Pokémon Presents 2023: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC and Pokémon Sleep
Happy Pokémon Day! Here's everything that happened at the show.

Pokémon Presents 2023 came and went without much to get hyped about, but at the very least, Pokémon Sleep has made its triumphant return (there's also some Scarlet and Violet DLC). Here's everything you missed at the show:
Pokémon Presents begins today at 6am PST / 9am EST / 2pm GMT and can be watched on official Pokémon YouTube channel. If you won't be able to watch for whatever reason, don't panic! We'll be updating this page as the show goes on. Be sure to hurry though, as the show is less than an hour away.
Pokémon Presents is starting now! You can tune in through the official Pokémon YouTube channel, but if you can't make it, keep up with this article to catch all the latest news from the show.
Pokémon Presents began with news about Pokémon World Championships. For the first time, it will be held in Japan. The last one was set in London, where players battled each other through the Trading Card Game. The 2023 version will allow users to battle in Scarlet/Violet, Unite, the TCG and Pokémon GO. It'll be happening in Yokohama on August 11-13.
Pokémon Presents next revealed the Pokémon Trading Card Game: Classic, which is a Gen 1 remake of the card game. It is designed to "last a lifetime," and is meant to harken back to the old days of the card game.
Pokémon Presents next revealed a new project in coordination with Netflix. It'll be a new Netflix series called Pokémon Concierge, designed to expand the Pokémon universe with stop motion animation. It'll be set at the Pokémon Resort and features the many Pokémon who visit.
We received a first look, showing a Psyduck walking in the sand, looking a little perplexed.
Pokémon Presents moved onto games next, giving us a look at some updates on Pokémon Unite, the free-to-play MOBA featuring Pokémon heroes. New updates include Zacian joining the game, a new event called Adventure in Zacian's Weald, and a Boss Rush event. There's also a gift code called POKEMONDAY for a free Gold Zacian Token.
Pokémon Presents showcased Pokémon Cafe Remix, showing a new update featuring the latest collection of Pokémon Starters and a new Greninja outfit.
Pokémon Presents moved onto Pokémon Masters Ex, showcasing the introduction of many characters from Pokémon Sword and Shield into the game.
Pokémon Presents next brought back Pokémon Sleep (finally), giving us a dramatized trailer of how the app will work. Pokémon Sleep is coming later this year, and afterwards we got a look at how it actually functions.
It will measure, record and analyze your sleep and then categorize your sleep type between dozing, snoozing and slumbering. Depending on the type of sleep you get, it changes what types of Pokémon appear on your phone. Every Pokémon has a different sleep style, and the game is designed to excite you when waking up. It comes Summer 2023.
Pokémon Go Plus+ is being shown now, a new accessory that can be used with Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sleep. For the latter, you press the button before going to bed and then press it again when you awake to measure that schedule. It has a little Pikachu built inside it and can sing you lullabies.
It can also be used in Pokémon Go to throw Pokémon Balls and use Pokéstops. It will be available to purchase on July 14.
Pokémon Presents revealed a new update for Scarlet and Violet next, showcasing new Paradox Pokémon, the Walking Wake appears in Scarlet, while the Iron Leaves appears in Violet. The event is called Tera Raid and will begin not long after the showcase ends.
Pokémon ended the conference with a real life video teasing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC called The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. Part one is The Teal Mask, and part 2 is The Indigo Disk, with the former launching in Fall 2023, while the latter launches Winter 2023. Players can don new outfits as soon as they purchase the DLC, which is available to buy after the conference ends.