Get ready to expand your network! Join us and a remarkable group in NYC for an unforgettable networking experience. We can't wait to see you there!
Streaming Media Expert: Industry Analyst, Writer and Consultant. Chairman of the NAB Show Streaming Summit (
🍺 It’s time to gather those in the streaming industry in NYC for an informal meetup on March 18th at 6 p.m. Network with your peers and enjoy free drinks, thanks to Uplynk, Amagi Corporation, Wowza, and Bitmovin, who will cover the bar tab. 🍷 No RSVP is required, but you MUST bring your ID—it’s a bar—and a business card. There is no coat check or place to store items. I expect the event to last 2-2.5 hours. #streamingmedia #meetup #SVOD #AVOD