You're preparing for a crucial pitch. How can you project authority and expertise through your body language?
Dive into the art of non-verbal cues. Your insights on using body language to command a room are invited.
You're preparing for a crucial pitch. How can you project authority and expertise through your body language?
Dive into the art of non-verbal cues. Your insights on using body language to command a room are invited.
Pour exprimer de l'autorité et de l'expertise par votre langage corporel lors d'une présentation orale, un conseil parmi tant d'autres : ne faites pas forcément ce qu'on attend de vous ! Quelques exemples concrets : - Ne vous asseyez pas où c'est prévu, si vous êtes mieux ailleurs. - Alors que personne ne s'y attend, refusez le micro et parlez audiblement sans. - Réorganisez la pièce si c'est pertinent & aisément faisable (ouverture de fenêtre, déplacement de chaises etc). - Buvez LENTEMENT de l'eau avant de commencer (s'il n'y en a pas, tant mieux ; osez en demander, poliment). Les exemples sont légions. Mais en résumé, surprenez l'auditoire avec une attitude qu'une personne timorée n'oserait jamais avoir. Tout en restant respectueux.
Straight posture. The room reads your energy before anything else, so it’s important to manage your aura and demeanour before you start to speak. Physiology accounts for 55% of communication. When you chin up, and straighten up, you’re just not appearing confident and authoritative, but also feeling confident as your body and brain connection is rewired.
Dissociate from my body and call in the spirit of my “pitch alter ego” to take over. How do I summon her? 1) Dress the part — Clothing sets the vibe. It’s art. Vulnerability. Experimentation. I choose to show up with the intention of spreading excitement to the people I’m speaking to. 2) Nervous System Shock — jitters are unmet emotions, so I try to feel them all while moving my body. Trust me, running while screaming lyrics from Celine, Rancid, Alanis or Bey is speed-therapy. After #1 & #2 I’m ready for the final step… 3) Switch POV + Review. A lot of work went into that pitch and it is 🔥 The real secret to a confident pitch is not actually an alter ego — it’s to stop taking yourself too seriously. 🥸 Relax.
Our body language says volumes more than what we actually say, at times. When speaking, people will know if you are confident in what you are saying by the way you carry yourself. You could know everything in the world about a topic, but if you aren't confidently presenting that information, it leaves room for the audience to doubt your expertise. 1) Dress the part: This may seem arbitrary, but if you are speaking to a business crowd, maybe dress up a bit. 2) Posture: Walk slowly but intentionally and pull those shoulders back. 3) Try to minimize the use of notes. This takes your eyes off of your audience and breaks the connection. Those are just a few tips on how to increase your public speaking presence.
Confidence is key which is visible non-verbally. Maintain an upright posture with your shoulders back and your feet shoulder-width apart. Slouching can make you appear insecure or disengaged. Keep your arms and hands open and welcoming. Refrain from nervous gestures like tapping your feet or fidgeting with objects.Employ gestures to emphasize key points and enhance your message.Look directly at your audience to establish a connection. A genuine smile can make you appear approachable and friendly.
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