TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Priory of the Nine – The Sword of the Crusader

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(Travel to Underpall Cave)

What is this place?


It’s not really a cave, but seemed to be the buried ruins of an old keep. Sir Roderic believed that it used to be the ancestral seat of Lord Vlindrel, before some cataclysm buried it beneath the earth.

I have arrived at Underpall Cave, the location of Lord Vlindrel’s grave. Sir Roderic died somewhere inside, battling the foul wraith that now wields the Sword of the Crusader.


(Explore the fortress in the cave)


This is the way Sir Roderick and I came.


(Find Sir Roderic’s body)


Sir Roderic… you were a brave knight and a good master. Long may your name be remembered in the annals of the Relics.

Follow me. Lord Vlindrel’s tomb is just through here. Be careful… the wraith may be upon us at any moment.


(Slay the Wraight of Lord Vlindrel)

The wraith of Lord Vlindrel is destroyed. I need to reclaim the Sword of the Crusader that he somehow twisted to his evil purpose.

(Pick up the Sword of the Crusader)

I have recovered the Sword of the Crusader, but it has been desecrated by the foul wraith that wielded it. I should take it to the Chapel of Arkay in Cheydinhal to reconsecrate it to its holy purpose.


Sir Roderic is avenged! And you have recovered the Sword of the Crusader!


(Travel to the chapel of Arkay in Cheydinhal)

Hill the Tall

You must help! They appeared out of nowhere and started attacking!


(Kill the Aurorans)

Hill the Tall

Thank you! I was sure those creatures would be the end of all of us. You truly are the defender of the Faith!

Umaril’s Aurorans have been destroyed. Cheydinhal Chapel is safe, for now. I can now reconsecrate the Sword of the Crusader to Arkay on the high altar.


(Pray at the Altar and consecrate the Sword)

The Sword of the Crusader has been reconsecrated. I now possess all eight of the Crusader’s Relics. I should return to the Priory to consult with my knights about how to attack and destroy Umaril.

(Travel to the Priory of the Nine)

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