Interested in the faces behind the intelligence at Resolver Trust & Safety? Make sure you're following our new dedicated page! #OnlineRisk #RiskIntelligence
Meet the faces behind Resolver! 👋 George Vlasto, our Head of Trust and Safety, is responsible for overall Division strategy, resourcing, partnerships and performance. George has a deep knowledge of online and offline risk intelligence and extensive experience in bringing insight from these domains together in close collaboration with partners. His 15 years as a diplomat for the UK government allows him to bring a global perspective to Trust and Safety. "I’m incredibly proud to be part of a team that achieves extraordinary impact for our partners on a daily basis. The work we do addresses some of the thorniest online issues: helping to keep users safe, platforms and technology service providers protected, and the wider Trust and Safety ecosystem supported. We celebrate our twentieth anniversary in Trust and Safety next year and, building on our unique heritage, we look forward to delivering the gold standard in intelligence, advice and actionable insight to our Trust and Safety partners for many more years to come!" Stay tuned for more spotlights on the incredible individuals driving unrivalled intelligence at Resolver. #MeetTheTeam #CompanyCulture #TrustandSafety #ResolverTeam