Ace It SEO

Ace It SEO

Marketing Services

SEO, eCommerce and design solutions for your website

About us

SEO, eCommerce and design agency - whole package for your company website. Get a premium treatment: I`ll optimise your content and website structure, so your website will get more of organic (free) traffic; I`ll optimise and create up-selling and cross-selling funnels to increase the average order size; I`ll set up automatic emails and create email campaigns to retain customers; I`ll plan and execute social media strategy, so people would keep coming back to you.

Marketing Services
Company size
1 employee
Public Company
SEO, Website design, Promotional emails, Email Flows, Content optimisation, Graphic design, Social Media, Shopify, eCommerce, Up-selling, and Cross-selling


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    Is your business missing out on easy Black Friday marketing wins? With Black Friday just two months away, we’ve noticed that a lot of businesses are overlooking simple marketing strategies that can make a big impact. You might think it’s too early to start planning, but now is the perfect time to get ahead and make sure your business is ready for the big day. It’s not just about throwing out discounts—it’s about making sure people find your offers and are motivated to buy. There are a few quick wins that are easy to implement but incredibly effective, like creating an SEO-optimized Black Friday page, using retargeting ads, or sending early-bird emails to your loyal customers. Don’t wait until the last minute. Now’s the time to review your marketing strategies and get everything in place so you’re not scrambling when Black Friday hits. 🎯 Here’s where to start: • Set up an SEO-friendly Black Friday page • Send early access emails to your loyal customers • Use retargeting ads to bring visitors back • Add urgency with countdown timers • Offer free shipping to boost order value There’s still time to prepare and make the most of Black Friday—but only if you start now! Need more tips? Check out our latest blog post to make sure you’re on track for a successful Black Friday season. #BlackFridayMarketing #MarketingStrategies #EcommerceGrowth #BlackFriday2024 #BusinessGrowth #DigitalMarketing #OnlineShopSuccess #MarketingTips

    11 Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Sales

    11 Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Sales

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    Is your business missing out on easy Black Friday marketing wins? With Black Friday just two months away, we’ve noticed that a lot of businesses are overlooking simple marketing strategies that can make a big impact. You might think it’s too early to start planning, but now is the perfect time to get ahead and make sure your business is ready for the big day. It’s not just about throwing out discounts—it’s about making sure people find your offers and are motivated to buy. There are a few quick wins that are easy to implement but incredibly effective, like creating an SEO-optimized Black Friday page, using retargeting ads, or sending early-bird emails to your loyal customers. Don’t wait until the last minute. Now’s the time to review your marketing strategies and get everything in place so you’re not scrambling when Black Friday hits. 🎯 Here’s where to start: • Set up an SEO-friendly Black Friday page • Send early access emails to your loyal customers • Use retargeting ads to bring visitors back • Add urgency with countdown timers • Offer free shipping to boost order value There’s still time to prepare and make the most of Black Friday—but only if you start now! Need more tips? Check out our latest blog post to make sure you’re on track for a successful Black Friday season. #BlackFridayMarketing #MarketingStrategies #EcommerceGrowth #BlackFriday2024 #BusinessGrowth #DigitalMarketing #OnlineShopSuccess #MarketingTips

    11 Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Sales

    11 Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Sales

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    Everything You’ve Been Told About Selling Products is Wrong. You’ve been told to focus on product features, specs, and benefits, but I’m here to tell you that you’re missing the most important element in your sales strategy. It’s not about the product itself—it’s about the emotion and the solution your product delivers. Here’s the brutal truth ↓ Your customers don’t just want a product—they want a life without pain. They want their problems solved, and they want to know how your product can get them there. And yet, most businesses focus on selling the product, not the experience or the solution it offers. The Key to Unlocking Sales: Sell the Future Without Pain It’s time to flip the script. Instead of selling the features, start by selling the feeling. Show your customers what their life will look like without the pain they’re currently experiencing. Let me give you an example: You’re selling a new vacuum. It’s quieter than others, and it’s amazing at dealing with pet hair. Instead of saying “our vacuum is quiet and perfect for pets,” show it. Show the vacuum working next to a dog or cat—pets that are typically scared of loud vacuums. You’re not just selling a vacuum—you’re selling peace of mind for pet owners. You’re selling the calm of a quiet home and the joy of clean floors without pet hair everywhere. That’s the key. Paint a picture of life after using your product. Stand Out by Selling Solutions, Not Products To do this effectively, first figure out how your product stands out. What pain points does it solve better than the competition? What experience does it offer that’s unique? Then, figure out how to show that solution in a way that connects emotionally with your audience. Whether through visuals, storytelling, or testimonials, make the customer feel what life will be like with your product. Here’s What Happens When You Sell Emotion First: -> You connect with customers on a deeper level, making them more likely to buy. -> You stand out from competitors who are stuck talking about features. -> You create a brand that’s memorable and trusted because you’re solving real problems. When you sell emotion, you sell the solution—and that’s what customers are really looking for. If you’re ready to learn how to shift from product-focused selling to emotion-based selling, let’s connect. Drop a comment or DM us, and we’ll show you how to start transforming the way you present your products—and start selling solutions instead of just features. #ecommerce #sales #onlineshop #strategy

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    Google’s latest algorithm update rolled out on August 15th, and while we’re still gathering details, one thing is clear—the line between over-optimizing and under-optimizing your content just got a lot thinner. This update is Google’s attempt to fix the ranking issues from previous updates, and it’s expected to take about a month to fully roll out. What Went Wrong Before Recent updates saw less relevant content and a flood of Reddit posts ranking higher than they should have, pushing smaller, content-rich websites further down the search results. This new update aims to level the playing field and give these smaller sites the visibility they deserve. The Fine Line of Optimization The balance between optimizing your content and keeping it natural is more crucial than ever. Overdo it with keywords, and you might hurt your rankings. Under-optimize, and you could get lost in the search results. The key is finding that sweet spot where your content is both user-friendly and SEO-savvy. What to Do Now 1. Audit Your Content: Make sure it’s valuable and not overloaded with keywords. 2. Focus on User Experience: Ensure your site is easy to navigate, fast, and relevant. 3. Monitor Your Rankings: Keep an eye on changes and be ready to adjust your strategy. 4. Stay Informed: As more details emerge, be flexible and ready to adapt. Final Thoughts This update is a big deal, especially for smaller websites trying to compete. The takeaway? Find the right balance in your content optimization, stay focused on quality, and be ready to adapt as the update unfolds. #GoogleUpdate #SEO #ContentOptimization #DigitalMarketing #SmallBusinessSEO #WebsiteRanking #AlgorithmUpdate #SearchEngineOptimization

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    If you have a website but aren’t collecting emails, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. It helps you build strong connections with your customers, keeps them coming back, and turns one-time buyers into loyal fans. The Power of Email Marketing Let’s be real—after a customer buys from you, they could easily forget about your brand. Email marketing keeps your business front and center, reminding customers why they chose you in the first place and encouraging them to return. Automated Flows: Work Smarter, Not Harder Automation is your secret weapon. Set up automated flows to collect reviews, nudge customers who abandon their carts, or re-engage those who haven’t visited in a while. These flows run in the background, keeping your customers engaged without you lifting a finger. • Collect Reviews: Automatically request feedback after a purchase to improve products and build trust. • Abandoned Carts: A simple reminder can turn an abandoned cart into a completed sale. • Re-engagement: Reach out to customers who haven’t been active and give them a reason to come back. Finding the Right Balance You need to strike the right balance with email frequency. Send too many, and you risk being labeled as spam. Too few, and your customers might forget about you. Aim to stay relevant with each email—whether it’s a promotion, an update, or a useful tip. Don’t Forget GDPR If you’re collecting emails, make sure you’re transparent about how you’ll use them and provide an easy opt-out. Respect your customers’ privacy, and they’ll respect your brand. Email marketing is essential for building lasting customer relationships. Start collecting emails, set up your flows, and keep your customers engaged. Because if you’re not in their inbox, they might forget you. #EmailMarketing #CustomerEngagement #DigitalMarketing #Ecommerce #Automation #CustomerRetention #MarketingStrategy #GDPRCompliance

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    If you’re still relying solely on social media or marketplaces to sell your products, it’s time for a reality check. Not having a website means you’re missing out on a huge pool of potential clients—clients who are searching for products on Google and not finding you. And guess who’s benefiting from your absence? That’s right, your competitors. The Marketplace Dilemma: Losing Clients to Competitors When people shop on marketplaces, they’re just a click away from checking out your competitors. It’s easy for them to compare products and prices, and before you know it, they’ve bought from someone else. Without a website, you’re at a higher risk of losing potential clients right when they’re ready to make a purchase. The Power of a Website: Reputation, Control, and Lower Costs Having your own website isn’t just about showing up on Google—it’s about building your brand and reputation. A well-designed website gives your business credibility, making customers more likely to trust and buy from you. Plus, selling on your own site means lower commission fees compared to marketplaces. That’s more money in your pocket with every sale. And here’s the kicker: When a customer isn’t satisfied with a purchase, marketplaces often side with the buyer, which can lead to penalties for your business. On your website, you have the freedom to resolve issues directly, creating a better customer experience and protecting your reputation. The Bottom Line: SEO and Customer Engagement A website also opens the door to better customer engagement. Think email promotions, pop-ups, and other tools that keep your customers coming back. And with quality SEO, you can drive more traffic to your site, capturing the attention of those who are actively searching for what you offer. In today’s digital world, not having a website is like running a store without a sign. You’re missing out on opportunities to grow your business, build your brand, and connect with more customers. It’s time to step up and get your website in the game. #WebsiteDesign #DigitalMarketing #Ecommerce #SEO #ClientAcquisition #BrandIdentity #OnlineSales #BusinessGrowth #CustomerEngagement #MarketingStrategy #SmallBusiness

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    Let’s get real. You’ve probably heard the saying, “First impressions matter.” But when it comes to your website, a flashy design could be costing you sales. Yes, you read that right. If your site is all style and no substance, you might be driving customers away instead of pulling them in. Let’s break down why focusing too much on aesthetics can hurt your conversion rates. When Design Gets in the Way Sure, it’s great to have a beautiful site. It sets the tone for your brand and grabs attention. But if that design is getting in the way of your users finding what they need, it’s not doing its job. How many times have you visited a stunning website only to be frustrated by slow loading times, confusing navigation, or distracting elements? The reality is, when people visit your site, they want to accomplish something—whether it’s finding information, solving a problem, or making a purchase. If they can’t do that easily, they’re out. And that’s a problem for your bottom line. Put User Experience First Here’s the truth—user experience (UX) should be your top priority. A site that’s easy to navigate, loads quickly, and helps users get what they need will always outperform a visually stunning but clunky site. Your design should enhance usability, not hinder it. Think about it: Have you ever been on a site that looked amazing but made it nearly impossible to find what you were looking for? Maybe the menu was hidden, or the text was hard to read against a flashy background. These design choices might look cool, but they can cost you customers. SEO Isn’t Just About Keywords And let’s not forget about SEO. You could have the best-looking site in the world, but if no one can find it, what’s the point? Search engines favor sites that are user-friendly and provide value. If your site is more focused on style than substance, you might struggle with visibility. Keep it simple. Avoid overly complex layouts that confuse both visitors and search engines. Optimize your images so they don’t slow down your site. And make sure your content is structured in a way that’s easy for both people and algorithms to understand. Find the Balance The best websites strike a balance between looking good and working well. It’s not about choosing one over the other—it’s about making sure your site does both. A great website isn’t just visually appealing; it’s also fast, intuitive, and guides your users to take action. Final Thoughts Your website’s main goal is to convert visitors into customers. If your design is getting in the way, it’s time for a rethink. Don’t let a pretty design kill your conversions. Focus on creating a user-friendly, SEO-optimized site that looks great and works even better. Because in digital marketing, a site that works always beats one that just looks good. #WebsiteDesign #Conversions #UserExperience #SEO #DigitalMarketing #EcommerceSuccess #MarketingStrategy #WebDevelopment #OnlineSales

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    Let’s talk about one of the best-kept secrets in the eCommerce game—upselling and cross-selling. If you’ve been struggling to boost online sales, listen up. These strategies are your secret weapon, turning “meh” sales into a revenue-boosting party. And guess what? It’s easier than you think. So, What’s the Deal with Upselling and Cross-Selling? Upselling is like offering your customers the VIP experience—showing them the premium, souped-up version of what they’re already eyeing. It’s the “treat yourself” nudge they didn’t know they needed. Cross-selling is your chance to be that savvy friend who says, “Hey, if you’re getting that, you might wanna check this out too.” It’s about suggesting a killer combo that complements their original pick. Funnels are the smooth-talking process that guides customers from “just browsing” to “shut up and take my money!” When you slide these offers into the right spots, you’re not just making sales—you’re creating happy customers. How to Rock Those Upselling and Cross-Selling Funnels 1. Spot the Sweet Spots: • Hit them with cross-sells on the product pages—right when they’re in the shopping mood. Drop those upsells in the cart; it’s the perfect moment to say, “This could be even better…” 2. Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse: • On the product page, suggest add-ons that make their purchase even better. In the cart, show them the deluxe version with all the bells and whistles. Sweeten the deal with bundles or discounts. 3. Let the Tech Do the Talking: • Use smart tools to serve up these offers at just the right time. And make it personal—tailor suggestions based on what they’ve been checking out. It’s like you’re reading their mind (in a non-creepy way). 4. Test, Tweak, and Dominate: • Experiment with different offers and placements. Keep tweaking until you find that sweet spot where the magic happens. Real-Life Examples of Selling Like a Pro 1. Apple: • Ever bought an iPhone and got tempted to upgrade to more storage? That’s Apple’s upsell game on point. They know how to make you feel like you need that extra space. 2. Amazon: • You’ve seen those “Frequently Bought Together” sections. That’s Amazon cross-selling like a champ, making sure you leave with everything you need (and more). 3. McDonald’s: • “Would you like to supersize that?”—one of the most iconic upsells ever. McDonald’s knows how to turn a simple meal into a feast. Final Word: Don’t Settle for Less Upselling and cross-selling aren’t just sales tactics—they’re how you turn your business into a powerhouse. It’s about making sure your customers feel like they scored, while you reap the benefits. Whether you’re running a small shop or a big brand, start slipping these strategies into your sales process. You’ll be amazed at how quickly things can turn around. Ready to take your sales to the next level? Let’s do this. #Upselling #CrossSelling #SalesFunnels #MarketingStrategy #IncreaseSales #EcommerceTips #DigitalMarketing

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    Unlock the Power of Structured Data: Why Basic Plugins Might Be Holding Your SEO Back In the ever-evolving world of SEO, one term that often comes up is "structured data." But what exactly is structured data, and why is it so important for your website's search engine optimization? What is Structured Data? Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content. It helps search engines like Google better understand what your website is about and how to display it in search results. For example, if you own an eCommerce store, structured data can tell search engines about the products you sell, their prices, customer reviews, and more. By using structured data, you can enhance your website's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) through rich snippets, which include extra details like star ratings, images, or even specific service offerings. This additional information can make your website stand out from the competition and potentially drive more traffic to your site. The Limitations of Basic Structured Data Plugins Many website owners rely on plugins to implement structured data, thinking it’s a quick and easy solution. While it’s true that these plugins offer a convenient way to add structured data to your site, they often come with significant limitations. Most of these plugins provide only basic settings, covering generic information without diving deep into the specific features and services your business offers. For instance, a basic plugin might only allow you to mark up your business name and address. However, it might miss out on crucial details like product specifications, pricing, or service descriptions, which are vital for enhancing your website's search engine performance. Why You Should Consider Doing It Yourself or Hiring a Specialist While plugins can save time, they might not fully leverage the potential of structured data to boost your SEO. Implementing structured data manually allows you to tailor the markup to your specific business needs, ensuring that all relevant information is accurately communicated to search engines. If you have the technical know-how and time, doing it yourself can be a rewarding process, giving you full control over how your data is presented. However, if you're not comfortable diving into code or simply don’t have the time, hiring a specialist is a wise investment. An SEO expert can ensure that your structured data is comprehensive, up-to-date, and optimized for the best possible search engine performance. In the competitive digital landscape, every detail counts. Relying solely on basic structured data plugins might mean you’re missing out on significant opportunities to enhance your website’s visibility and performance. #SEO #eCommerce #StructuredData #WebsiteOptimization #AceItSEO #SERP #DigitalMarketing #SEOExpert

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