
az: Conj. and adverb (usually Greek hos hosper, kathos), designating: (1) Likeness: (a) between nouns (Ge 3:5; Jg 6:5; Php 2:8; Heb 11:27,29); (b) between verbs (Lu 6:36; Joh 5:30; 1Co 10:7); (c) between adjectives (1Co 15:48). (2) Limitation (with respect to a particular aspect or relation) (1Pe 4:15-16). (3) Time (Lu 8:5; 15:25; Ac 8:36). (4) Cause (1Co 4:1). (5) Concession (Joh 7:10; 2Co 11:21). (6) Illustration, in numerous passages, beginning "as it is written," "as it is said," etc.

See the definition of as in the KJV Dictionary

See also the McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia.

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