Our growth journey is our choice. And so is to not be on that journey. Here are 15 reasons to excuse yourself from growth. Any favourites?
1. Growth is for plants.
2. Goals are just suggestions.
3. Self-discipline is for monks, not me.
4. Self-help books make better doorstops.
5. Self-reflection is for mirrors, not minds.
7. Why set goals when I can just wing it?
8. Who needs mentors when I have memes?
9. Comfort zones are called ‘zones’ for a reason.
10. Growth requires effort, and effort is exhausting.
11. Why face challenges when I can avoid them?
12. Change is overrated; stagnation is the new black.
13. Procrastination is just too much fun – and an art.
14. Why improve when I can stay comfortably stuck?
15. Why bother improving when I am already perfect?
If you still want to have the rewarding taste and excitement of growing and progressing personally and professionally, do this:
1/ Self-Assessment: Reflect on strengths, weaknesses, values and goals.
2/ Set clear goals: your goals should connect to your passion and spark a positive emotion.
3/ Create a plan: define actions to bridge your way from where you are to where you want to end up.
4/ Seek knowledge and skills: invest in yourself along the way. Learn things that support your journey.
5/ Be consistent: Commit to regular and consistent action steps towards your goal. Even small steps.
6/ Embrace discomfort: don’t let yourself be demotivated by discomfort. It is your growth booster.
Remember: personal growth is a continuous journey, and not a certificate you get at one point. Celebrate your progress along the way and be patient with yourself.
PS: what has been your most impactful action for personal growth?
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