TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Pilgrimage

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(Meet two travelling pilgrims)

Sir Roderic

Well met, traveler. Have you heard the call of the Prophet? Do you walk the Pilgrim’s Way?


Yes. I seek the Nine Wayshrines.

Sir Roderic

As do I. Perhaps we can share the road, as long as our paths lie together.

I have taken up the Prophet’s call to defend the Faith. Only a true knight wielding the Crusader’s Relics can stop the evil that now threatens us. I walk the Pilgrim’s Way, as did the questing knights of old. I would be glad of your company on the road, if your way lies with mine.


So you believe what the Prophet says?

Sir Roderic

You have heard him. Like me, you know he speaks the truth. If the Nine will it, I will be the one to recover the Crusader’s Relics. Or, perhaps that honor will fall to you.


I am Lathon, squire to Sir Roderic of Wayrest. We are on a holy quest for the Crusader’s Relics!

Surely you’ve heard the stories of the Quest for the Crusader’s Relics? Only a true knight can find them — or even wield them. Sir Roderic will surely succeed, if anyone can.


What can you tell me about Sir Roderic? 


Sir Roderic is a famous knight of Wayrest, in High Rock. He is too modest to tell you himself, but he was a hero of the War of the Bend’r-Mahk.


(Visit the Nine Wayshrines and complete the Pilgrimage)

(Receive a vision of Pelinal upon praying at last shrine of the Pilgrimage)


Hail knight! You seek my Relics with a worthy heart! Your prayers have woken me from my endless dream. Or perhaps you have entered my dream, and I still sleep. I think others have sometimes spoken to me, others like you, but my memory is doubtful. Perhaps the others came after you. Your need must be great for the gods to allow us to speak. Has Umaril the Accursed found a way back? The foulest of a foul race. A thousand curses upon his unholy name! I thought I’d won. But I should have known. The Slavemasters are a cunning breed. Umaril found a way to cheat death, as I could not. If you would seek for my Relics, I know little that can help you. All that has passed since my death is like mist that my mind cannot take hold of. My friends built a shrine upon the site of my death, where the Elves tormented me in a final act of revenge. I can show you where it once stood. Perhaps it is there still.

Fare thee well, sir knight. May the gods grant you to destroy Umaril utterly, as I failed to do.

Upon completing my pilgrimage to the wayshrines, I received a vision from the Divine Crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake. He revealed the location of his lost shrine, which is where I should begin my quest for the Relics of the Crusader.


(Travel to the Ayleid Ruin of Vanua)

(Find the Corpse of Sir Amiel, “Sir Amiel’s Journal” and Sir Amiel’s Ring)

I’ve found the body of Sir Amiel, who appears to have perished centuries ago while questing for the Shrine of the Crusader. Perhaps I can find some clues on his body that will help my own quest for the Crusader’s Relics turn out better than his.

According to Sir Amiel’s journal, the Helm of the Crusader is located in Pelinal’s shrine.

(Find the Helmet of the Crusader)

I’ve recovered the Helm of the Crusader, the first piece of the Crusader’s Relics.

Sir Amiel was a member of the Knights of the Nine, a holy order devoted to recovering the Relics of the Crusader. Through reading his journal, I’ve learned the location of their former headquarters, the Priory of the Nine in the West Weald. I should proceed to the old Priory and see if it still holds the Cuirass of the Crusader, as Sir Amiel’s journal suggests, but first I should make sure I have his ring, which I may need to access the Priory vaults.

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