

Truck Transportation

Evansville, IN 13,798 followers

Every day we help you Go New Places®, bringing the world within reach.

About us

We’re Atlas—among the world’s most trusted in all types of successful moves that can take you or your company to new places—including household goods moving and relocation services, commercial/office & industrial needs, and logistics operations. Door-to-any-door, anywhere in the world. Through constant technological and procedural improvements, Atlas helps you go new places® on the map, or to new levels of efficiency within your organization—more easily and securely. We hold our agents to standards that are higher than those imposed by the industry itself. Atlas ranks among the highest quality moving companies in the world based upon customer feedback. Every day, we go new places® with you.

Truck Transportation
Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Evansville, IN
Privately Held
Moving, Logistics, Corporate Relocation, Storage, Transportation, and Travel


Employees at Atlas


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