CFPs are open! If you have a topic that you'd like to share with a group of 500 of your closest friends or have a great idea for a workshop, submit your proposal for DevOpsDays Raleigh
2025 - April 16th and 17th at North Carolina State University's McKimmon Center.
Introduced last year and brought back by popular demand - Pokémon inspired DevOps character cards! If approved for a talk/workshop, you'll get one (or more) of the following character cards:
SparkoSpeak - Ignite talk
InspiroSpeaker - Keynote
WorkshopWiz - Workshop Leader
If you've done a keynote previously, submit for an ignite or a workshop. Complete the set! There are a few rockstars that are pretty close to completing....(Laura Santamaria, Marino Wijay, John Willis and some others....)
We are a community driven conference. If you have a topic that will benefit the #DevOps community, submit! Link will be in the comments.
#CFP #Raleigh #DevOpsDays #Technology #Engineering #Conference #Speaker