DARE2CYCLE’s cover photo


Research Services

A transnational research project funded by Green ERA-Hub

About us

The DARE2CYCLE project is a European project funded under the Green ERA-Hub initiative in 2024. With a total budget of almost 2 M€, and the collaboration of 7 partners (5 research institutions and 2 industries) across 6 EU countries, it aims to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions to recover and valorize dairy waste and residues into alternative microbial protein for both nutritional and technical applications. Project Consortium: - University of Naples Federico II, Italy - Silvio Matassa (Coordinator) - University of Galway, Ireland - Piet Lens - Fraunhofer Institute, Germany - Victor Takazi Katayama - King’s College London, United Kingdom - Miao Guo - Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway - Volha Shapaval - EniferBIO, Finland - Joosu Kuivanen - TINE AS, Norway - Katinka Perrott Arntsen

Research Services
Company size
11-50 employees


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