With over 22 years of international brand name evaluations and tagline screenings, Brand-Aid’s knowledgeable team has insights into almost every industry and sector to provide reliable brand name evaluations, brand disaster checking, logo screenings, market data, and feedback.
Brand-Aid assigns experienced native-speaking linguists to evaluate your brand names, logos, and taglines. They perform a full linguistic check to test for:
• Problems with pronunciation
• Negative or otherwise concerning literal meanings
• Negative or otherwise concerning associations
• Conflicts with existing brands in the market
Our teams also evaluate brand names and taglines for slang and dialect, recognizable words, comprehension, and historical or religious connotations to ensure the brand name or slogan resonates positively and appropriately in your target languages and cultures. All this is done with speedy turnaround times and unparalleled competence.
Brand-Aid is owned and operated by Transatlantic Translations Group.
Translation and Localization
Company size
51-200 employees
Rye, New York
Privately Held
Brand Name Evaluations, Brand Disaster Checking, Brand Logo Evaluations, and Tagline Screenings