Converting your peer-to-peer and network-based fundraisers into long-term donors requires retaining and nurturing them beyond their fundraising campaigns, and inspiring them to continue supporting your cause. You can use prospect research to identify the most loyal, engaged, and influential fundraisers, and create a donor journey that matches their interests, values, and expectations. To convert these fundraisers into long-term donors, you should follow up with them after their campaigns to show them the impact of their donations with impact reports, stories, or videos. Additionally, segment them by their giving capacity, affinity, and potential to create customized cultivation and solicitation strategies for each segment. Invite them to join donor clubs, societies, or circles where they can enjoy exclusive benefits or recognition. Encourage them to become recurring or monthly donors or join your planned giving or legacy programs. Ask them to become ambassadors, advocates, or volunteers for your cause and spread the word about your work to their networks. Peer-to-peer and network-based fundraising are not only effective ways to raise funds but also to build lasting relationships with your donors. By leveraging their social capital and influence through prospect research you can create more engaging and rewarding fundraising experiences for them that will turn them into passionate supporters of your cause.