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Facts & Figures dashboard  

Facts and Figures presents an overview of operations of the University of Cambridge (Little U*)
*excluding Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Assessment, and the Trusts with the exception of Group Income dashboard.

Our Facts & Figures publications include Student numbers (The numbers included full-time students only), Graduate Outcome, Staff numbers, Financial information, Space data, REF results, TRAC expenditure, and Group Income* (*Includes elimination on consolidation of CUP&A transfers, CUEF distribution from capital growth and other consolidation adjustments)


Explore the data using the interactive Tableau dashboard by clicking on this image.

If you would like a printable version of our Facts & Figures, please find pdf versions below.

Facts & Figures archive / downloads
Facts & Figures 2022
Facts & Figures 2019
Facts & Figures 2018
Facts & Figures 2017
Facts & Figures 2016
Facts & Figures 2015
Facts & Figures 2014
For further information please refer to the links below:

Graduate Outcome: Graduate Outcome dashboard
Financial Information: Financial Management Information report 
REF: Research Excellence Framework webpage 
Fees: Undergraduate fees web page,  Postgraduate fees web page

