TES4 Oblivion: Paradise

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The player arrives back at Cloud Ruler Temple.


Once you’re rested and equipped, you should have Martin open the portal to Camoran’s Paradise immediately. Don’t give the enemy a chance to recover from their defeat.


I have everything in place for the ritual. I’ll open the portal whenever you’re ready. I don’t know what you’ll find in Camoran’s Paradise. I do know the portal I create through the Mysterium Xarxes ritual will close behind you. You’ll have to find another way back. I believe that Mankar Camoran acts as the “anchor” for Paradise, just as a sigil stone anchors an Oblivion Gate in place. Kill Mankar Camoran, and you will unmake his Paradise. Shall I open the portal to Paradise? Are you ready?


Yes, open the portal to Paradise.


Farewell, my friend. Our fate is in your hands. Bring back the Amulet of Kings. Brace yourself.

Martin opens the portal to Paradise.

Martin performed the ritual and opened the portal to Camoran’s Paradise. He warned me that the portal would close behind me. Martin believes that since Mankar Camoran bound himself to the Mysterium Xarxes in the creation of Paradise, I can only return to Tamriel by killing him. I must enter the portal, kill Mankar Camoran, recover the Amulet of Kings.


The player steps through, and finds themselves in an idyllic forest. As they walk forward along the path and through Ayleid arches, the voice of Mankar Camoran booms oveahead.

Mankar Camoran

So, the cat’s-paw of the Septims arrives at last. You didn’t think you could take me unawares, here of all places? In the Paradise that I created? Look now upon my Paradise. Gaiar Alata, in the old tongue. A vision of the past… and the future.


The player arrives at an area known as the Savage Garden. They see a few cultists, stripped to their underwear, being chased and killed by Clanfear. The player defeats the daedra.

Mankar Camoran

Behold the Savage Garden, where my disciples are tempered for a higher destiny: to rule over Tamriel Reborn. If you are truly the hero of destiny, as I hope, the Garden will not hold you for long. Lift your eyes to Carac Agaialor, my seat at the pinnacle of Paradise. I shall await you there.


They proceed further into the Savage Garden. They come upon a cultist that hasn’t yet been killed by the daedra.

Ascended Immortal

So you found your way to Gaiar Alata at last. Don’t we have enough troubles here, without you adding to them? Leave us alone. Your quarrel is with Mankar Camoran, not us poor fools.

Gaiar Alata is the Master’s name for this place. We usually just call it Paradise. This is the Savage Garden. At the top of that mountain lies the Terrace of Dawn, which leads up to Mankar Camoran’s palace… Carac Agaialor. Beneath the mountain lies the Forbidden Grotto, the only way out of the Savage Garden.

Everyone here died in the Master’s service. As the Master promised, we are now immortal, like the daedra. But our life here is a nightmare. The creatures of the Garden torment us endlessly. When they kill us, we are soon reborn and the cycle begins again. No one has yet found a way to leave the Garden, except those few given the Bands of the Chosen and allowed to enter the Forbidden Grotto.

Only those wearing the Bands of the Chosen may enter the Forbidden Grotto. But they never return, so we don’t know what fate awaits them.

Leave me in peace.


The player goes on ahead, and encounters Else God-Hater.

Ascended Immortal

You … how can you be here? No matter. You are too late to stop Lord Dagon’s victory. Soon we will return to Tamriel, to rule over it as lords. While you will remain here in the Eternal Garden… forever.

We have all died in the Master’s service. Here in Gaiar Alata we are immortal, and wait to return to Tamriel after Lord Dagon’s final victory. The Forbidden Grotto is the only way out of the Savage Garden. Those who earn the Master’s favor are given the Bands of the Chosen and allowed to leave the Garden.


Finally, at the base of an arch, they find a friendly Dremora willing to talk.


You destroyed the Sigil Tower at Ganonah. My kin say you fought well.


Ganonah? I have never heard of this place.


Our clan sacked your city of Kvatch… a trifling task fit for scamps. Your swift retribution earned you much respect among my people. We had not expected that a mortal would act with such resolution and honor. It is no dishonor for us to speak.


I seek Mankar Camoran.


You speak directly like one of my people almost. I’m glad I did not kill you immediately.


What do you want, then?


There is one way out of the Garden. I guard that path. You will travel that path, and it will bring me honor to defeat you. But you shamed my kin at Ganonah. To bring you into my service… that would also bring me honor. So I offer you a choice. Would you confront me in battle? Or offer me service?


The player can decide to perform a task for Kathutet, or kill him outright and get the gauntlets from his corpse.

I choose service.


An intriguing choice. And I have a task in mind that will test your wit, and your loyalty. The rabble of the Savage Garden have imprisoned the Xivilai Anaxes. I consider his humiliation a fitting punishment. However, his shame attaches to me, and though the matter is too small for my attention, it is not too small for one of my servants. Free Xivilai Anaxes, and I shall reward you with the key to the Forbidden Grotto… the Bands of the Chosen.


Free the Xivilai?


Mankar Camoran’s chattels, the unmortals that swarm here in the Savage Garden, their proper role is to test themselves in unceasing combat. But, being no true immortals, they are without honor or courage, and shy from battle. However, by some trick, they trapped one of my agents, the Xivilai Anaxes, in a cave. They show initiative, and Anaxes doubtless deserves humiliation, but I cannot permit this to continue. Do me the service of freeing Anaxes, and I will reward you with the Bands of the Chosen and passage to the Forbidden Grotto.

I met a dremora named Kathutet who offered to help me get into the Forbidden Grottos if I helped him by freeing a Xivilai that the Mythic Dawn immortals have trapped in a cave. He claimed that the only way to leave the Savage Garden was by wearing the Bands of the Chosen, which he would give me if I help him.


The player locates and enters the Lair of Anaxas the Xivilai.

Ascended Immortal

Please, don’t let Anaxes loose! He torments us night and day!


Where is Anaxes?

Ascended Immortal

He’s trapped at the back of the cave. It took us weeks to prepare the trap, and he killed us many times before we finally succeeded. The lesser creatures of the Eternal Garden still torment us, but Anaxes was the worst. He toyed with us, prolonging our deaths for his pleasure. You must not release him, for pity’s sake!


Here, the player can choose to free Anaxes as instructed by Kathutet, or kill him and help the enslaved cultists. It is also possible for the Xivilai to die without the player’s intervention. If the Xivilai is dead, Kathutet will fight the player. If he is alive, the key will be given willingly.

For this playthrough, the player kills Anaxas.


You cannot deceive me. Anaxes has fallen. Now I must restore order to the Garden myself, and this angers me.

Kathutet was angry at me for killing the Xivilai. I will have to take the Bands of the Chosen from him by force.


The player kills him and takes the Bands from his corpse. They see the Grotto a short way ahead, and enter it. The caves inside are filled with lava rather than water, and the screams of tortured cultists echo throughout. The player must defeat Daedra as they make their way ahead. Again, Camoran’s monologue follows them.

Mankar Camoran

How little you understand! The Principalities have sparkled as gems in the black reaches of Oblivion since the First Morning. Many are their names and the names of their masters: the Coldharbour of Meridia, Peryrite’s Quagmire, the ten Moonshadows of Mephala, and…… and Dawn’s Beauty, the Princedom of Lorkhan… misnamed ‘Tamriel’ by deluded mortals.


They come to a door locked with a rune, and put on the bands of the chosen. The bands of the chosen glow brightly and the door is unlocked.

Mankar Camoran

Yes, you understand now. Tamriel is just one more Daedric realm of Oblivion, long since lost to its Prince when he was betrayed by those that served him. Lord Dagon cannot invade Tamriel, his birthright! He comes to liberate the Occupied Lands!

Ask yourself! How is it that mighty gods die, yet the Daedra stand incorruptible? How is it that the Daedra forthrightly proclaim themselves to man, while the gods cower behind statues and the faithless words of traitor-priests?

It is simple… they are not gods at all. The truth has been in front of you since first you were born: the Daedra are the true gods of this universe. Julianos and Dibella and Stendarr are all Lorkhan’s betrayers, posing as divinities in a principality that has lost its guiding light. What are Scholarship, Love, and Mercy when compared to Fate, Night, and Destruction? The gods you worship are trifling shadows of First Causes.

They have tricked you for Ages.

Why do you think your world has always been contested ground, the arena of powers and immortals? It is Tamriel, the realm of Change, brother to Madness, sister to Deceit. Your false gods could not entirely rewrite history. Thus you remember tales of Lorkhan, vilified, a dead trickster, whose heart came to Tamriel. But if a god can die, how does his heart survive?

He is daedroth! TAMRIEL AE DAEDROTH!

“This Heart is the heart of the world, for one was made to satisfy the other.” You all remember this. It is in every legend. Daedra cannot die, so your so-called gods cannot erase him from your minds completely.


After more fighting and walking, the player makes it to the Forbidden Grotto.

I have entered the Forbidden Grotto. Now to find my way through to the Terrace of the Dawn where I hope to find Mankar Camoran and the Amulet of Kings.

The bands emit a red glow as the door opens. Inside, a cultist is torturing two prisoners.


You wear the Bands, but you’re no prisoner. Who are you? What are you doing


I’m here to Kill Mankar Camoran.


Can you really do it? Can you bring this eternal nightmare to an end? Can you defeat Mankar Camoran? And free all the souls of the poor fools who followed him? Listen, I can help you. You need my help if you are ever to leave the Forbidden Grotto.


Who are you?


I was one of Mankar Camoran’s chief lieutenants. I helped plan the Emperor’s assassination. I opened the Great Gate at Kvatch. We were the Chosen. We saw more clearly than ordinary mortals. We would destroy the world and remake it. Mankar Camoran was our leader, our teacher, our Master. He had the secret knowledge. He dealt with Mehrunes Dagon as an equal.


Why would you help me?


I was at the sack of Kvatch. They had no chance. We took them by surprise, and we carried the walls in the first assault. But they fought on anyway. Desperately. They seemed to think this decadent, mundane world of theirs was worth defending. I was slain after the battle was over. Three townsfolk hiding in a cellar attacked me when I entered their house, hunting down survivors. They tore me to pieces, although I have no doubt they were immediately killed by my companions. I’ve had plenty of time to ponder my deeds since I came here. Ponder, and regret. An eternity of regret. For my weakness, the Master sent me here, to torture my former comrades who showed similar ingratitude for his gift of eternal life.


How can you help me?


No one wearing the Bands of the Chosen can leave this Grotto. The doors will not open, and there is no other way out. I can remove them, but I will need time. The Dremora overseer will be here any minute to check up on me. You need to play along until he leaves. Just act like a prisoner, and do as I say. Once Orthe leaves, we can find a quiet spot to remove those Bands.

I met a High Elf named Eldamil. He served Mankar Camoran and the Mythic Dawn on Tamriel, but since coming to Gaiar Alata and seeing the true nature of Mankar Camoran’s ‘paradise’, he claims to have regretted his deeds. He warned me that it was impossible to leave these caves while wearing the Bands of the Chosen, and offered to help me by removing them.


Fine, I’ll play allong.

I accepted Eldamil’s offer to help me escape the Forbidden Grottos. Eldamil wants me to pretend to be a prisoner until his Dremora overseer finishes his inspection. I wonder if I can trust him.


Good. Follow me, and don’t worry. You can trust me.


The player follows Eldamil to an area where cages are suspended over lava-filled ravine.


What’s going on here? Who’s this?


A prisoner, sent in by …


Show me some respect, worm! Unless you want to end up in the cages with them.


… Yes, kynreeve. Sir. This prisoner was sent in by Kathutet for questioning. I was about to begin.


This is not one of Mankar Camoran’s chattels from the Garden. Who is she?


Nothing escapes your vigilance, kynreeve. Kathutet wondered as well. This is why he sent her for questioning.


Well … carry on.


Of course, kynreeve.

He turns to the Player.

Prisoner! Into the cage, now!


They do as they’re told and step into the cage. Eldamil pulls a lever and the cage closes, then lowers until it is barely suspended above the lava. A short time later, the cage is pulled back up and the door opens on the other side of the ravine.


There’s no way for me to cross. But the Master’s immortality does have its uses. I will distract the dremora for as long as I can. I’ll meet you further along in the caves and remove the Bands when you get there. May Akatosh favor you!

Eldamil told me he would meet me further into the caves where he would be able to remove the Bands of the Chosen from my wrists. I should continue searching for a way through these caves to Mankar Camoran’s palace.

Eldamil attacks the three Dremora overseers. He is killed, but he will be somehow resurrected later just like other ascended immortals.


The player goes on without him, and meets his resurected form a little while later in.


You made it. I didn’t think you’d have any trouble. Let’s get these Bands off you …


The Bands of the Chosen are removed.


… there. You’re not a prisoner of the Forbidden Grotto any longer. Let me come with you. Let me help you kill Mankar Camoran. I am not without power.

Eldamil removed the Bands of the Chosen. I should now be able to leave the Forbidden Grotto and continue on my way towards Mankar Camoran’s palace at the top of the mountain.


Sure I’d be glad of your help.


I’am no match for Mankar Camoran, but perhaps together we can find a way to defeat him. Lead on.


The two of them go further into the Grotto.

Mankar Camoran

Well done, champion! Your progress is swift and sure. Perhaps you will reach me after all. You think I mock you? Not at all. In your coming, I hear the footsteps of Fate. You are the last defender of decadent Tamriel. I am the midwife of the Mythic Dawn, Tamriel Reborn. I welcome you, if you truly are the agent of Fate. I tire of the self-styled heroes who set themselves in my path, only to prove unworthy in the event.


Finally, they come upon a door to the outside and emerge back in Paradise. They stand a short way away from a large building that must be Camoran’s fortress. Besides them is a pristine shrine to Mehrunes Dagon.

The player proceeds up the path to the building. Two Altmer — Ruma and Raven — await him, but do not attack.

Ruma Camoran

You did not expect to see me again, did you? You have no grasp of the power that my father has at his command. You think you can stop us? Soon Mehrunes Dagon will walk upon Tamriel for the first time since the Mythic Age, and our victory will be complete. Come, my father is waiting to welcome you to Carac Agaialor.

Raven Camoran

So here you are at last. The lackey of the Septim pretender. You still think you have a chance, don’t you? We knew you would find your way here eventually. But it is of no consequence. You should not keep my father waiting any longer. He expected you hours ago. Come, you came here to see him, did you not?


Together, they enter Mankar Camoran’s palace, Carac Agaialor. Ruma and Raven take their place alongside their father.

Mankar Camoran

I have waited a long time for you, Champion of Old Tamriel. You are the last gasp of a dying age. You breathe the stale air of false hope. How little you understand! You cannot stop Lord Dagon. The walls between our worlds are crumbling. The Mythic Dawn grows nearer with every rift in the firmament. Soon, very soon, the lines now blurred will be erased. Tamriel and Oblivion rejoined! The Mythic Age reborn! Lord Dagon shall walk Tamriel again. The world shall be remade. The new age shall rise from the ashes of the old. My vision shall be realized. Weakness will be purged from the world, and mortal and immortal alike purified in the refiner’s fire. My long duel with the Septims is over, and I have the mastery. The Emperor is dead. The Amulet of Kings is mine. And the last defender of the last ragged Septim stands before me, in the heart of my power.

Let us see who at last has proved the stronger!


They wait for the player to attack. When the player initiates combat, Mankar, Raven, and Ruma all fight as one, and Mankar will resurect his children if they are killed first. When Mankar dies, so do they, and the palace starts to shake and collapse.

I killed Mankar Camoran. Upon his death, the Paradise he had created dissolved around me, and I found myself back in Cloud Ruler Temple with the Amulet of Kings in my hand. I must give the Amulet to Martin.

The world fades to white, and when vision returns the player is standing in the great hall of Cloud Ruler Temple. The blades surround the space where the portal was, and Martin wears the Emperor’s robes.


Blades! Do homage to Martin’s champion!

The Blades kneel. Martin approaches the player.


You found a way back! Does this mean… ?


Mankar Camoran is dead.


You did it. You defeated him. Then you have it… you have the Amulet of Kings?


Here. The Amulet belongs to you.


Belongs to me? The Amulet of Kings? So you and Jauffre have said. If it is true, if the Emperor really was my father, then I should be able to wear it. Only those of the Septim blood can wear the Amulet of Kings.


Put on the amulet, your Majesty,


Yes, of course. What am I waiting for? After all, this is my destiny. No man can deny his destiny.

Martin puts on the Amulet of Kings.


You see, you are Uriel’s Son.

Martin took the Amulet of Kings from me, and placed it around his neck — he is indeed of the Septim blood. But he reminded me that Mankar Camoran’s death will not halt the Oblivion crisis. Mehrunes Dagon’s invasion will continue until Martin lights the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One.


I didn’t really need the Amulet to tell me that. I’ve known it was true since you first told me back in Kvatch. But it is one thing to talk of becoming Emperor, and quite another to actually be the Emperor.


You are the Emperor.


Not yet. Until we light the Dragonfires, the Gates are open, and Mehrunes Dagon’s invasion continues. While you were gone, I sent a messenger to Chancellor Ocato. He waits for us in the Imperial City.


Why meet Ocato?


Chancellor Ocato is the head of the Elder Council. The Council rules in the Emperor’s absence. I don’t expect any objections from the Elder Council, but we should defer to their authority. Let’s go to the Imperial City at once, before the enemy can recover from Mankar Camoran’s death.


Martin is right. Declaring oneself Emperor is a delicate matter. In this case, however, I do not think there should be any dispute. The Elder Council has been governing the Empire since the Emperor’s murder. They will be overjoyed to have an heir to crown. They’ve been unable to solve the Oblivion Crisis. The Empire is falling apart. Only a legitimate Emperor offers any hope.


Good to see you again. I told Martin that Mankar Camoran was no match for you. I’m glad it was you that put them down. My only regret is that I wasn’t there with you.

I must escort Martin to the Elder Council Chambers in the Imperial Palace, to formally present his claim to the Septim Throne.


Together, they travel to the Imperial City Palace.

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