TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Priory of the Nine – Wisdom of the Ages

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Sir Hendrik

If you are true to the teachings of Julianos, it may be possible for you to find the Shield of the Crusader.


What do you mean?

Sir Hendrik

When the Order crumbled, I set out on my own. After years of searching, I found the Shield and brought it to Fort Bulwark for safe keeping. With the help of a few trusted friends, I began work to keep the Shield safe for all eternity. I never saw my work finished. I died defending the fort from those who would take and misuse the Shield. I never saw our work finished; I trust that the others carried on without me.


Where do I find Fort Bulwark?

Sir Hendrik

It lies in the southeast of Cyrodiil, near the Black Marsh border. If all went according to plan, it should be very well guarded now. Believe in yourself, and use your knowledge wisely. You will pass through unharmed, and the Shield will be yours.

I need to find Fort Bulwark, and locate the Shield of the Crusader inside.


Tell me about Julianos.

Sir Hendrik

History and knowledge are his domain. He is the God of Wisdom and Logic. He teaches us: “Know the truth. Observe the law. When in doubt, seek wisdom from the wise.”

Sir Gregory

Sir Henrik wasn’t drawn into the war as so many of us were. His mind never left the Shield.

Sir Juncan

Sir Henrik spent his days looking for the Shield. He was so determined; we all were in those days.


(Travel to Fort Bullwark)

(Kill Conjurers)

(Find a “Conjurer’s Note“)

(Free a prisoner)

Sir Thedret

Thank you for rescuing me. I’ve lost track of how long they’ve held me here.


Who are you?

Sir Thedret

I am Sir Thedret. I came here seeking the Shield of the Crusader, and was ambushed by these… these cowards. They’ve held me here since.


What are you doing here?

Sir Thedret

I’ve been held prisoner by these scoundrels for the longest time. They want to know how to reach the Shield, and believed I would help them. When I refused, they locked me here, and only let me out to torture me. They got nothing from me.


Can you help me?

Sir Thedret

I can’t go with you, if that’s what you mean. I’m too weak… I need to rest. Once I have my strength, I will certainly join your cause. You’ll have to go on alone. But the knowledge I’ve gained may be of use to you.


What do you know?

Sir Thedret

Before finding this place, I learned a bit about those who created it. It’s designed to keep the Shield hidden and safe. A phrase kept coming up in the writings I found: “When the eyes of the Guardians are upon you, Julianos will show you favor.” I’m not sure how, but I just know it’s a clue for making it safely through these ruins. You’re the only one I have told. I hope it helps you.

I must get out of this pit, and get myself some rest. We’ll meet again, don’t worry.

I’ve rescued Sir Thedret, a knight imprisoned within the Fort. I need to watch out for traps in the lower levels, and remember the phrase “When the eyes of the Guardians are upon you, Julianos will show you favor.”


(Find a second “Conjurer’s Note“)

(Solve Guardian Puzzle)

(Solve the Box puzzle)

(Take the Shield)

I’ve completed Sir Henrik’s quest by recovering the Shield of the Crusader. I should talk to the other ghost Knights for help in recovering the remaining Relics.

(Travel to the Priory)

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