Pre-processing is a crucial step in EEG data analysis, and at BRAIN VISION LLC and Brain Vision Solutions Inc., we’re always happy to help you get the most out of your data. 👉 For those looking to dive deeper, there’s an upcoming BESA GmbH workshop in Chicago, IL, 📆 on April 9-10, where you can explore advanced #EEG analysis techniques. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your EEG research workflow! If you have any questions or need support, please get in touch with our teams. #EEG #Neuroscience #BESA #BrainVisionAnalyzer
BESA Connectivity is a great tool for analyzing and visualizing brain connectivity. Many users start it directly from BESA Research. But if you do your preprocessing in EEGLab, or in #Brain Vision Analyzer, then there is an easy way to get your data into BESA Connectivity too! Just download our MATLAB scripts and get going straight away: Any questions, let us know! 💡 #besa #neuroscience #softwaresolutions #braintech #eeg