
Suella Braverman gave 'disturbing speech' then stood on a guide dog

Suella Braverman gave 'disturbing speech' then stood on a guide dog

Suella Braverman gave 'disturbing speech' then stood on a guide dog


The Tory Party Conference drew big focus on Home Secretary Suella Braverman on Tuesday after she gave a speech riddled with "dehumanising rhetoric" towards migrants and the LGBTQ+ community, which resulted in a prominent Tory being removed from the conference after criticising her.

And to top off her day of hate she... stood on a guide dog.

In her speech Braverman warned of a "hurricane" of mass migration, criticised the Human Rights Act, and attacked liberals for holding "luxury beliefs". These beliefs, according to the Home Secretary, include things such as net zero and open borders.

Braverman, who is a child of migrants herself, said during her speech: "The wind of change that carried my own parents across the globe in the 20th century was a mere gust compared to the hurricane that is coming."

Green MP and former leader of the Green Party, Caroline Lucas, called the speech "utterly repulsive" and criticised its use of "dehumanising rhetoric".

And Lucas wasn't the only one outraged by Braverman's speech. With many comparing her to Enoch Powell:

Braverman also received attention for criticising "gender ideology" after Tory member Andrew Boff was ejected from the conference for saying "there is no such thing as gender ideology".

Boff was removed by security guards, telling reporters "it is making our Conservative Party look transphobic and homophobic." Later on, he told PA Media that the Home Secretary "was basically vilifying gay people and trans people by this attack on LGBT ideology, or gender ideology." He added, "Words like that in the forum of the party that I love need to be challenged."

Braverman called his heckles "silly" but said that "he should be forgiven and let back into conference". However, Elliot Colburn, a Conservative MP who chairs the all-party group on LGBT+ global rights, said: "I don't really blame him for doing what he did.

"The government keeps repeating that they want to treat trans people with dignity and compassion; we need some demonstration of that now."

Now, if you think Braverman couldn't get worse wait to you see what she did off the stage.

A photo captured of the Home Secretary talking to members of Guide Dogs at their stand in the conference hall noticed a particularly Cruella de Vil moment from Braverman, where she is seen standing on a Guide Dog's tail.

Yes, you read that correctly, in a photo shared to Twitter/X by reporter Andrew Brown, Braverman's heel is not on the carpet, but instead on a dog's tail:

Writer James Felton tweeted: "Literally just dropped one of the most evil conference speeches in recent history then went outside and stood on a guide dog."

At the end of all this, Braverman did manage to muster up one apology to "all dogs out there" saying she "was unaware" and "I don't think any dogs were harmed in the filming of my visit".

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