
Expert shares seven mental health benefits of intimacy

Expert shares seven mental health benefits of intimacy

Sexual Health Week is an awareness week that takes place every year in the UK, encouraging people to feel empowered to access testing, treatment and contraception.

In 2024, the week falls on 16 September 2024 with many workshops and talks happening around the UK.

Kalila, the co-founder of SheSpot, has made it her mission to encourage others to embrace sexual wellness and normalise sex education. Her brand's popularity has soared in a short space of time with thousands of products sold globally along with brand partnerships.

While sex is often associated with physical pleasure, it also has profound effects on mental health. Kalila lifted the lid on seven ways being intimate can actually ease anxiety and improve a person's well-being:

Reduces stress and anxiety

"During sex, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin, hormones that naturally reduce stress and anxiety. This helps you feel more relaxed and peaceful, improving your overall mood."

Boosts Self-Esteem and Confidence

"Regular sexual activity can enhance your self-esteem and body image. Feeling desired and connected with your partner can increase your confidence in all areas of your life and help you feel more confident in your own skin."

Enhances emotional bonding

"Sex fosters emotional intimacy by increasing levels of oxytocin, often called the 'love hormone'. This hormone strengthens the emotional connection between partners, leading to deeper trust, a stronger bond and greater fulfilment in our relationships."

Orgasms can improve your sleep

"We all know sleep is crucial for our mental wellbeing. After orgasm, the body releases prolactin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and sleep. This can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper, more restorative rest. During orgasm, serotonin levels are also elevated, which in turn promotes production of melatonin - a hormone that's really important in inducing sleep quality."

Elevates mood and reduces depression symptoms

"The release of endorphins during sex can act as a natural antidepressant. Regular sexual activity that's healthy and pleasurable can lead to more sustained levels of happiness and improved mood."

Increases mindfulness and present-moment awareness

"Sex can be a highly stimulating experience that can bring you into the present moment, helping to cultivate mindfulness. Focusing on the sensations and experiences during sex can reduce rumination and negative thought patterns, which are often linked to anxiety and depression."

Boosts Cognitive Function

"Some studies suggest regular sexual activity can improve cognitive function and memory. This may be due to increased blood flow to the brain and the release of neurochemicals that enhance mental clarity and focus."

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