TES4 Shivering Isles: Understanding Madness

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I need to report to Sheogorath that Xedilian is working, and that Knights of Order have appeared in the Shivering Isles.


Well now, what news do you have to report?


I was attacked by Knights…


So soon? Not a surprise, I suppose. We’ll get to that later. No need to burden your little brain with it now. And Xedilian? Since you’re standing here, I assume you’ve succeeded. Or you’re terribly confused. Or really lacking in good judgement.


Xedilian functions once more.


Wonderful! Time for a celebration… Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don’t like cheese. True? You’ve run a maze like a good little rat, but no cheese for you yet. Well, maybe a little. I’ve granted you a new spell – the ability to summon Haskill, my Chamberlain, to aid you in your travels. He knows a lot. More than he knows. In fact, give it a try. Summon our friend to you now. I’ll wait.

Sheogorath has given me the ability to summon Haskill. He’s very insistent and won’t tell me what he wants of me until I do it.


(Cast Summon Haskill)

(Haskill is teleported to the front of Liann)


Ah… our Lord has granted you the power to summon me. How wonderful for me. When summoned, I can offer advice on your current endeavor. I imagine it’s up to you what to do with my wisdom. Do try to use your power sparingly. I have duties to which I must attend. Rather more important than shepherding you around, I’m sure.

(He disappears, and teleported back to his previous location)


Isn’t that a hoot? I love it, myself. Best part of being a Daedric Prince, really. Go ahead, try it again. He loves it!


(Cast Summon Haskill)

(Haskill is teleported to the front of Liann, again)


Ah, summoned again. My Lord does so enjoy that, as is His prerogative. I’ll assume you’re done for now.

(He disappears, and teleported back to his previous location)


Good, good! You’ll need all the help you can get if you’re going to defeat Jyggalag and stop the Greymarch. Oh, don’t expect to summon dear Haskill anywhere but in the Realm. He dislikes leaving My presence. I get that sometimes.


Jyggalag? Who is that?


The Daedric Prince of Order. Or biscuits… No. Order. And not in a good way. Bleak. Colorless. Dead. Boring, boring, boring. And not a fan of My work, I can tell you. Hates it. Hates Me. A bit single minded, if you take My meaning. You’ve seen his Knights. Not the warm and cuddly sort. Not a bit of original thought in their lifeless husks. So, you’re going to help Me stop him.


Me? How?


Again with the niggling little details! Hold your tongue. Or I will. We’ll get to that, all in due time. For now, you’ve got other work to do.


What is the Greymarch?


An event. A movement. An apocalypse of sorts. Happens every era, at the end of every era. Which is to say, now. The Greymarch comes, and Jyggalag walks. Or runs. Never skips, sidles, or struts. Mostly, he just destroys everything around him.


What would You ask of me now?


Ask? ASK? I don’t ask. I tell. This is My Realm, remember? My creation, My place, My rules. Look at you. No concept of what you’ve stumbled into. No sense of place. You don’t even really know where you are, do you? I suppose few really do, but that’s beside the point. We’re going to give you a taste of where you have found yourself. You’re going to learn.


Learn? Learn what?


Two halves, two rulers, two places. Meet and greet. Do what they will, so you know what they’re about. The Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia. Seek them out, and let them show you what New Sheoth is. You might be surprised. Once you understand what My Realm is, you might understand why it’s important to keep it intact. And maybe you’ll make some friends along the way. That’s always nice!

I need to speak to the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia, as Sheogorath wishes for me to better understand the inner workings of his Realm.


Ask about “Greymarch”


It’s Jyggalag’s time, and not a good time at all. You’re going to help me stop it. First, though, you need to get your feet wet. I can’t expect you to save the place if you don’t even understand it. So, speak to my Dukes. Learn about Mania and Dementia. Try not to die.


Ask about “Jyggalag”


Another Daedric Prince. Not a nice one. I don’t think ANY of the other Princes like him, actually. I mean, Malacath is more popular at parties. And Malacath is NOT popular at parties.


Ask about “Obelisks”


Seen them about, have you? Odd things. They’ve always been here, but they’re not OF here, if you take my meaning. You’ll see those Knights of Order around them during the Greymarch. Drawn to them, like flies to honey. Or rotting flesh. Ever wonder why flies like both? Best not to ask.


Ask about “Syl”


The Duchess of Dementia. Ever wary, ever worried. A prisoner in her own House, in a way. And a delightful conversationalist, really. A bit harder to meet than Thadon. Consider making an appointment.


Ask about “Thadon”


The long-reigning Duke of Mania. A Master of Merriment, if you will. Or if you won’t; I suspect it wouldn’t matter to him.




Ta! Come visit again! Or I’ll pluck out your eyes.


(Talk to Haskill)


Yes? Do you require assistance?


Ask about “Greymarch”


As my Lord told you, it happens at the end of every era, and Jyggalag walks the Realm. Few of the citizens can remember the last Greymarch. Or they choose not to.


Ask about “Jyggalag”


The Daedric Prince of Order, and the leader of the Greymarch. As I’m sure my Lord told you, Jyggalag has always been a threat to this Realm.


Ask about “Obelisks”


Yes, you’ll find them throughout the Isles. Jyggalag’s forces use them as conduits into the Isles. Sheogorath has tried to remove them, but they always return. While they cannot be destroyed, they can be rendered inert. The Hearts of Order found on Jyggalag’s Knights can be placed in the obelisks. Adding enough can cause the obelisk to become overloaded with power.


Ask about “Syl”


Her Ladyship is rather suspicious of all around her. Best for you to not question it, and merely do what she requires of you.


Ask about “Thadon”


He is aware you are here, and should be waiting for you. See him at once.


(Go to the House of Mania)

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