TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Priory of the Nine – The Path of the Righteous

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Sir Ralvas

You have my tribute, sir knight. In three hundred years, none have passed the gauntlet. In three hundred years, we have never known hope. But for the first time, it seems that someone may succeed where we have failed. I see in you the chance to redeem our souls and restore the order. And now, I must ask you to press forward where I could not. I must ask you to face the challenge of Zenithar.


How did you fail?

Sir Ralvas

I was arrogant and foolhardy. I sought personal glory. I placed my own will and my own lust for fame over the will of the Nine. In facing the challenge of Zenithar, I failed. I tried dozens — no, hundreds of times to reach the Mace. I fell each time. And each time I awoke in the chapel, I leapt again. I tried to enlist the help of the other knights, but none would come to my aid. The inscription says to “walk in the faith” but even now, I do not know what this means.


What must I do?

Sir Ralvas

Below the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin there is a shrine to the great craftsman, Saint Kaladas. Those seeking the Mace must pray before the shrine. When you bow, you will receive a vision — or perhaps not. It is unclear. The priests saw that my body never moved, but it felt so real. You will see the Mace, separated from you by a great chasm. The chasm represents your doubt. Your faith must be your guide across it.


My Faith will guide me?

Sir Ralvas

This is what I know. As I said, my faith was weak. I did not understand the test and I fell from the platform each time I tried to cross. I have told you all that I know. All that is left is for you to prove yourself more worthy than I. If you seek the Mace, travel to Leyawiin’s chapel, kneel at the shrine in the undercroft, and let your faith in the Nine be the salvation of us all.

Sir Ralvas has told me where to find the the Mace of Zenithar. In order to recover the mace, I must travel to the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin. In the undercroft of the chapel, I must kneel at the shrine there. According to Sir Ralvas, I will be tested and “my faith will be my guide”.


(Talk to Sir Amiel)

Sir Amiel

After Berich betrayed us, Sir Ralvas journeyed to the Chapel of Leyawiin to attempt Zenithar’s test of faith. He tried to reach the mace again and again, failing each time. He became obsessed with it, refusing food or drink for days. When I finally received word of his quest, I went searching for him. But.. I was too late. Sir Juncan helped me carry his body back here. I failed my friend and I failed Zenithar. Perhaps you can succeed where Sir Ralvas could not and redeem us both.


(Talk to Sir Caius)

Sir Caius

Sir Ralvas quested for the Mace after Sir Berich’s betrayal. He believed that with the Mace, he would be able to bring the rest of us together. He stayed in the Chapel of Leyawiin for months, attempting the test over and over. He hardly ate. Hardly slept. In the end, he failed. He left the chapel broken and beaten. Sir Amiel found his body and laid him to rest here at the Priory.


(Travel to the Chapel in Leyawiin)

Carodus Oholin

It’s you! I’ve heard of you! You’re the one restoring the Knights of the Nine, aren’t you?


Yes, I am. And who are you?

Carodus Oholin

My name is Carodus Oholin. Like you, I am a servant of the Nine. Specifically, of Zenithar. I came here seeking his mace. However, I could not pass the test. I’m just… I’m no crusader. But that doesn’t mean that I cannot serve Zenithar. In light of the recent attacks, I’ve signed on to protect the chapel. I’m a fair with a blade and by my honor, I’ll serve the Nine in any way I can.


Tell me about your views on Zenithar.

Carodus Oholin

Of the original divines, Zenithar is thought to be the most in touch with the mortal realm. Some legends say that Zenithar has close ties to Kynareth, an idea that is supported by the manner in which the two gods’ realms interact. Craftsmen devoted to Zenithar are able to create and profit from the materials provided by Kynareth’s natural world. The two work in harmony — the natural world providing for the craftsmen. One cannot revere Zenithar without acknowledging the power of Kynareth.


What can you tell me about the Mace?

Carodus Oholin

Legends say that when Pelinal Whitestrake was slain by the Ayleids, a messenger carried the Mace to the human settlement of Leyawiin as a message. Centuries later, the master craftsman Saint Kaladas built the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin as a tribute to the legend. When Saint Kaladas was laid to rest, those who prayed to Zenithar at his tomb began to receive visions of the Mace of the Crusader.


And about the Prophet?

Carodus Oholin

He seems to be different than your usual self-proclaimed holy man. Maybe what he says is true, and that the attack on the Chapel of Dibella is just the beginning of an assault on the church itself.


(Talk to Arvus Adas)

Arvus Adas

Yes… I heard of you. Found a few relics and you imagine yourself to be the next Whitestrake, do you?


(Talk to Kantav Cheynoslin)

Kantav Cheynoslin

I must admit my curiousity at your endeavor. So many have tried and failed to retrieve the Mace? What makes you think that you will succeed?


(Talk to Silana Blandia)

Silana Blandia

Hrpmh. So, you’re the one that’s come for the mace, are you? Another adventurer looking for treasure. Get on with it if you must. The shrine is downstairs. But I wouldn’t expect much if I were you. No one has ever succeeded.


(Pray to Zenithar at Saint Kaladas’ tomb)

I’ve knelt before the shrine of Saint Kaladas in Leyawiin and found myself transported to some sort of dark void. I can see the Mace of Zenithar off in the distance. There is a glowing walkway leading towards them. The boots of Kynareth are vibrating softly and they seem to have some connection to the mystical path.

(Retrieve the Mace)

(Fight off Auroran attack)

After recovering the Mace of the Crusader, I found the minions of Umaril attacking the Chapel of Zenithar. They were all defeated and the Leyawiin’s Chapel escaped desecration.

Carodus Oholin

I… I can’t believe it! We survived! By the grace of the Nine! We survived! In no small part to you, Sir Knight. By your will and the will of the Nine, the chapel of Zenithar has held against this blasphemer! Sir, I pledge you my sword. I wish to join you in your quest to restore the Knights of the Nine and defeat this… Umaril.


I accept. Welcome to the Order.

Carodus Oholin

I can only hope to match your bravery and valor. I am honored to serve by your side. Allow me to fetch more suitable equipment. I shall return shortly.

Arvus Adas

I thought for sure that we would meet the same end as our comrades in Anvil. Thank you, Sir Knight. We are in your debt.

Kantav Cheynoslin

I see in you the makings of a grand hero. You’ve saved our lives. We owe you a debt of thanks.

Silana Blandia

I can’t believe it! You have the mace! And you stopped those horrible daedra! I was… I was wrong to doubt you. I ask your forgiveness.

I’ve completed Sir Ralvas’s quest by recovering the Mace of the Crusader. I should talk to the other ghost Knights for help in recovering the remaining Relics.


(Travel to the Priory of the Nine)


Hail, Sir Knight! My brother and I have heard that you are founding a holy order of knights, and we would like to offer you our swords. We’ve come all the way from Skyrim to join up. We can’t claim any experience as knights, but we learned soldiering from our years in the Legion. Will you have us?


I accept. Welcome to the Order.


You won’t regret it, sir. You’ll find us true-hearted and brave. I’ll be back as soon as I’ve outfitted myself.


(Talk to the knights)

Sir Ralvas

You’ve retrieved the Mace! I… I can’t believe it! Sir Knight, I bend my knee in awe at your wisdom. You deserve to carry the mace.

Sir Amiel

You’ve passed Zenithar’s challenge and redeemed Sir Ralvas. Congratulations. Sir Juncan will be pleased to hear this.

Sir Juncan

So it was the boots that Sir Ralvas needed to complete his quest? What a fool I was to refuse to help him. I will carry this regret for all time.

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