DIGITPORTS Project Interreg Italy-Croatia’s cover photo
DIGITPORTS Project Interreg Italy-Croatia

DIGITPORTS Project Interreg Italy-Croatia

IT System Design Services

Boost the competitiveness of maritime transport through digitalisation tools (Digital Twins-DT) in the Adriatic basin.

About us

The DIGITPORTS project aims to boost the competitiveness of maritime transport through the use of digitalisation tools (Digital Twins - DT) to enhance planning capabilities, operational sustainability and performance of ports, creating a scalable DT logistic network in the Adriatic basin. The DIGITPORTS project, by key points, focuses on helping port authorities to: • achieve full digitalization of administrative and planning procedures • contribute to the decarbonization of transport and a better use of resources • adopt a common strategy to ensure a common quality and scalability of the ports' digital replication model (the so-called “Digital Twins”) • strengthen cooperation in the field of digitalization, creating a cultural change with standard and interoperable quality requirements, setting as a medium-term (10 years) goal the full digitalization of port operations in the Adriatic area. The DIGITPORTS partnership comprises 7 Port Authorities: Lead Partner: North Adriatic Sea Port System Authority (NASPA), ports of Venice and Chioggia - IT Project Partners: Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea (PNAEAS), ports of Trieste and Monfalcone - IT Port of Ravenna Authority (ADSPMACS) - IT Port of Rijeka Authority (PRA) - HR Port of Ploče Authority (PPA) - HR Port of Zadar Authority (ZPA) - HR Port of Split Authority (SPA) - HR Associated Organization: Central Adriatic Ports Authority (ADSPMAC), ports of Pesaro, Falconara Marittima, Ancona, S. Benedetto, Pescara, Ortona - IT

IT System Design Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Government Agency


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