Software Development

Trade like a titan.

About us

Atlas is an investment and analysis platform for non-fungible assets. Over the past few years, we've seen a proliferation of non-fungible assets becoming digitized and financialized, unlocking markets that were traditionally inaccessible for most people. Many companies have recently capitalized on this opportunity to great success. Today, more investors than ever are looking to add new, uncorrelated assets to their portfolios. However, most of these asset classes still exist in highly illiquid, fragmented, and poorly-understood markets. There is a lacking of proper tools to enable better discoverability, analysis, and trading of these assets. Atlas is a supercharged discoverability, analysis, and trading tool for these types of asset classes. The rapid adoption of NFTs as a design pattern provides a revolutionary foundation for even more asset classes to become digitized with greater efficiency and safety. We’re building the fundamental architecture to value, analyze, and trade non-fungible assets at scale and in real-time. Our first product is a next-generation NFT aggregator: a trade execution platform, elevated by machine learning-powered analysis and wrapped with a superior user interface. We’re starting with NFTs as the first asset class and wedge into the space because they already sit on permissionless networks: the data and trade execution are already open. We see blockchain technology as a step function improvement over existing transaction rail systems and are taking an activist position in expanding this technology into more asset classes. Come build with us!

Software Development
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held
Machine Learning, Quantitative Analysis, web3, NFTs, Financial Services, and Trading

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