Corn Hole for a Cause

Corn Hole for a Cause

Non-profit Organizations

Providing Hope for families battling cancer

About us

Phoenixville’s Mary Fran and Brock Riffel hosted the first Corn Hole in 2009, with about 25 people in attendance. The event has grown each year and now attracts more than 350 guests who enjoy fun and great food in support of families with cancer. In 2012, her brother Tom was diagnosed with cancer, and Mary Fran decided to dedicate the event to cancer charities. In spite of being weak from treatments and the amputation of his leg, Tom, a chef by trade, prepared a BBQ spread for 175 guests that year. He faced that loss and every other challenge with courage and determination until his death in 2014. The Riffels are pleased to donate the proceeds from Corn Hole for a Cause to a great local cancer charity, Bringing Hope Home. “Through all of his treatments, we were lucky to spend time with Tom without the worry of bills, car payments or gas and tolls to visit him in the hospital. Families who have a member battling cancer not only have to think about how to pay for their medical bills ,they also need to pay rent and mortgages, electric bills, car payments, and hospital visit expenses like parking and tolls, while keeping family spirits up. I love that Bringing Hope Home helps to take away some of this burden,” said Riffel. Over the past 13 years Corn Hole for a Cause has raised over $330,00 for Bringing Hope Home. This event that is 100% run by volunteers brings in over 350 people from the Philadelphia area for a day of Corn Hole, food, spirits, auction and children's activities all to support families who are battling cancer. Join us this year! October 7th Valley Forge, PA 11:00 am Check in Noon Start

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
1 employee

Employees at Corn Hole for a Cause


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