The second step in designing an effective assessment is to vary the types and formats of the assessment, depending on the purpose, context, and audience. There are different types of assessment, such as formative, summative, diagnostic, and authentic, and each one serves a different function and provides different information. For example, formative assessment is used to monitor and adjust instruction during the learning process, while summative assessment is used to evaluate and certify learning at the end of a unit or course. Similarly, there are different formats of assessment, such as multiple-choice, short answer, essay, project, portfolio, performance, and presentation, and each one measures different aspects and levels of learning. For example, multiple-choice questions can assess factual knowledge and comprehension, while essays can assess critical thinking and writing skills. Varying the types and formats of assessment helps to capture a more comprehensive and accurate picture of student learning, as well as to cater to different learning styles and preferences.