Science Quiz On Solar Eclipse With Answers

Test your knowledge with our Science Quiz on Solar Eclipses! Can you answer questions like what causes a solar eclipse and which famous theory was confirmed during a 1919 eclipse? Find out now!

Roopashree Sharma
Jul 11, 2024, 20:50 IST
Science Quiz On Solar Eclipse With Answers
Science Quiz On Solar Eclipse With Answers

A solar eclipse is a captivating astronomical event that has fascinated humanity for centuries. It occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking the Sun’s light and casting a shadow on our planet. This alignment of these celestial bodies results in various types of solar eclipses: total, partial, and annular.

To test your understanding and knowledge, we have prepared an engaging science quiz on solar eclipses. The quiz is designed to be both informative and fun, providing you with an opportunity to learn more about these celestial events.

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Science Quiz On Solar Eclipse With Answers

Q1: What causes a solar eclipse?

  1. a) The Earth passing between the Sun and the Moon
  2. b) The Moon passing between the Earth and the Sun
  3. c) The Sun passing between the Earth and the Moon
  4. d) The Earth’s shadow covering the Moon

Answer: b) The Moon passing between the Earth and the Sun

Explanation: A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth and blocking the Sun’s light either partially or completely.

Q2: How many types of solar eclipses are there?

  1. a) One
  2. b) Two
  3. c) Three
  4. d) Four

Answer: c) Three

Explanation: There are three types of solar eclipses: total, partial, and annular. In a total eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun. In a partial eclipse, the Moon obscures the Sun partially. In an annular eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun’s centre thus leaving a ring-like appearance of the Sun’s outer edges.

Q3: What is the term for the darkest part of the Moon’s shadow during a solar eclipse?

  1. a) Umbra
  2. b) Penumbra
  3. c) Antumbra
  4. d) Perigree

Answer: a) Umbra

Explanation: The umbra is the darkest part of the Moon’s shadow where the Sun is completely obscured, resulting in a total solar eclipse for observers within this shadow.

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Q4: What is the path of totality?

  1. a) The path along which a partial solar eclipse can be seen.
  2. b) The path along which an annular solar eclipse can be seen.
  3. c) The path along which a total solar eclipse can be seen.
  4. d) The path along which no solar eclipse can be seen.

Answer: c) The path along which a total solar eclipse can be seen.

Explanation: The path of totality is the narrow track on Earth’s surface where the Moon’s shadow falls, allowing observers to experience a total solar eclipse.

Q5: During which phase of the Moon does a solar eclipse can occur?

  1. a) New Moon
  2. b) Full Moon
  3. c) First Quarter
  4. d) Last Quarter

Answer: a) New Moon

Explanation: A solar eclipse can occur only during the New Moon phase when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun.

Q6: Why do solar eclipses not occur every month during the New Moon?

  1. a) The Earth’s orbit is titled
  2. b) The Sun’s orbit is titled
  3. c) The Moon’s orbit is titled
  4. d) The Moon’s shadow is too small

Answer: c) The Moon’s orbit is titled

Explanation: Solar eclipses do not occur every month because the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is tilted by about 5 degrees relative to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. This tilt means that the Moon often passes above or below the Sun, as seen from Earth’s perspective.

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Q7: What is the maximum duration of totality in a solar eclipse?

  1. a) About 1 minute
  2. b) About 7.5 minutes
  3. c) About 15 minutes
  4. d) About 30 minutes

Answer: b) About 7.5 minutes

Explanation: Total solar eclipses can vary significantly in duration, from as brief as about 10 seconds to as long as 7.5 minutes. The longest total solar eclipse within the 12,000 years from 4000 BCE to 8000 CE will indeed occur on July 16, 2186, and is expected to last for 7 minutes and 29 seconds.

Q8: What causes the different types of solar eclipses?

  1. a) The Earth’s rotation speed.
  2. b) The distance between the Earth and the Moon.
  3. c) The Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
  4. d) The Moon’s surface features.

Answer: b) The distance between the Earth and the Moon.

Explanation: The different types of solar eclipses (total, partial, and annular) are caused by the varying distances between the Earth and the Moon. When the Moon is closer to Earth, it can completely cover the Sun, resulting in a total solar eclipse. While the Moon is farther away, it appears smaller and cannot fully cover the Sun, causing an annular eclipse.

Q9: Which famous scientific theory was confirmed during a solar eclipse in 1919?

  1. a) Theory of Relativity
  2. b) Theory of Evolution
  3. c) Quantum Theory
  4. d) Big Bang Theory

Answer: a) Theory of Relativity

Explanation: The 1919 solar eclipse provided a unique opportunity to test Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. During the eclipse, astronomers observed the positions of stars near the Sun and found that their light was bent due to the Sun's gravity, precisely as Einstein had predicted. This bending of light confirmed that massive objects like the Sun can warp the fabric of space-time, supporting Einstein's groundbreaking theory and revolutionizing our understanding of gravity.

Q10: What safety precautions should you take when viewing a solar eclipse?

  1. a) Use regular sunglasses
  2. b) View it directly with the naked eye
  3. c) Use a telescope without a filter
  4. d) Use special eclipse glasses or a solar viewer

Answer: d) Use special eclipse glasses or a solar viewer

Explanation: Viewing a solar eclipse directly without proper protection can cause serious eye damage. Special eclipse glasses or solar viewers are designed to safely filter the Sun’s harmful rays.

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