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Atlas Renewable Energy

Atlas Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy Power Generation

Miami, FL 99,152 followers

We put new energy solutions into action.

About us

Atlas Renewable Energy delivers clean energy at scale. We help our partners accelerate their energy transitions and accomplish their sustainability goals. Every single one of our contracted projects has a 100% delivery rate. Founded in 2017, we are already one of the world’s fastest-growing renewables companies. Today, we are Latin America’s top clean energy developer selling renewable energy to corporate buyers, and we’re the 6th largest globally, according to a 2021 BloombergNEF report. Start the conversation today:

Renewable Energy Power Generation
Company size
201-500 employees
Miami, FL
Privately Held
Renewable Energy, Infrastructure, Solar Energy, and Wind Energy


  • Primary

    1221 Brickell Avenue

    Suite 1200

    Miami, FL 33133, US

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  • Avenida Apoquindo 3474


    Las Condes, Santiago Metropolitan 7550000, CL

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  • Av Engenheiro Luís Carlos Berrini 105

    Conjunto 71 - 7º andar

    São Paulo, SP 04571-010, BR

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  • Andres Bello 10


    Colonia Polanco, Mexico City 11550, MX

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  • Pinar 7, planta 5 izqda.

    Madrid, Community of Madrid 28006, ES

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  • Cl. 79 #9-10

    Oficina 801

    Bogota, 110221, CO

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Employees at Atlas Renewable Energy


  • ¿Cómo puede la tecnología de almacenamiento de baterías impulsar el sector energético en Colombia? La próxima semana, Ruben Borja, nuestro Country Manager en Colombia, será speaker en el Colombia Energy Summit 2025 en Bogotá en el panel "Eficiencia Energética en Colombia: Almacenamiento y Comercialización en la Expansión del Mercado" donde, junto con otros líderes de la industria, conversará sobre el papel de las baterías en el desarrollo de la industria energética en Colombia. 📅: 26 de marzo 🕒: 04:15 pm (COT) 🔗 Regístrate y conoce más: 

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  • Accelerating the clean energy transition takes continuous tangible action—something we've been committed to since 2017. We've made several significant strides towards that goal over the years, including adding new projects to our portfolio, avoiding hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions each year, and helping companies around the globe achieve their sustainability targets. Contact us via WhatsApp to find out more about how transitioning to renewable energy would benefit your company:

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  • Throughout Latin America, particularly in Chile, battery energy storage systems (BESS) are experiencing a "gold rush" as their integration helps address intermittency challenges and technology costs become increasingly competitive. At Economist Impact's 2nd Annual Energy Transition Summit, Camilo Serrano, our Regional Manager for Spain, Mexico, and Colombia, participated in the panel "Fully Charged: The Positives and Negatives of Battery Breakthroughs," where he discussed why we're seeing this growth. Listen to his insights and watch the full discussion here:

  • Nesta semana, nosso Diretor Global de Estratégia Comercial Lucas Salgado participou do Capacity LATAM em São Paulo, evento que reuniu mais de 800 participantes, incluindo operadoras de telecomunicações, empresas de data centers, fornecedores de infraestrutura e representantes governamentais. A iniciativa trouxe debates importantes sobre a evolução dos data centers, o papel dos cabos submarinos e os desafios da conectividade no Brasil. A troca de ideias mostrou como inovação e parcerias estratégicas são essenciais para atender à demanda por infraestrutura digital. A conexão entre energia renovável e infraestrutura digital é crucial para o desenvolvimento do País, e acompanhar essas discussões nos permite entender melhor as necessidades dos nossos clientes, mantendo nosso foco em acelerar a transição energética de forma sustentável com soluções de energia personalizadas para indústrias variadas.

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  • Navigating diverse energy regulations is essential for multinational corporations pursuing renewable projects, and #AtlasRenewableEnergy can help. Our expertise allows us to provide the knowledge needed to ensure policy compliance across borders, align with cultural and operational standards, and deliver customized solutions for each company’s unique needs. Learn more by contacting us through our new WhatsApp messaging service:

  • Recientemente, Juan Pablo Sáenz Castañeda nuestro Country Manager en México, participó en el Future Energy Summit Mexico 2025. Durante el panel “Estado de la energía solar fotovoltaica en México: Nuevos desarrollos y soluciones tecnológicas”, Juan Pablo destacó el papel de Atlas en la transición hacia la energía limpia y la importancia del almacenamiento para aumentar la penetración de la energía solar en la red eléctrica nacional. También enfatizó que la experiencia en Chile ha sido clave para introducir soluciones de almacenamiento en México, desarrollando proyectos híbridos que permiten desplazar la generación a las horas de mayor demanda, mejorando así la confiabilidad del sistema.

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  • Atlas Renewable Energy reposted this

     "Las reglas del juego cambian rápido. Solo las empresas con estrategia clara, capacidad de adaptación y credibilidad a largo plazo liderarán la transición energética." Así lo afirma Susana Morales Díaz, Project Acquisition & New Business Manager en Atlas Renewable Energy, en su entrevista para Voces del Sector Solar. Hablamos sobre los desafíos del sector: Almacenamiento energético: ¿Por qué sin regulación clara la inversión peligra? Hidrógeno verde: ¿Está Chile realmente preparado para liderar? Financiamiento ESG: ¿Cómo dejar de verlo como una simple etiqueta y convertirlo en una ventaja competitiva? 🎤 ¿Qué opinan los líderes del sector? ¿Estamos preparados para estos retos?

  • ✨ En Atlas Renewable Energy renovamos nuestro compromiso con la igualdad de género en el sector energético ✨ Un año más, nos sumamos al encuentro anual "Energía + Mujeres", una iniciativa clave del Ministerio de Energía que impulsa la equidad de género en nuestra industria. Durante la jornada, se presentó el balance de los avances logrados en 2024 y se anunciaron las nuevas iniciativas para 2025, reafirmando por séptimo año consecutivo el trabajo conjunto del Plan Energía + Mujeres. Además, se destacó la publicación del Anuario de Buenas Prácticas del Sector Privado 2024, del que Atlas también forma parte. Participó en el evento Macarena Abarca Esparza y Natalia Phillips Recart.

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  • Fully Charged: The Positives and Negatives of Battery Breakthroughs. Earlier this week, Camilo Serrano, our Regional Manager for Spain, Mexico and Colombia, joined other industry leaders in a panel at The Economist's 2nd Annual Energy Transition Summit. During the discussion, Camilo shared his perspective on the importance of BESS technology within the sector and how #AtlasRenewableEnergy has already started to implement battery energy storage systems in Latin America. Thank you to The Economist for inviting us to be a part of this significant event. 

  • The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) act as a guide for creating a more sustainable planet - a purpose reflected in our own sustainability strategy. For that reason, one of the core SDGs we follow is #13: Climate Action. Take a look at some of the initiatives we've enacted throughout the years and visit to learn more about our commitment to sustainability. 

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