The ETSM2030 project was presented as an example of good practice at a poster exhibition during the Sustainability Week at the University of Innsbruck. From November 11 to November 15, 2024, the University of Innsbruck hosted its second “Sustainabilty Week”. The aim of the poster exhibition was to show which research projects or initiatives exist at the University of Innsbruck that contribute to sustainability at the university or beyond. The opening of the poster exhibition took place at the kick-off event on November 11, 2024 in the Ágnes-Heller Haus. After a short welcome by the Vice-Rector for Digitalization and Sustainability, guests were invited to a cozy brunch where the posters were presented at the same time and questions from the visitors were answered. Claudia Rauch, Austrian project team member from the University of Innsbruck, represented the poster at the kick-off event. More about the event: #ETSM2030 #tourism #sustainability #Innsbruck
About us
Project funded by the European Union (EU), part of COSME, to foster sustainability certification and sustainability knowledge within tourism SMEs.
- Website
External link for ETSM2030
- Industry
- Travel Arrangements
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Type
- Partnership
- Founded
- 2023
We are happy to share our fourth newsletter of ETSM2030 with you! In this newsletter you can find out more about the current project steps of SIPs (Sustainability Innovation Projects) and sustainability monitoring, the next project steps as well as some take-aways of our Best-Practice examples! You can find our Newsletter no. 4 here: or on our Website via #ETSM2030 #newsletter #projectnews #sustainability #tourism
The ETSM2030 project was presented during the XIII European Mountain Convention (EMC) in Puigcerda - Catalunya, organized by Euromontana - the European multisectoral association for cooperation and development of mountain areas, one of the most important networks dedicated to improving the quality of life in mountain regions. During the four days event (15-18 October, 2024) our Romanian project representative from Asociația RoMontana, Adrian - Radu Rey, made a presentation of ETSM2030 during the Inspiring Innitiatives section, Workshop 5 - Working with nature: how to rethink tourism in mountain areas? Participants showed high interest in the ETSM2030 activities, preliminary results and our approach for promoting and monitoring sustainability in the tourism sector. Also a poster presenting our project was shown during the event in the main hall of the EMC location. More details on the event here:
ETSM2030 reposted this
Gramy w zielone, a Wy? Od początku roku szkolimy się w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Temat jest dla nas bardzo ważny, bo ważny jest dla naszego otoczenia. Chcemy, żeby Bydgoszcz była fajnym miastem nie tylko do odwiedzin, ale także do życia. Dbamy o pracowników, środowisko i lokalnych przedsiębiorców. Chcemy to robić jeszcze lepiej. Nikt nie jest idealny, ale zawsze możemy się postarać. Zobaczcie, to nasza polityka zrównoważonego rozwoju! Powstała dzięki naszemu uczestnictwu w projekcie ETSM2030 i naszej mentorce Anula Galewska z Travindy. Drobne zmiany mają znaczenie! Też tak sądzicie? #ZrównoważonyRozwój #ZielonaPrzyszłość #OdpowiedzialnyBiznes #DobrePraktyki #LokalneSpołeczności #ZmianyNaLepsze #CSR
We are so proud of our participants Barbara Frenner from Les Gomines B&B and Giulia Call from Excelsior Dolomites Life Resort for having such an innovative sustainability innovation project!🌱💡 #ETSM2030 #SIP
We are excited to announce the launch of a new initiative in collaboration with Barbara Frenner and Giulia Call, as part of the European project ETSM2030 (European Tourism Sustainability Monitoring) for sustainability. 🌍 "Marcé alimentar" is a digital marketplace where you can buy fresh food products directly from our local producers. 🍎🧀 In a dedicated WhatsApp group the market's offers are posted, giving you access to promotions and deals, helping to reduce food waste while supporting the local economy.♻️ Let’s make sustainable shopping easier and more impactful together! #Sustainability #FoodWaste #ETSM2030 #LocalProducts #GreenEconomy
We are delighted and honoured to welcome Andrei Blumer from the Association of Ecotourism in Romania (AER) to our Best Practice series, on the 2nd of October, online from 14.00 to 15.30 CET! AER is a partnership for sustainable tourism development and nature conservation in Romania, bringing together tourism associations, non-governmental organizations for local development and nature conservation, guesthouses and tourism agencies. We are looking forward to exciting and inspiring insights! #ETSM2030 #sustainability
In our Best-Practice Speech Pawel Wator from the Eliksir restaurant showed that you just need some creativity to turn daily products into cocktails and your imagination is your only blockage in finding creative ways to reduce waste.💚 #ETSM2030 #sustainability #zerowaste
Pawel Wator from Eliksir Restaurant stated in our last Best Practice Speech that we do not need a handful of peole doing zero waste perfectly but millions of people doing it imperfectly.💡 #ETSM2030 #sustainability
In our last Best Practice Speech Pawel Wator from the Eliksir Restaurant gave interesting insights in his zero-waste-policy. He states "You can save some food and still be a great restaurant with great dishes, which you can charge the people mony from it and earn some money." - Pawel Wator💡 #ETSM2030 #sustainabilty #zerowaste