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Boart Longyear

Boart Longyear


West Valley City, Utah 86,211 followers

Drilling services | Orebody knowledge tech. | Innovative, safe & productivity-driven drilling equipment | Circa 1890.

About us

Established in 1890, Boart Longyear is the world’s leading innovative provider of drilling services, manufacturer of productivity-driven drilling equipment and performance tooling, and developer of orebody-data technology which is revolutionizing the future of mineral development. People are the Company’s key assets, and it is understood the best ideas result from collaboration between individuals with diverse backgrounds, opinions, and perspectives. Boart Longyear is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace – fostering environments free of discrimination and harassment, where everyone feels free and safe to present their ideas and opinions. With a rich heritage of more than 133 years in operation, the Company continues to build value for customers worldwide. Boart Longyear is headquartered in the US capital city of Salt Lake City, Utah. The Company operates in 26 countries with close to 6000 employees at the end of 2023.

Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
West Valley City, Utah
Public Company
Contract Drilling Services, Manufacturing, Research & Development, Mine De-Watering, Environmental Sampling, Oil Sands Exploration, Mining, Machines, Drills, Diamond Bits, and Rock Tools


  • Primary

    2455 S 3600 W

    West Valley City, Utah 84119, US

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  • 26 Bulter Boulevard

    Burbridge Business Park

    Adelaide, South Australia 5950, AU

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  • 12 Avenue des Morgines

    Geneva, Switzerland CH1213, CH

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  • 2442 South Sheridan Way

    Mississauga, Ontario L5J 2M7, CA

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  • Av. Los Libertadores 16.500 - Sitio 1- A-2

    Complejo Industrial Los Libertadores

    Colina, Santiago-Chile 858 0641, CL

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  • 1067 Katrol Ave

    Robertville, Roodepoort, Johannesburg 1709, ZA

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Employees at Boart Longyear


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    View profile for Rudi Lategan

    Rock Tools Area Manager at Boart Longyear

    Why choose Boart Longyear Global reach and expertise: We operate worldwide, offering consistent service and expertise regardless of location. This is crucial for multinational mining operations. Wide range of services: We provide a comprehensive suite of drilling services, covering exploration, resource definition, production drilling and many more. This reduces the need to contract with multiple vendors. Technological innovation: Boart Longyear invests in developing and utilizing advanced drilling technologies, leading to increased efficiency and improved data quality. This can translate to cost savings and better exploration outcomes. Safety record: A strong safety record is essential in the mining industry, and Boart Longyear emphasizes safety in its operations. Experienced workforce: We employ highly skilled and experienced on/off site technical support. Don’t wait contact us now💪

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    View profile for Dalia Mora

    HR professional - Elevating businesses with strategic HR solutions

    **Celebrating 35 Years of Excellence: A Tribute** Today, we proudly celebrate Shane Williams's remarkable 35 years with Boart Longyear. In an age of frequent job changes, Shane’s unwavering commitment reflects his strong character and our company culture. What sets Shane apart is not only his extensive tenure but also the immense value he brings. His deep understanding of our manufacturing processes is invaluable, allowing him to anticipate challenges and prevent issues before they arise, ensuring our customers receive top-quality products. Shane’s reliability is unmatched; he arrives on time every day with a positive attitude that has remained consistent for 35 years. His professionalism inspires us all. His warm nature enriches our workplace, as he readily shares stories, offers advice, and lends a listening ear. Shane’s institutional knowledge represents a living history of Boart Longyear and guides many employees with his experience. As we celebrate his incredible 35 years, we recognize both his professional achievements and the positive impact he has had on everyone around him. #employeerecognition #manufacturing #anniversary #WorkplaceCulture #EmployeeEngagement #EmployeeAppreciation #HR #mining

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  • Capacitación Exitosa en Boart Longyear 🚀 Esta semana tuvimos el placer de realizar un entrenamiento de nuestro equipo de perforación LF-230 para el primer grupo del personal operativo de uno de nuestros clientes clave, AK DRILLING ¡Todo un éxito! La sesión se dividió en dos partes: 1️. Teoría: Cubrimos las características, funcionalidades, ventajas y recomendaciones de uso del equipo, asegurándonos de que todos los asistentes tuvieran una comprensión clara de su funcionamiento. 2️. Práctica: El grupo tuvo la oportunidad de ver a la LF-230 en acción, explorando las diferentes partes del equipo y resolviendo todas las dudas junto a nuestro jefe de Postventa, Max Zelada, quien compartió su experiencia y conocimientos con el personal de AKDrilling. Nos complace ratificar una vez más nuestro compromiso de continuar brindando el soporte necesario para garantizar el óptimo rendimiento de nuestros productos y mejorar en la productividad de nuestros clientes. ¡Seguimos fortaleciendo nuestros vínculos y compartiendo conocimiento con nuestros clientes! #BoartLongyear #LF230 #Capacitación #Entrenamiento #EquiposDePerforación #DesarrolloDeEquipo #Postventa #Innovación #ClientesClave #OperaciónEficiente #Exploración #MineriaSuperficial #Equipment

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  • Thanks for coming up to PDAC and supporting Boart Longyear so well. Your dedication to the industry is fantastic!

    View organization page for Valence | Boart Longyear | Getman


    Na última semana, nosso Diretor de Operações, Marx Gutierrez, e o Gerente de Vendas, Artur Pereira Nogueira Mendes, estiveram presentes na Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), maior evento global do setor de mineração, que acontece anualmente em Toronto, uma das principais cidades do país.     O evento reuniu os principais players globais para discutir estratégias, novas oportunidades de negócios e debater sobre o futuro do setor. No estande da Boart Longyear, trocamos experiências e nos conectamos com clientes, profissionais da indústria mineral e líderes do mercado internacional, destacando o compromisso da Valence Boart Longyear no cenário global.   Durante o evento, organizamos uma programação exclusiva para nossos clientes brasileiros: uma visita à fábrica da Boart Longyear em Salt Lake City, EUA. Lá, eles conheceram de perto toda a tecnologia utilizada em equipamentos de perfuração e geotecnia, com uma verdadeira imersão nas inovações mais recentes do setor. Além disso, participamos de reuniões estratégicas com clientes e com a diretoria da Boart Longyear, que contou com a presença do recém-nomeado diretor para a América do Sul, Fernando Wuilloud.   Nossa participação no PDAC 2025 reforça nosso compromisso com a excelência e a inovação na indústria da mineração, fortalecendo parcerias e explorando novas oportunidades de mercado.

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    Ülkemizin madencilik alanında değer yaratan en önemli firmalarından Eti Bakır A.Ş.’nin yeni projeleri kapsamında alımını yaptığı 3 adet LMPQ yer altı sondaj makinesinin ilkinin teslimatını tamamladık. Kayen Maden olarak, yer altında PQ çapta sondaj yapma kapasitesine sahip Boart Longyear'ın ürettiği bu çok özel makineyi Avrupa'da ilk kez Türkiye'de hizmete sunmuş olmanın mutluluğunu ve heyecanını yaşıyoruz. Bu özel projede tercihini bizden yana yaptığı için ETİ BAKIR AŞ’ye teşekkür ediyoruz. #kayen #boartlongyear #etibakir

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    Nos últimos episódios, apresentamos a Sonda LF™ 90 da Boart Longyear e destacamos suas funcionalidades e diferenciais. Agora, queremos levar a conversa adiante! 🛠️ 💬 Quer saber como a LF™ 90 pode atender às necessidades do seu projeto? 📲 Fale com um consultor especializado da Valence Boart Longyear e conheça mais sobre as soluções que temos para você. #ValenceBoartLongyear #SondaLF90 #ConsultoriaEspecializada #Inovação

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    The Boart Longyear Australia team enjoyed an incredible lunch last week in Perth as part of the International Women’s Day celebrations. At Boart Longyear, we celebrate women who inspire us to never give up, no matter the challenges. One such incredible woman is Turia Pitt. Her journey, one of immense adversity and unwavering courage, reminds us that there’s no challenge too great when you have the will to overcome it. Turia’s comeback from a devastating incident is a testament to her tenacity, courage, and determination to live life on her terms. Her story, which is not just about surviving but thriving, is made even more powerful by the unwavering support of her husband and family. They stood by her side, providing the love and strength she needed to rebuild and continue chasing her dreams. At today’s lunch, we left feeling deeply inspired by Turia’s resilience and her message: never give up, no matter the obstacles in your path. She is living proof that no setback is too big to overcome. Pictured left to right: Nollaig Trevarthen, Omer Ahmad, Shane Carr, Beau Milner, Glen Brabham, Michael Doubikin, Carmel McLean, Jaskiran Kaur, Tara O’Neil, Kira Cross. #InternationalWomensDay #Resilience #Courage #NeverGiveUp #TuriaPitt #Inspiration

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    📣 PDAC 2025 draws 27,353 participants to Toronto for the World's Premier Mineral Exploration and Mining Convention "Minerals are the backbone of modern technology and are indispensable to our daily lives, highlighting the essential role of mineral exploration and mining in Canada’s economic strength and resilience,” Said PDAC President Raymond Goldie. “This week, PDAC was encouraged by the federal government’s commitment to extend the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (METC) for two years. Our priority now to ensure that this commitment becomes law, and we’ll continue pushing for it to have a permanent place in Canada’s fiscal framework.” Read the press release:

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  • Boart Longyear reposted this

    At Boart Longyear Drilling Services, we celebrate the incredible women both in the field and behind the scenes who support our Drilling Service business to keep our rigs turning. We are grateful for your dedication and the positive impact you bring to our teams around the globe. Thank you for making Boart Longyear a better place for us all. #AccelerateAction #GenderEquality #InternationalWomensDay #InspireInclusion #EqualForAll #BoartLongyear #IWD2025

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