Debugging skills are essential for web development, as they can help create and deliver high-quality, reliable applications. It's not just about knowing how to use the tools and techniques, but also having the right mindset and attitude to solve problems and learn from mistakes. To improve your debugging skills, practice debugging regularly and deliberately. Try debugging different types of errors, scenarios, and codebases. Learn from debugging resources and communities by reading tutorials, guides, and blogs. Watch videos, podcasts, and webinars. Join forums, groups, and chats. Ask and answer debugging questions and give feedback. Adopt a debugging process and strategy that follows a systematic and logical approach. Break down the problem into smaller parts and use the scientific method of hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. Use the rubber duck method of explaining your code to a rubber duck or a friend. By understanding syntax/runtime errors and using the right tools, tips, and skills to debug your code, you can become a better web developer.