ruler Temple.


The player travel to Miscarcand, near the city of Kvatch. It is one of the largest Ayleid ruins in Cyrodiil. Inside, they fight goblins and skeletons until they reach the final chamber of the ruin.

They take the Great Welkynd Stone from its plinth, and the King of Miscarcand appears in ghostly form. The player defeats him, and returns to Cloud Ruler Temple with the stone.

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